A Shocking Development ::22::

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*** It's been awhile hasn't it?? I have a life :P schooling is beginning... ugh... and anyways, I do believe I've left you a cliffhanger, yes? We'll have to tend to that ;) happy reading! ***

Lennox clamped onto her head in agony, dropping to the floor of the tent. She felt as if her brain was pulsing violently. She gasped as her knees hit the grass, still not able to see the world around her. By this time Fleur Delacour had gone to face her dragon, and Lennox could hear the crowd in the background.

She felt a pair of strong arms help her to her feet, although they hadn’t belonged to Severus. She felt the person’s face, her fingers trailing the long metal frames of the person’s spectacles. It was Harry, and she was holding onto him for dear life. She desperately wished she could see.

“Harry. Where’s Se-Snape?” she whispered in his ear, unable to speak any louder from the throbbing pain in her head. Despite her lack of vision she closed her eyes tightly, wanting a visit to Madam Pomfrey in the Hospital Wing. Perhaps she was having a concussion? That could be it.

“Here. Do you feel nauseous?” she heard his cold voice behind her. She slowly turned around with the help of Harry, and immediately smelled the very familiar cologne that had been deep in the fabrics of his cloak. She took a deep breath in, taking in the scent.

“No. I think I’ll be alright... it’s just my bloody head.” she cringed and began to tenderly rub her temples. She felt his hand grip tightly, but not uncomfortably, around the upper part of her arm. She smiled wearily in Harry’s direction, hoping he caught it. She felt herself being whisked away out of the tent.

“I do believe we should get your head checked. Are you sure you feel alright? You don’t feel like you have to vomit...?” she could tell they were alone now. The gravel crunched under their feet as they walked up the path to the castle. She held onto her professor’s arm for dear life.

“No. I’m fine Severus really... my head just hurts quite a bit... and I still can’t see.” she muttered. He had to slow his pace quite a bit in order for her to go at a normal speed. He had to take in account their differences in height. They had finally reached the Hospital Wing when Madam Pomfrey rushed over to them.

“I’ve just received a Patronus from the Headmaster. I’ve been expecting you. Come here dear, we’ll examine your head.” the kind healer helped Lennox into a large cushioned chair. She felt Severus’s presence behind her, and the mediwitch kneeled in front of her.

Lennox heard her mutter some unintelligible spells, and felt a small force around the upper part of her head. She immediately felt the pain cease, and relaxed in the armchair she had been sat in. She heart Madam Pomfrey’s shoes wandering about.

She heard a chair pull up next to her, which she assumed was the work of Severus. He let out a sight as he slowly sat down. She rubbed her eyes, still finding herself to be blind... and she could only hope it wasn’t perminant. 

“Well...” announced the healer, her voice growing louder with each second. She walked towards the pair, and put her wand back into the folds of her dress. Lennox stiffened, waiting for an answer. Could a potion cure it?

“She doesn’t have a concussion...” she trailed off. Severus quirked an eyebrow at her. It was that tone that he had heard so many times... especially when he was badly injured during the first war. It was the tone she used when there wasn’t anything she could do.

“But?” he inquired. She pursed her lips, and took Lennox’s smooth hand in her own veiny elderly ones. Lennox was beginning to recognize the tone as well, and her hopeful expression immediately fell. She braced herself for the bad news.

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