A Day in Hogsmeade ::5::

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***Hello! So sorry I haven't been updating as much as I'd like to... My computer recently broke and I had to get a new one... but I've been writing the old fashioned way ;) and now I'll post what I have. Thanks for reading, enjoy! P.S did I mention it's 'R' for a later chapter?***

Liam and Lennox had woken up early, along with every other student third year and up. Today was the trip to Hogsmeade. She was rather excited about it. Just a day to get away and not think about classes or anything else. 

The Dark Forest incident hadn't caused her to feel any better. Plus she and Liam could spend the day hanging out- which was becoming more so a rarity than anything else. She hadn't seen him much. She had been starting to hang around Hermione the past few days. It was rather nice to have a female friend. 

Granted she did have other girl friends BUT none were as intellectual as Hermione, even given her two years her junior. It didn't make one bit of a difference. When they reached the courtyard it was jam packed with other students. It was almost hard to breathe.  

They didn't talk much on the way to the village, but neither of them really minded the silence. They were just simply enjoying eachother's company more than anything else. Then again, it wasn't completely quiet... 

There was idle chit chat amongst the passing students. It was very soon she had realized her time with Liam was extremely short spent. She hadn't really known what was going on for a few moments before piecing it together.

"Ooh! Honey Dukes!" he exclaimed, completely ditching her when they finally arrived. She stood in the middle of the student infested street when he scurried off with two other seventh year boys. She literally did not know what to do.

She only folded her arms across her chest and waited patiently for him to return. He didn't. After much deliberation she left her spot and began to walk away. Where? She wasn't exactly sure... But her plans were completely ruined for the day.

Liam better enjoy himself because Lennox wasn't so sure she could restrain herself from murdering him after this charade. It was only after two minutes she had realized her legs were carrying her to the Shrieking Shack. She had absolutely no idea why this became her destination.

She supposed she just wanted to be alone now that she couldn't spend the day with her best friend... possibly ex best friend. She had reached the barbed wire fence that over looked a hill and then let out a deep sigh of dispare. 

She rested her hands on a wooden post. The warm September breeze enveloped her every now and again as she stood there by her lonesome. She heard leaves crunch behind her and immediately whipped out her wand, spinning on her heel. She was relieved to see it was only Dante Rainy, a sixth year.

"Next time I'll stun you Gryffindor. Don't sneak up on me like that." she growled through pursed lips. He only shrugged and walked closer. His brown hair was blowing all over from the breeze, and his hands were shoved into his pockets.

"All alone I see?" he observed.

'No? Really? Congrats, Dante- you deserve a detective's award! NO DUH I'm alone. Unless you count the Shrieking Shack as a person' she thought to herself... She only nodded slowly and tried to ignore him... but he continued nevertheless.

"I've been meaning to talk to you for ages... but you're always with your friend, or that Granger girl..." he trailed off. What on earth would he want to talk to her about? Wasn't it enough that he was already ruining her peace and quiet? She didn't even dare look at him.

"Well I suppose whatever it is will have to wait. I was just on my way." she smiled briefly and began to walk away, hoping to God he wouldn't follow. Much to her dismay, he did... and that wasn't even half of the story. He did more than just that.

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