The Book of Love ::24::

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***SO sorry it's been forever since I've updated.. school has been kicking my butt... hard. Also I'm terribly sorry that it skips ahead so much, but I needed that to happen in order for the interesting stuff to start happening. Yule Ball is soon! Hopefully I can update once or twice more this weekend if I get done with homework early! ;) Sorry it's short! Happy reading!***

Lennox sat silently in the Great Hall, Slytherin table to be exact, all by herself. She slowly brought a piece of toast to her lips, taking a large bite and washing it down with pumpkin juice. She let out a sigh, and folded her arms on the table.

It wasn’t long after she felt familiar footsteps coming towards her. She raised herself, and turned her head in that general direction, still seeing nothing but pure darkness. She smiled at the figure when she believed him to be close enough.

“Morning Li-Li Kins!” she greeted cheerfully. The seventh year sat down next to her excitedly, wearing the biggest smug grin he’d ever had- although she couldn’t see it. He situated himself so that his body was facing hers, both legs on either side of the bench.

“Good morning Miss Lennocelia Kingsleigh. I have finally purchased your Christmas present, and wish to present it to you now if you find that possible.” She could hear the sarcasm dripping from his voice, but nonetheless he had gained her curiosity.

Yes Christmas had come at an alarmingly fast pace. What with today being Sunday, the Yule Ball was only days away. The entire school had been in an uproar the past two weeks, prepping for the Ball and Christmas break- which she would be at the castle for.

“You didn’t have to get me anything Liam. You know I can’t afford to get you one.” She sighed as if it were painful. He rasped his lips together, making a ‘pfft!’ sound. She pursed her lips and listened intently as he pulled an object from his satchel.

He ordered her to hold out her hands. She did so, and felt a very heavy object being plunked into them. She raised an eyebrow, running gentle fingers over the cover and binding. She was surprisingly surprised by the choice of gift.

“A book? You’ve gotten me a book?” she inquired. He smiled at the response, knowing well his mission was being fulfilled successfully. He bit his lip, suppressing a laugh as she ran her hands all over it. She would murder him when she found out…

“Yes. In fact- it’s a Muggle book. Took me for-EVER to get it. Had to pay Fred and George five Galleons… but it was well worth it.” He grinned deviously. She was now starting to get a bit worried about the situation. What was he up to?

“Muggle book? What’s it about? And why was it ‘well worth it?’” she placed the book onto the table and crossed her arms as she attempted to send him a threatening stare. It hadn’t worked- being temporarily blind had its disadvantages (even if Severus wasn’t still trying to find a potion that would cure her).

“It’s about… Biology… Anatomy… maybe even a little Chemistry. Really, you’ll have to get someone to read it to you later. In private. It’s quite interesting. And it was worth it because I know how much… erm… learning new things… excites you.” It took him everything he had not to burst out into laughter.

“Why can’t you read it to me? Now?” her curiosity grew by the minute.

“I have to go. That’s why. But… keep it in your bag and don’t take it out unless you know you’re alone. Take my word for it. Just trust me.” He patted her shoulder, and placed the unknown book into her bag. She glared at him as he walked away.

She had decided that her morning would be better spent someplace where people made sense. The first place that came into her mind? Severus’s office. She grabbed her bag, and shuffled down into the dungeons, not even bothering to knock.

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