Chapter 5: Learning

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Your POV

It's been a few days since the the pool. I was completely fine after.
I woken up to the lovely smell of (favorite breakfast meal).
' favorite!' I thought. I jumped up and out of bed..practically ran out of bed and ran into the kitchen. But..I ran into someone's back. It was Scotty!!
"FOOOO- oof..-falls on the floor- ...sorry.." I said holding my head. I looked up to Scotty look behind him and laugh. He picked me up.
"You ok little one?" Scotty asked.
"Sounded like you hit your head really fuckin hard!" Marcel said from the blue couch.
"I'm ok..thanks Scotty.." I said softly. "Where's MiniDad?" ...don't judge...
"Mini and Tyler went out to the store. Brain and Brock are the ones cooking." Marcel said lookin at the news. Scotty sat next to him. I hoped up on one of the bar stools and saw Brian and Brock.
"Morning Raven!" They both said. Brock handed me a plate of eggs, bacon, toast and orange juice.
"Thanks! So when did y'all get here?" I asked while takin a bite of eggs.
"About 2 hours ago. It's only 10." Brain replied still cooking. Mini and Tyler walked in.
"SUP BITCHES!! Hi kino!!" Tyler said. Mini kisses the top of my head.
"Morning Raven! How'd you sleep?" Mini asked softly with a smile on his face.
"Pretty good! Had a dream we all had dragons and flew around the sky!" I said excited even youth I barely remembered my dream.
"I wish I had a dragon.." Tyler said as he ate a piece of bacon. Brain laughed.
"True but still be hard to hide them."
"Why would you want to hide a dragon?! There awesome!" I replied to Brock. He smiled. I guess he agreed?

~le skip time~
It was around 7pm and I was on my laptop. Just searching around YouTube. I stumbled across a video of a women signing a song. Using American Sign Language to sign the song. Hmmm..CLICK! I watched her and tried to mimic what she was doing. She signed RAP GOD by Eminem. I didn't realize minidad were watchin me.


I walked passed Raven's room. I glanced at her since her door was open and she was signing. 'WAIT..DOES SHE KNOW SIGN LANGUAGE!?'
I kept watching. 'Looks like she's messing up..yeah, I don't think she knows. Atleast she's trying.' She looked frustrated.
'Raven? You ok hun?" I asked. Clearly she wasn't. She looked up at me in surprised. Guess she didn't see me at her door.
"Just watchin this lady use sign language." She shrugged. I walked over and sat next to her.
"Amber Galloway Gallego! I've seen some of her videos. She's a translator."
"A what..?" She looked up at me.
"She signs to the hearing for what deaf and hard of hearing people are trying to say to the hearing."
"Ohhh..that sounds cool! I wanna do that!" She said kinda bouncing on the bed. I laughed a bit.
"You can do whatever you want to do. But, you will have to work hard, study, learn the deaf and hard of hearing culture and practice if you want to be an interpreter." I said looking down at her in her eyes.
"I wanna do it! Can you and wild-dad help me?"
"Of course." I smiled.

How was that for a chapter?
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I'm open to criticism. It's ok!
Sorry it was short..
Also sorry I was gone for a while..

As always, I hoped you enjoyed!

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