If Quidditch Were Like Ballet ::3::

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***Hello :) I'm really hoping to have more readers very soon! I don't give up so easily! I'll keep trying. Thanks for those few of you who do read though, it truly does mean a lot! Again sorry it's staring out slow! It gets more interesting soon hopefully... Enjoy!***

She was up and ready for the day in time to watch the glorious sun rise over the deadly, yet strangely stunning Black Lake. She let out a sigh as she leaned against a Willow tree, letting her mind wander and fall victim to her memories.

A single tear rolled it's way down her cheek, and onto the dewy grass, getting lost amongst the other drops of liquid. Her mother and father would love to get her up early to see the sun peek above the rolling hills near their home- if she wasn't already awake that is.

She would sit on a blanket in between them, on the top most part of the hill. That's when She heard leaves rustling behind her. She quickly wiped her eyes of any excess tears that may have lingered, and turned around to see the intruder.

It was only Max. He gave her a small smile, and sat down next to her, which begged the question why was he up this early? They sat there for a minute, looking at eachother without speaking. They could tell what the other was thinking.

"It looks like you had the same idea I did." he said mindlessley looking out onto the glassy water. More small tears fell silently without a word from her lips. It went on like this for what seemed like an eternity of silence.

"They would be so proud of you. Taking care of all of us like you do." he glanced over at her, and rested a rough hand on her small soft one. She gave him a half smile, and he used his sleeve to wipe a few tears from her green eyes.

"I know they would. But you help too, there's a lot on our plate Max. It's barely enough to get by as it is." she sighed with a shaky voice. She swallowed a lump that had been forming in her throat for the past few seconds while she choked back more tears.

"I know. But it's really you that keeps us off the streets. If it wasn't for you, who knows what our family would become." he assured. She sniffled a few times, taking in deep breaths. They gave eachother smiles this time.

"We're Slytherins and yet we can barely make enough money to feed ourselves." she joked, lightening the mood and mocking the Slytherin philosophy that all purebloods are the most rich and powerful. Wrong. 

"But look at me. I'm the oldest, and I'm crying in front of my younger brother. I'm supposed to be strong... for all of us. But that makes me weak." she told him, sounding disgusted with herself. He put a hand on her shoulder now, looking her in the eyes.

"No. It makes you human. I would be concerned if you didn't cry about it every now and then. I do. I know Brad and Skylar do. I'm not sure about Greg and Jake because I don't know if they're too young to really cope... but I know they're sad." he told me.

"I know they're sad. That's why I'm here, to keep everybody together, and to help them get through it, and I can't do that if I can't get through it myself." she countered. He had to think about this one for a moment.

"That's because you've been keeping it in for so long, so you could be strong for everyone else... you haven't mourned them at all until starting now. You haven't been able to get through it because the mind needs to mourn. And then to move on when the time is right." he said insightfully. 

She had never thought about it that way... but there would be a time for mourning, not while She's in school with so many other things going on. But she would have a correct time. She would be the decider of that. Until then, She could stop crying.

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