Chapter 74: Ohm..

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Ohm's POV
I woke up to someone busting down my door. Three guys in mask come into my room. Two hold me down. One uses a tranquilizer gun on me. I began to fade as I hear Bryce walk into the front door..

Evan's POV
I wake up to river jumping on my chest and meowing. Must be hungry. I hold him and we walk downstairs to the kitchen. I open a can of cat food and give it to him. I make myself some eggs and send Raven a good morning text. After I finish eating I head up to my office with river on my shoulder. Once I sit down, he hops off and lays down in his second bed I keep on my desk. I open my email. Usual shit. I was going to look into an email from Lester when I got a call from Bryce.

Phone call:
E: Hey Bryce! What's up?
B: 5 masked guys came into the house! 2 knocked me out. 3 were in ohms room! I woke just now and he's been taken! They just took him. Ohm doesn't have his phone or anything to identify him!
E: Shit.. get to the warehouse. Call the others. I'm gonna call Tyler, Marcel, droid and Delirious.
B: Alright! I'll call Scotty, Anthony, nicks and Brian!

Well shit. I grabbed my keys, put some food out for river and jumped into my car. I saw Bryce, Tyler, delirious, Lui and Marcel in their cars. I called them on the car walkin talkie.
"Guys! Ohm is missing! Get to the warehouse now!" Bryce ordered. Marcel and Scotty were together. Anthony just got food. Tyler, Mini and Raven were together. Delirious and Luke were in delirious's car. Lui was in his car.
"I'll call nogla. He's with Brian." Lui said calling nogla.
"I'll call Smitty." Raven said pulling out her phone. We all went to the warehouse and pretty much ran inside. Delirious and Raven somehow managed smacked into the main doors while trying to get in..
"You have to un-lock it first.." I laughed so hard. They bounced off the doors while smacking into them. I pulled them up to their feet and unlocked the doors with voice activation and a key. When we walked inside, the big tv we had set up in the mail office that could hold all of us turned on when we walked in. So did the office lights and the coffee machine turned on. The news came on.

'The infamous group Rowdy Boys is on the run again. The group is reportedly seen in their signature red trucks headed north on highway 45 with. One of the trucks beds seem to be covered with a black tarp. Not sure what their hiding but it can't be good. Police have been trying to get them to stop their vehicles but to no avail.'

"It's them! They took ohm!!" Bryce pointed out. Smitty, john, marcel and Scotty ran to the computer room.
"Ohm is probably in the bed of that truck." Tyler pointed at the tv. "If he has his phone he could break his phone case and cut his way out."
"They only took ohm.. I have his phone." Bryce sighed.
"I found out they're hide out! It's gonna take two hours to get there!!" Scotty yelled.
"Let's get going!!" Bryce yelled running to the cars. The four that were in the computer room: ran out.
"I sent everyone the location to yall's cars." John said. We all ran to our cars and drove to get ohm. Raven came with me.

Ohms POV
I woke up in a cell chained to a wall by my right ankle. Great. It was very dim and I could barely see a thing. I was on an old beat up thin mattress. Some of the surface and sides were missing. I'm pretty sure near my feet was a piss stain.. gross. I just laid down after trying to pull the chain out but I couldn't. Locked in tight. I really didn't know what to do. I started thinkin of who might of taken me and why.
My thoughts were interrupted by someone coming downstairs. I didn't even bother looking.
"Ryan or better known as ohmwrecker." It was a female voice. I sat up. I saw a 5 foot 4, woman about mid 30's, short brown hair, green square glasses, thin, wearing a doctor's lab coat, black pants and blue shoes. I couldn't see her shirt. She had an Italian accent.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"You as my test subject. -turns to the stairs behind her- BRING to the lab!!" She smiled. It was pretty but I wouldn't necessarily date her. Got a creepy vibe from her. Two men in all black came down, picked me up, hand cuffed me, unlocked my ankle from the chain and made me walk up stairs after the lady. The whole place was just white.
"I'm Dr. Benvolio. Welcome to me sanctuary. Surprised your not fighting to get away." I couldn't see it but I knew she was smiling.
"What do you want from me?" I asked.
"I needed a new test subject and you seemed to be perfect." She smiled.
"Test subject for what..?" I asked. I was gonna ask how she knows me but.. I kinda already guessed how.
"To become a super weapon. The last hundred didn't exactly survive. One did but he escaped." She shrugged.
"Super weapon?" I said out loud. Didn't mean to honestly.
"Yes! For the military. You will make a fantastic weapon!" She laughed. I was sent to a room..wasn't bad honestly. I had to change into all white clothes. A guy that looked like a nurse was waiting for me. He was pretty buff.. I just followed him to another room that was on the top floor. The third floor. I could see outside. Pretty sure I was in a hospital.

Raven's POV
We went lookin for this dumb gang. I was with Evan. We got stuck in traffic so it'll be a while. Hope ohm is ok..
"What's wrong?" Evan asked. Guess he knew I was off in my mind.
"Just hoping ohm is ok." I sighed. Evan held my left hand.
"He's gonna be ok. He'll find a way out." Evan reassured.

Moo's POV
I got a call from Brian saying ohm was in trouble and that they were in traffic. So, I called for back up. I was in a police helicopter. The cops escorted the guys out of traffic. Basically going threw the grass to the other rode that wasn't the highway. Brian drove a convertible and the pilot dropped me down in the passenger seat. Scared the shit outta Brian.
"I FUCKIN KNEW THAT WAS YOU!!" Brian screamed. I was laughing my ass off. Everyone in the walkin talkie face time thing laughed.
"Thanks moo!" Everyone smiled. Brian was infront and we basically raced there. Cops said it was ok.

Ohms POV
I'm in a room that looked like a normal doctors office.
"I need to measure you." Dr.Benvolio spoke up behind me.
"Alright." I shrugged.
"Your not going to fight back?" She asked confused.
"Why should I? I know my gang will be here soon. Maybe a day or two. I'll be free." I explained.
"That's if they find the right location." She smirked and began to measure me.

Raven's POV
We get to the gangs house. The leader comes out. Wearing a red tank top, red pants, red converse, about mid 30's, dyed red hair, fake red contacts and a all red bandanna around his neck.
"What can I do you for?" He asked as we stood outside our cars. The cops stayed behind. Evan walked closer.
"We need to talk!" Evan spoke up with his hands folded behind him. The guy walked closer to Evan. The spoke softly to each other. Mini was right next to me.
"Hands on your gun and eyes all around." Mini whispered. I did as told. Rowdy boys are on the lookout too. In the windows, on the ground around the house and a few were in the garage. Evan punched the hell out of the leader and walked back pissed off.
"Let's go!" Evan yelled. Oh boy. We got back in our cars and headed out.
"Ohm wasn't taken by them. A different gang got him. The dark blue gang. Lavenders." Evan sighed.
"You punched the shit out of that guy!" Brian and nogla said laughing.
"Hell yeah I did. It felt good." Evan smirked.
"Where's lavenders?" Marcel asked.
"Lady lavenders is an all girl gang. They live in the south parts but out in the fields." John said looking them up on his computer.
"Great.." Tyler sighed.
"If they want to fight, pretty sure Raven will kick some ass." Anthony laughed.
"Hell yeah I will." I smirked.
"That's my girl!" Tyler cheered. Mini laughed.

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