The Third Task: Part 2 ::38::

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A/N: Well you're all lucky! I got more positive feedback from the last chapter, and so I decided to update AGAIN! Three times in one week, when has that ever happened before?! :P Anyways, I knwo you're all going to hate me after this chapter, but I do have some news and I will unveil it at the end of chapter 40 (the final chapter). Enjoy! Cheers, xoxox.

Everything was dark, but it didn't take long for Lennox to realize where they were.

A graveyard.

“This is just like my nightmares.. Lennox!” Harry exclaimed from five feet away. He got to his feet, and looked around frantically, feeling the pain in his scar build to an agonizing burn. Lennox was looking over the glass cup, which was still glowing a brilliant blue.

“It's a portkey.” she said in amazement, but was quickly interrupted by Harry's hands pulling at her arm. She stood up, and looked at his worried expression. Lennox suddenly began to feel something she had never felt before. There was a suffocating feeling that was moving throughout her body and limbs, and she felt confined. She knit her eybrows together.

“Lennox,” Harry interrupted her thoughts, “Lennox we have to get out of here.” Harry whispered, pulling her towards the cup. She opened her mouth to speak, but quickly shut it once she saw a figure emerge from the old wooden house in the near distance.

“KILL THE SPARE!” a voice sounded. Before Harry could shout 'NO!' there was blinding flash of green directed at Lennox. Harry looked at her frantically, expecting to see a dead body, but instead she was standing, redirecting the spell from her fingertips. Harry's eyes widened. She had told him once she could redirect lightening because of her powers.. but spells? Was the killing curse that similar to lightening? Is that why Harry had a scar in that shape? She looked at him with a smile, but before she could rush over to him, another spell was cast.

Petrificus Totalus!” and her body suddenly went stiff, and she fell onto the cold hard ground. Harry couldn't even get to her because his body was suddenly lifted and locked behind the grim reaper statue. He watched as Lennox's body was lifted also, and locked against the wooden walls of the house, and her arms and legs were locked into place by more wooden planks. Wormtail appeared out of the darkness, and dropped a very small fragile body into the cauldron. He dropped a bone into the cauldron, proceeding to cut off his own hand and drop that into the mixture as well. He quickly pulled out a knife, and slowly walked over to Harry. He laughed, and cut the blade into Harry's forearm. Harry let out a loud yell, and squirmed where he was, but he could not break free. Wormtail dropped the blood into the pot, and stood back while he waited for the process to follow through. Harry watched as the body was lifted out of the cauldron, and grew in size. Darkness surrounded the body, and finally the process was finished. By this time, Lennox was beginning to stir from the spell, and realized what was happening. She began to panic when she realized that wood was the material that bound her. There was absolutely nothing she could do about wood.

“My wand, Wormtail.” the man with the serpent like face spoke to his servant, who gave him what he wanted. “Your arm, Wormtail.” the mouse man gave him the arm in which the hand was missing, and the pale man only rolled his eyes. “Your other arm.” he gritted his teeth. The servant looked down in a disappointed fashion, and offered him the full limb. The man touched his wand to the servant's forearm and suddenly there were dark clouds gathering above and swirling in a dangerous manner. Lennox and Harry glanced over at eachother, both with worried expressions on their faces. Lennox attempted to use all of her strength to break out of her wooden prison, but it worked to no avail. Dark figures stood in a circle around the man, who Lennox was concluding to be none other than the ever-so-famous Lord Voldemort.

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