True Power ::35::

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***THIS is for all of you lovely people who are sticking by my story even though I'm being a total ass and leaving you all hanging for so long before I update again. I salute you fans, and just know that I love you guys SO FREAKING MUCH because I wouldn't be continuing this story if it wasn't for you. Seriously. I love you. On with the story! SORRY ITS SO SHORT***

Lennox looked out the window of the Gryffindor common room. She had been spending the evening with Hermione, which was happening more and more often. Lennox had sincerely wished the weather would have been nicer, because then the two could have at least gone on a walk to Hogsmeade, or something remotely fun. She glanced over at Hermione, who had her nose buried in a book, and seemed to have no awareness of the world around her.

"Hermione?" Lennox questioned softly, looking over at her fourth year friend. Hermione moved her head slightly to signal she was listening, but she kept her eyes on the pages before her. "I think I'm going to go for a walk. Maybe I'll be back in a little bit?" Lennox suggested, twirling her ring around in her ring around between her small fingertips. Hermione nodded, and made a very small 'mmhmm' noise as Lennox rose to her feet. She walked out of the Gryffindor common room, noting that she still had an hour to be outside before they closed all of the students in. She went out through the courtyard, feeling the rain soaking her clothes through- but she didn't care. She began walking to the lake, taking a seat under the large tree near the shore. Meanwhile, Severus had been standing on the Astronomy tower, thinking quietly to himself. As soon as he watched her exit the building he began to shift his mind onto her, watching her gentle steps. It had become his new favorite thing- to watch her (but in a very affectionate and non-creepy way). He watched her sit down in the wet grass, and then lean back against the trunk of the tree. She waved her arm up over her head in a swift motion to control the raindrops, creating a sort of shield around her and the tree. Raindrops ceased falling upon her as well as the leaves of the tree. Severus smiled to himself, not even knowing what to make of her powers. She turned her head around, seeing him in the distance. She was too far away to see her facial expression, but she could see her motion for him to join her. He took no time in getting there, hurrying himself so he could speak with her.

"Good evening, Severus." she greeted him as he approached. He did not, however, appreciate being drenched with water by the time he arrived next to her. She could immediately tell by his demeanor that he was not very happy.

"Sorry," she stood up, twisting her hands around in a manner that made all of the water drops soaking his clothing float away, drying him instantaneously. He seemed genuinely surprised when she did this, even feeling his arms to make sure they were no longer damp. He would never get used to this.

"Your hair is showing through again." he smiled, looking up at the top of her head. Last time he had counted, he was well aware of five out of seven elements she could control, but now looking down at her head he spotted a few more colors he had not seen before.

"I know. It's very quite bothersome. I have to keep enchanting it or I'll look like a clown." she matted her hair down, making a disgusted face. He could have laughed at her frustration, it was actually quite adorable.

"Listen. We have a few things to discuss. Like this," he picked up her hand and ran a thumb over her ring, "for instance." he raised an eyebrow. She smiled, a small blush creeping onto her face as he said this. She looked down at the ground.

"It's quite lovely you know. I love how the diamond has a very faint red glow about it. Alway shining, always beautiful." she spun it in her fingertips, looking up at him and placing a small kiss on his cheek. He ran his thumb gently over her face and lips, giving her a half smile.

"Then there's something you should know about this ring. My great great grandfather invented it. It's been passed down the Prince line for a very long time, and I feel like now is as good a time as any to tell you why it shines like that." he spoke quietly, looking deep into her eyes. She nodded slowly, looking back and forth between the diamond and his charcoal eyes.

"Have you ever heard of a horcrux?" he questioned. She felt her entire body grow cold at the mention of the word. He noticed immediately.

"Yes. Oh my god, this isn't one is it? Severus why would you-"

"Calm down. I just asked if you knew what it meant." he snapped, apologizing afterwards. She calmed herself down, and listened to him.

"Well... a horcrux is used for splitting the soul to gain immortality. One usually does this by murdering another human- because that is said to split the soul more than anything.." he began, taking the ring off her finger. He held it up between them.

"This is called a sempamor. It was created to split the soul, but not for the purpose of living forever and not by killing. My great great grandfather was so devoted to my great great grandmother that he made this ring for her. He loved her so much that he actually was able to split a small piece of his soul and put it into the jewel, because he always said when someone means that much to you, it's as if your soul is theirs anyways. My mother gave it to me after my grandmother passed away, because my father was a muggle, so she never wore it." he continued, putting his free arm around her waist and pulling her closer. She felt her heart skip a beat at the smell of him.

"The red glow in this ring... is part of my soul. I am giving this to you, because as I have come to realize in these past few months... my soul belongs to you." he whispered, bringing the ring closer to where his heart would be. It began to glow brighter, as it touched him. In the dim red light he could see a few tears falling down her face. Even though he couldn't utter the words "I love you," it was definitely the best thing she could have ever heard from him.

"Severus I... I don't know what to say." she choked out, feeling a huge lump forming in her throat. He smiled, knowing that she was genuinely moved by his sentiment. He could have cried himself, but he chose not to (even though he knew she wouldn't have cared).

"And I suppose all I am waiting to hear is, that you belong to me as well." he pressed his forehead to hers, closing his eyes and listening to the sound of her voice.

"Of course. Of course I am yours. I have to ask, when are we planning on doing this? Getting married, I mean." she questioned, slipping the ring back onto her small finger. He pursed his lips.

"Honestly, I don't know. I don't know when, or where, or who we even plan on inviting... because I really don't have family that would even come. Most of the guests would probably be there fore you. Nobody really likes me much." he sighed, running his hands up and down her sides. She was holding onto his arms as they spoke.

"I like you." she laughed.

"You don't count." he mumbled.

"What? How dare you!" she mocked actually being upset.

"Well you don't..."

"Why not?"

"You have to like me."

"I don't have to do anything."

"But you do... see, darling, I gave you a piece of my soul. I don't care who I am, you would have to like me anyways."

"That's not true!"

"Of course it's true! I could be bloody Hitler but if I still gave you a piece of my soul are you really going to be the asshole to reject me? Putting your soul into something isn't as fucking easy as it sounds!"

"Well then you shouldn't have done it if loving me is so difficult!"

"Forgive me for being a helpless romantic."

"Since when are you romantic? The other day when I asked you what your favorite flower was you replied with 'white, why?'"

"It was a dull moment and I was very busy. And I hadn't gotten much sleep, so clearly I wasn't thinking straight... in my defense."

"In your defense I just think you like shooting people down!" she softly punched him, smiling and rolling her eyes. He kissed her quickly, pleasantly surprising her.

"We'd better get inside. This storm is getting worse." he grabbed her hand, and the two walked off into the castle.

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