The Yule Ball ::26::

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***This is a BIG chapter you guys... and I'm expecting a lot of comments. Comment please! I love comments! If you don't comment on this... boo you. But really... I hope you enjoy it. It's pretty long... it's compensation for my very long week without updates... and I do think this is DEFINIELY compensation enough. Tootles! Happy reading!***

Lennox stood immobile in what she guessed to be a mirror. There was silence amongst the fourth year girls of Gryffindor tower. She had absolutely no idea how she looked, but attempted to picture it in her mind. She ran a few hands gently down the torso of her dress.

“You look…” she heard Hermione whisper in pure awe. Lennox suddenly felt a deep red blush creep upon her face. She could feel all of the stares from the jealous females in the room. She bit her lip, and knitted her eyebrows together.

“Hermione… could I… er… look into your mind-“

“Yes. Yes no doubt about it. You deserve to see how gorgeous you are.” She nearly pleaded. She reached out for her wand which sat elegantly on Hermione’s soft white down pillow. She turned slowly, and non-threateningly pointed it towards her friend.

“Legilimens!” she casted softly. She felt her entire world twirl around her until she finally saw memories whizzing past her. She searched for the right one, finally spotting it and stopping, feeling her body being whirled into the picture.

It had been the first time she had seen anything since the first task, and already she was overwhelmed. It had felt like years since she’d lost her vision. In just that moment she terribly missed being able to see the world. It was melancholia.

Her eyes grazed over the image before her. She saw the red and golden velvet canopy beds, the roaring fireplace near the door, all of the pretty girls she had come to know over the past few months... but one girl in particular had really choked her up.

She saw herself before the mirror, chocolaty brown curls that hung beautifully over her flawless shoulders. She took in the black eyeliner and mascara that had brought out the green in her irises. She saw her dress. It was black with shiny gold glitter.

It had two straps that came down into a lower cut front, and exposed her entire back, and part of her midriff. It fell to the floor, flowing over her black round toed high heels. Lennox felt herself tearing up at how stunning she looked.

She had never really given much consideration to how she looked, never really caring. But it was in this moment she realized, not conceitedly, that she was indeed an attractive young woman. Her real body had gasped, and suddenly she was being hurled back into reality.

She was at a loss for words. How on earth could she say anything when it had been one of the most surprising moments of her life? She had been afraid any morsel to pass her lips would seem self-centered… which she most definitely didn’t want.

Hermione only smiled at her expressions, as did some of the other girls like Lavender, Padma, and Pavarti- each of which who had looked wonderful as well. She had to contain herself, and keep tears from slowly rolling down her face.

“I… what time is it Hermione?” she quickly changed the subject. Hermione checked Lennox’s wristwatch which had been lying carelessly in her heap of school uniform clothes. She had done a swell job of keeping her fairy dust out of sight.

“It is...” she paused, squinting at the small numbers of the clock, “exactly six thirty. So we had best be on our way down to the Great Hall.” She explained. Lennox took in a deep breath, slowly releasing it. She then followed Hermione out of the dormitory, and through the common room.

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