Chapter 93: Delirious..

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Delirious's POV
I was running in a forest as fast as I could. Rain was pounding on me. My clothes stuck to me like glue. I was panting and sweating because I've been running this long. I had 2 hand guns on me, 2 pocket knives and 2 Bowie Knives. I had a tight grip on one of the guns in my right hand as I ran past countless trees and hopped over whatever stood in my way. Fallen trees, branches, roots and even a couple holes. I could hear sirens, a few helicopters and dogs barking in the distance. Cops. I realized I was pretty far. I stopped but only to catch my breath. Didn't want my lungs to pop. I looked down: blood covered my blue hoodie, hands, mask and jeans. I thought I had control. I thought he was passed this! I started to run again. 'He' is delirious. My other side. The dark me. HE created my YouTube name. HE started this shit. HE has been running my life.
That laughed blew out of me. That loud laugh.. that one laugh that makes him so distinct, it hurts my ears sometimes. I looked back and saw the search lights in the distance but within the trees. I kept on running. I saw a familiar silhouette in the distance ahead of me. Vanoss.
"Jonathan, you can stop this." Vanoss reassured.
"No I can't! You wouldn't understand what I go threw!!" I yelled back. Delirious was yelling at me to kill him and run.
"Yes I do." He said taking off him mask. "My real name is Evan Fong. Vanoss is in my head and takes over to do good. Let me help you." He said taking off his mask.
"Evan, they'll take me to jail!" I said pointing at the police.
"No they won't. Let me take you in. Let me help you. I can help luke too." He reassured.
"How?" I asked. Luke. My best friend for so long..he slips too at times but knows how to gain control quickly if cartoonz slips up.
"Let me help you Jonathan. Please." He held out his right hand for me to shake it to agree.
'Don't do this! It's a trick!' Delirious yelled at me again. Every time he yells I flinch.
"Thank you." I shook hands with va- Evan. When the police came, Evan stood up for me and told them he was gonna take me under his wing. The police agreed but one slip up, I'll be taken straight to the electric chair. Yeah, that's still a thing. It was my fate if were to ever slip up. All it took was just once.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" I woke up screaming. I was sweating and had tears down my face.
"What's wrong?!" Luke came running in with two hand guns in both hands. He saw me and knew. He put them back in the holsters around his waist, sat on my bed and hugged me. I cried while holding him tightly. This dream comes every now and then. It's how I met Evan. Do you think we just met on YouTube? Not exactly.. that's kind of a little lie we tell people. We met on m- Delirious's last murder spree. It was so long ago.. I have full control of delirious now. Luke has full control of cartoonz. We come out to give some help but we have full control. We call them the dark versions of us because they technically are us but still.. I can't go back to that life. I just can't..
After I had finally calmed down and ate a whole container of cookies.. I was good. I looked at the time and realized it was 3 in the afternoon. I usually sleep all day unless somethin is wrong. I sat outside in my teddy bear pajama pants in the hammock we have in the backyard. I laid down as I kept one leg out to keep it swinging. The weather wasn't so harsh and a cool breeze came ever now and then. It was cloudy thankfully. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a familiar voice shouting from next door as luke came outside.
"JONATHAN!! LUKE!! CAN YALL COME HERE PLEASE!!" It was Julian. We ran over. Scotty did the same because he was outside with Hailey. Something was wrong. I could feel it. Julian yelled from Raven's balcony, tossed the metal ladder down and we all climbed up. I was up first. Luke then Scotty. Raven was crying pretty hard on her bed. She was in a ball facing us but her hands on her face just sobbing. I, literally, jumped to her and just held her.
"She took a nap an hour ago but woke up screaming. I came in her to see what was wrong. She was just sobbing. I tried to calm her down but nothing worked. Tyler and Mini are gone at Anthony's." Julian explained to luke and Scotty. I held Raven tightly and rubbed her back.
"Whenever your ready, you can tell me what's wrong." I softly said and just held her. She shook her head yes. She was also shaking kind of.. I felt bad. This dream had to have been pretty bad.
"I s-saw Tyler and Mini g-get shot by L-Lester in front of me. I killed him with my bare hands r-right after.. I saw my reflection as I was doing it.. I was turning cold and a m-monster. Franklin tried to kill me but I ripped his throats out in r-rage! How could I do that?!" She questioned.
"Raven, it's gonna be ok. That's not going to happen." I reassured.
"What's going on?" Mini asked as he walked in. Tyler was right behind him. Raven got up and nearly knocked Mini to the ground when she ran to hug him.
"Nightmare." Luke said. I explained to Tyler while Mini was calming Raven down. Anthony walked in. He heard me. Tyler picked up Raven and just held her. She calmed down and tried to apologize for crying so much and freaking everyone out.
"Raven, no need to apologize. We all have our nightmares." Tyler said.
We were gonna leave but Scotty got a message from Evan. He was being kidnapped and needed help. He was in the trunk of a car. He doesn't know how he got there but we had to get him. He sent us his location. We got in our cars and sped to him. Raven contacted chief Lambeth for back up. Nogla, Marcel, Smitty and John were already at the warehouse and got into helicopters. Brian and Brock helped us out to get Evan. Scotty went with Mini. Tyler, Julian and Luke were by themselves. I had Raven with me. The boys came also. These guys had 5 cars and 2 trucks with guys and guns fully loaded. They fired at us.
"Raven, hit the red button in front of you." I said. It was above the air bag. She did as told and smashed it. I had machine guns placed under the car. Luke's idea. I have another one above my steering wheel just incase. An xbox controller came out below the air bag. Raven grabbed it.
"What kind of-" Raven was gonna ask a question but I cut her off.
"Machine guns and 10 heat seeking missiles. Luke's idea." I gave a small chuckle.
"Everyone! Get behind me and luke!" Raven gave the order. She and Luke fired at the guys. We moved when the cars flew to the sides. Raven was firing at the bottom of the cars, shooting out the tires. Luke..I'm not sure honestly.
"Evan is in the van up front!" Smitty said.
"How do you know?!" Julian asked.
"X-ray vision!" Cody yelled.
"Well, ok then." Julian said kinda confused.
"Who's got more than one person in their car?!" Scotty asked.
"I do! I've got Zac and Michael with me." Nick said.
"Get closer to me! Zac, your gonna get in my car. Nick, get the back of your truck to my passenger window." Scotty gave his orders. Nick did as told. Zac hopped over and drove Scotty's car WHILE SCOTTY WAS STICKING OUT OF THE DRIVERS WINDOW. Not again..
"Luke, watch out." Zac said. Scotty got on the hood of out car! I drove faster and got closer to the van. Marcel dropped down from Nogla's helicopter onto My car. Nogla backed off a bit.
"Guys! We've got company!" Khris said from the back.
"What is it?!" Raven asked.
"Air support! Take over those bitches!" Tyler yelled.
"With pleasure." Smitty and Nogla laughed. We just hear machine guns firing in the back.
"Raven, sit on the door just incase marcel falls. Zac, get next to her!" I ordered. Raven and zac did as told.
"Scotty, we got you!" Mini said. Michael was with him and doin the same thing.
"On 3! 1! ... 2! ... 1!!" Marcel and Scotty yelled and swung open the doors. Scotty shot theguys and Marcel shot the lock that was holding Evan in the trunk. He was in a wooden trunk. Forget to be specific. They got him out but Michael and me got shot... michael went back in the car and Mini backed off. Tyler took his place.
"Delirious! You ok?" Tyler asked. My left shoulder was hit.. more near my collarbone.
"I've been hit. Michael, you ok?" I asked trying to drive with my left hand as I put pressure with my right hand.
"I was grazed but still hurts a little." Michael sighed.
"We got Evan. Nick! We gotta get in yo- lets go!" Marcel said jumping into the back of nicks truck. We all got out. Raven moved back into my car. She shot out the tires of the assholes then hopped in the back to help with my wound.
"Delirious needs to go to the hospital!" Raven said to everyone.
"Delirious, move over! I'm comin!" Brian said as Brock moved him next to my car. I hoped over and Brian swooped in. Raven helped me.
"Fuck that hurts.." I sighed.
"I'm sorry.. we're almost there." Raven struggled with the wound. I was loosing a lot of blood. I could feel my heart racing and my eyes getting sleepy.

Raven's POV
"Delirious. Delirious!" I looked over. Delirious passed out. I checked for a pulse. "Still a pulse.." I sighed.
"WHATS GOIN ON?!" Luke asked.
"Delirious passed out." Brian said.
We made it to the hospital. I was so scared for delirious, I gathered up all my strength and carried him in myself. Tyler, Mini, Marcel, Scotty, luke and Evan were here too. They were shocked. Michael didn't come in because he was grazed and went home with the boys. They ran in and we got some attention. They took delirious. I started to cry.. I had blood on my hands. My friends blood that's passed out from blood loss. Please come back delirious.. We can't loose you. A couple cops came to talk to me but I could speak. I was crying. Brian talked since he was in the car with me. I just cried quietly in Evan's chest as he held me. I didn't want to move so Mini cleaned my hands for me. I quietly told him thank you. He understood that I didn't want to move. I couldn't. I was crying that much and felt so bad..

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