The Order Rises Again ::39::

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A/N: Well, you probably all hate me.. or cried.. or both.. and I'm sorry! There's only one more chapter left after this! Then my big announcement will be made at the end. I probably won't be updating again until tomorrow, however, because I have to go to work in a little while and I won't be home until very late so I will be too tired to write. I'm hoping you all stick with it! Sorry for the shortness, this was more of a filler chapter until the funeral/epilogue. Cheers xoxox

Dumbledore called for an immediate Order meeting, something he had not done in an extremely long time. He stood in the basement of Grimmauld place, surrounded by the real Madeye, as well as the Weasleys, Sirius, Remus, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Hagrid, and very surprisingly.. Severus.

“Headmaster.. why have you called us here?” Kinglsey questioned. Nobody had heard the news, mostly because only a select few people actually knew what was happening. Dumbledore had everyone calm down, so that his voice was the only one that could be heard.

“The Tri-Wizard tournament has just ended. I had Minerva stay at the castle to attend to a few duties in my short absence. Lennox Kingsleigh has just been killed by Voldemort.” there was a loud commotion as he said this, causing everyone to look at eachother and begin to ask questions that none of them knew the answers to.

“Dumbledore.. what is the meaning of this? How is that even possible?” Molly questioned, eyebrows knitted together with a worried expression on her face. Severus remained absolutely stonewalled the entire time, not daring to show any emotion as the story was being told. It was nothing out of the ordinary for him, he just sat back and listened without any snide comments or remarks.

“Harry explained to me that when they touched the cup, it brought them to a graveyard.. the very graveyard he's been having nightmares about for months. Voldemort asked Lennox Kingsleigh to join him, or she would die. He wanted her powers on his side, and she refused. He murdered her while Harry watched, and somehow got away before Voldemort could kill him too. He's still quite traumatized about the entire thing.” Dumbledore explained, watching the expressions of his colleagues change. They all looked either sad or extremely concerned.. all but Severus. He felt the most sorry for Severus.

“How could he have returned.. I just don't understa-”

“Nymphadora, you know as well as I do that his return hasn't been exactly 'in the dark.' Word of his return has been circulating in all corners of the globe for months now. We knew he was coming.. we just didn't know when.” Dumbledore hushed the young auror, who only looked down in attempt to control her anger. Sirius and Remus looked at eachother quietly, both knowing well that Lennox wanted to join the Order before she died. They both remembered how nice and ambitious she was, and both had taken a liking to her almost instantly. She would be greatly missed.

“So what are we supposed to do, Dumbledore? If Voldemort truly has returned...” Kinglsey Shacklebolt trailed off, rubbing the bridge of his nose in frustration. None of them truly had a game plan for the events to come. They were hoping Voldemort had been destroyed forever.. but they knew that wasn't possible.. and none of them were anticipating the arrival of the Dark Lord quite this soon. Severus opened his mouth, keeping his expressions even.

“We reorganize the Order. It's the only thing we can do at the moment. One thing is for certain, however. We must take him down. No questions asked. This isn't a fight that will be over in a matter of a day. People are going to die. We have to make sure that he is one of those people.” Severus spoke in front of them all, surprised with himself that he could keep a straight face and an even tone.

“Since when do you care about anything the Order does? All you do is show up to the meetings and go to the Death Eater's meetings. What are you even good for?!” Tonks exclaimed. Normally Severus would have rolled his eyes, but he wasn't putting up with anyone's shit today.

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