The Burrow ::15::

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*** Sorry for the unusually slow update. Usually I resort to one or two chapters a day (sometimes even more ha ha...) but there have been recent events where I live that I could just not stay away from, so again very sorry! Hope this chapter will make up for it? Probably not, but hey- I can always hope! ;) sorry if it's a bit shorter than usual, but I needed a filler chapter and I'm quite busy today! Happy reading! ***

Lennox sat in solitude at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall. She crossed her legs, feeling her right leg begin to shake, bouncing up and down at a rather fast pace. She flipped through her Advanced Potions textbook, writing down answers on a parchment.

She would occasionally glance up at the large windows behind the High Table, noting each time that it had never stopped raining. She checked her watch. Seven thirty. It would be ages before any member of her family, or even Liam, would stir.

Sunday mornings were usually as dull as one could imagine, and the young sixth year was still a bit on edge from her Potions Master’s recent discovery only hours ago in the library. She sighed, stabbing her fork into a sausage link, taking a bite of it before continuing with her work.

She reached for her quill, her hand accidentally colliding with the goblet of Pumpkin juice that had been sitting near her ink well, spilling the liquid all over the table top. Not one second later it began to spread to her paper and book, getting them wet and sticky.

“Oh bugger…” she cursed under her breath, searching for her wand in the black cloak that lay immobile next to her on the bench. She finally grasped it, not being able to pull it out fast enough as the juice soaked into everything in it’s path.

“Explico.” she waved her black wand over the mess, watching as it all undid itself. The juice pulled itself away from the things on the table, and floated back into the cup. She felt the table, concluding that it indeed was now dry. She smiled to herself, moving the goblet further away from her.

She began to quietly hum to herself, chewing on the end of her featherless quill, getting lost in her assignment. She knitted her eyebrows together as she skimmed through the back of the book, looking for the definition of a term that had been on the parchment.

Not too long after that she found herself not so alone. She could see his irritably large grin from the corner of her eye, and the dirty blonde hair fall over his eyes. She hadn’t even needed to look up at the figure to know who it was. Ego dripped from every pour on his body.

“Can I help you with something?” she asked dryly, holding back obscenities from slipping out of her mouth as she spoke to him. He hesitated to answer, running a hand through his shaggy locks, folding his hands on the table in front of him.

“We may have gotten off on the wrong foot the other night. I’ll rephrase my proposition, seeing as how I can see you’re going to be a bit more difficult than the other girls.” he smirked. She could hear the self praise in his voice. She scoffed.

“So that’s how it is then? You seduce poor smart girls so they’ll do your work for you? However you made Head Boy is beyond me.” she retorted. He raised an eyebrow, growing annoyed by her lack of worship for him, when in reality she wanted to murder him.

“What does it matter to you? They enjoy it, I enjoy it. But here’s how it will be,” he began. She got to her feet, gathering her things to leave. She really didn’t wish to have to injure someone so early in the morning, but if it should have to succumb to that…

“Hey,” he grabbed her arm. She stopped, clenching her fists and getting ready to swing should she need to. He made her look him in the eyes. The cold, annoyed, no longer attractive eyes.

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