Four TriWizard Champions...? ::10::

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***Double digits! Wohoo:) This is the last one I'm posting for tonight, but more will be up tomorrow. A little dodgy so far isn't it? Let's see what happens next...! Enjoy! Comment? Maybe? Think about it? :)***

It was midnight she realized she was still wrapped securely in his warm black cloak. She mentally cursed herself... but she didn’t really wish to give it back. She had already grown attatched to it. Perhaps if she asked him nicely...


She should just keep it. It’s what he got for being rude. The nerve of him... she sat in the common room, reading, all night. Classes whizzed by quickly in the morning. Potions was awkward, putting it lightly. She didn’t even speak to Xavier in fear of receiving another detention.

It was only around five in the evening she was snapped out of her daze by Max. They were seated near the Black Lake. Despite the chilly weather, Lennox was completely warm... even if she wasn’t she would have stayed.

Sitting by the Lake was something she and Max had done since their first years at the school. They had done it increasingly less ever since their parents had gotten into that muggle accident... it only brought back bad memories.

“When did you get that cloak?” he raised an eyebrow at it. She looked down at the warm material, smiling at it. 

“Oh. It’s not mine.” she explained casually, curling up inside of it, letting the heat radiate her body. Max blinked a few times.

“Whose is it then? You know...” he trailed off, snickering to himself as if he had just said something clever, “it looks a bit like Snape’s.” he laughed sarcastically. Giggles escaped her lips as well now.

“It is.” he stopped altogether, and looked at her as if she had gone barmy. But it soon turned into utter curiosity. 


“I had detention. I was cold. We were in the forest. We got into an argument. I stomped off with it. End of story.” she shrugged. He nodded slowly, trying to make something of the very shortened version of what actually happened.

She didn’t really wish to tell him the full details... or anyone for that matter. Her argument... her conversation with Bane... She still needed to piece together what he meant by ‘Dangerous Times.’ She then thought of the Daily Prophet.

The article about the Death Eaters at the world cup... somebody had conjured the Dark Mark... he couldn’t possibly mean... no. That was surely not what Bane was speaking of when he said ‘Dangerous Times.’ 

She shoved it out of her head, biting her lip, and returning her eyes to the the white caps on the water. The wind was beginning to pick up as the minutes passed. A storm was probably on it’s way, she had decided.

“Well... it’s starting to rain, and the ceremony is probably going to start soon. We should head inside.” he smiled at her. She agreed, and they got to their feet, and began to walk to the castle, stepping inside and heading to the Great Hall.

She wrung her drenched hair, earning a vicious look from Mcgonagall who looked as if she was about to spring Filch on her. She drug her feet to the Slytherin table, resting her wet head on Liam’s shoulder. He complained like a little girl.

She smiled, and proceeded by taking off the cloak and folding it over her arm. They sat in silence, talking to others as more and more students piled into the large room. The Goblet’s fire was glowing a brilliant blue.

Dumbledore approached it, placing a shaking hand onto it tenderly. There were several moments of pure agony, awaiting the first name to be revealed. The blue had swirled into a raging red flame, rising higher and higher.

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