The Real Epilogue

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A/N: Okay, so here is the epilogue! This is how the story really ends. I will give a brief overview at the end of anything that may be left unsaid by the excerpt. Happy reading!

Lennocelia ran as quickly as her legs could carry her, though, she was unsure at what point they would give out on her. She sprinted down the stairs of the Hogwarts grounds, desperate to find Severus. If at all possible, she accelerated as soon as the small building on the water was in her vision. She burst through the doors, wand at the ready in case of danger, but only saw Harry standing over Severus who was on the ground.

"No." She whispered to herself. Was she too late? She could heal him if he was still even barely alive, but she could do nothing once his heart stopped beating. Harry looked at her, suddenly doing a double take as he could not quite believe what he was seeing.

"L-Lennox? Am I already dead? Are you a ghost?" He questioned, his voice in disbelief. She cleared her throat, feeling a burning lump forming.

"No. I can explain later. Is he dead?" She felt the hot tears welling up in her eyes.

"Lennocelia?" A very faint whisper emerged from the silence. It was him.

"Severus!" She cried, and threw herself down to her knees so she could look him in the eyes.

"Are you real?" He choked out, tears rolling down his pale face.

"Yes, I'm real. I'm here." She whispered, voice and hands shaking as the remembered she could try to heal him. She reached into her bag and pulled out a vial of dittany. Between the healing properties of Dittany and of her own powers combined, she was determined to keep him alive. She let out a deep breath and closed her eyes, manipulating the liquid out of the vial and over his wounds. She placed her hand close to his neck, and let her powers do the rest. Harry just watched silently, unsure of what to do.

"I... I have to go. There are things I need to do before the night is over." He said quietly. She only nodded, and all of a sudden they were alone. She felt his cold hand rest on her cheek, and she knew he was preparing himself to die. She decided today was not to be the date of his death, and continued her healing. After a few moments she saw the bleeding slow and the life come back to his dark charcoal eyes.

"I'm here for you, Severus. I've always been here." She whispered, smiling down at him. She was finally done, and his breathing evened out as he just continued to look into her eyes.

"I can't believe you're alive. Why didn't you come back?" He cried, unsure of how to handle his own emotional state.

"It wasn't safe. I can explain it all later. For now, we have to get you someplace where you can rest safely while I help Harry finish things. Once and for all." She said, helping him to his feet. It was a slow process, but once he stood she pulled on his arm to follow her.

"Wait-" He said, and before she could get a word out she found his lips on hers, desperate, but also still gentle. At that point, she was unsure of whos tears were on her face, but she kissed him back like her life depended on it. It had been far too long since she had been able to embrace, let alone kiss, the man she loved.

"I love you. And I always will. Always." She breathed. "But hurry, we have to go before he finds you again." She continued with a worried tone. She was already close enough to losing him today, she couldn't handle it again.

Suddenly Lennocelia sat up in bed with sweat beading down her forehead. Her breathing was heavy and pronounced, and her heart was racing. She looked over at the clock, which read 4:30 in the morning. She wiped the moisture from her forehead and buried her face in her hands, trying to keep herself from crying.

"Lennocelia?" a faint and sleepy tone said beside her. She looked down at her sleeping husband, who was speaking with his eyes closed. "What's wrong?" He asked with a yawn. She wiped the black hair from his face and looked down at his restful face. He slowly opened his eyes, his dark ones looking into her light green ones.

"Just a bad dream. But also a good dream." She responded quietly, smiling with small tears forming in her eyes.

"The dream you've told me about?" He asked, stretching and sitting up to comfort her.

"Yes. Every year on the anniversary of the battle." She sighed.

"It's been ten years, if I was going somewhere I would have been gone by now. I still have dreams all the time about when I thought you were dead, but it gets better knowing that I get to wake up and see your face in the morning." He grabbed her hand, squeezed it tightly and then kissed the top of it. She nodded, and they laid back down together with his arms wrapped around her small frame loosely. She buried her face in his chest and took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.

"Do you really have to go to work today? Robert, Rosalind, and Juliette were hoping you could come with us to Diagon Alley today. Liam and Skylar want to have lunch to celebrate their four year anniversary." She coaxed.

"Well if only my children require my presence and not my wife then I'm not so sure I should go." He teased with a yawn, sleepiness ensuing once more.

"Very funny, you know what I meant. Please?" She continued.

"I will make some calls and see what I can do. Somehow the head of the ministry's Potions and Drug Administration has a more strict schedule than the Deputy Mistress of Magic." He said playfully, placing a small kiss on the tip of her nose.

"I'm the deputy I don't really do anything unless the Minister is unable to." She rolled her eyes, finally closing them. He only chuckled, and took in one last deep breath before falling back asleep.

"I love you Severus." She whispered.

"I love you too." He mumbled.



A/N: Okay so in case you didn't get it all from what you just read here's how everyone's stories ended:

Lennox saved Severus from Voldemort's attack and they were able to live their lives together. They eventually got married and had twins, a boy and a girl, named Robert and Rosalind. They also have an older adopted daughter named Juliette who was orphaned after her parents were killed in the battle of Hogwarts and she grows up to be an Auror for the Ministry of Magic and eventually meets and befriends Sherlock Holmes and John Wattson when she is assigned a case that is affecting both the wizarding and muggle world (this part is in reference to a Sherlock fanficiton I wrote but never published, and I wanted to connect it because I am a nerd and I can do whatever I want).

Lennox is the Deputy Mistress of Magic.

Severus is the head of the Potions and Drug Administration for the ministry of magic.

Liam and Skylar got married (and had children this is just unmentioned above).

The rest is unmentioned but how I intended every character to end up:

Max, the second oldest, married and started a family and they travel all around the world to see all of earth's wonders.

Greg met a nice fellow in Spain during his travels named Felipe and they fell in love and moved to a cottage on the outside of Paris and adopted many many dogs.

Brad and Jacob decided to pursue training as healers and now both work at St. Mungos and they share a flat in the middle of London.

Announcement as of 5/24/22: after going back and forth with much deliberation, I decided that there will, indefinitely, be a rewrite coming! It so happens this is the 10th anniversary of this story, as it was originally published in august of 2012. Readers, you can expect the rewrite to launch by august of this year (2022) and an authors note detailing all of the changes I've made that I wish I'd have put in the original. Thanks for reading 💕

12/26/22: Happy Holidays, after a few months of some crazy life things I have finally gotten around to publishing the first few chapters of the rewrite! Thanks for reading 💕 love you all

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