Chapter 42: BIG PROBLEM.

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Evan's POV
I woke up to a call from Raven. It's around 8am.

Phone call:
E: Hello?
R: EVAN! Mini and Tyler were kidnapped!!
R: I'm home! Please hurry!
E: I'm coming!!

I jumped out of bed, put pants on, slipped my shoes on and put my shirt on as I was running outside with my keys in my mouth. I got in my car and sped off to raven's.

Raven's POV
I called Marcel.

Phone call:
M: Hello?
R: I'm really sorry to wake you up but Mini and tyler were taken! Please hurry!
M: -looks over to see simone already up and in the kitchen making coffee- SIMONE!! WE GOTTA GO TO TYLERS!! I'll be on my way in a bit. Stay safe!

I called Scotty.

Phone call:
S: what's up?
R: tyler and mini were takin! Please come over!

I put my phone on the ground. Why the ground? I've been duck taped to the wall by 4 assholes! I was able to get one arm out but still.. kinda hard to get out. Keno get his mouth duct taped shut.. I was trying to get him free.. but I was failing. Evan came in.
"Raven! What the hell happened!?" Evan ran and literally slid to me like a baseball player. Scotty, Chrissy, Simone and Marcel coming in a bit after.
"Get keno free first!" I pointed to keno. It took all three of them to get him free. As the women were getting me down, I explained what happened.

Flashback:  (still raven's POV)
I was thrown out of bed and into some guy's arms. Three guys had me and I was trying to get free. My phone was still in my pocket. They didn't search me. I got thrown up against the wall next to the back door. Mini and tyler were in handcuffs and their arms and legs were wrapped in duck tape. The guys that got us were all in black. The leader was 6'4, bald and big blue eyes. Muscles for days.
"Listen. We kill or talk. Pick one." He had a Russian accent.
"What do you want?" Tyler asked.
"I need information on Lester. He owe me money." Russian spoke with no emotion.
"What kind of information?" Mini spoke out.
"Where he live. I need to get to him." None of us spoke.
"Where do Lester live." Russian dude asked more firmly.
"We can't tell you." I spoke.
"Duck tape little girl to wall." Baldy ordered. The guys grabbed me and put me upside down. I didn't struggle.
"Don't hurt her!" Tyler yelled.
"I won't. Duck tape hurt her to get off. Now, tell me information." Baldy leaned over the couch. Mini and tyler were on the two lounge chairs. Keno wouldn't stop barking.. so they duck taped his mouth shut..
"California." Mini firmly said. "Now let us go."
"No. You two come with me." Baldy motioned for his guys to take mini and tyler. The knocked them out and left. I wiggled and got my phone out of the front pocket it was in.
End of flashback.

Marcel's POV
"So that's what they wanted? Information on Lester?" I sighed. Great. Scotty called Lester. Raven called ohm, Bryce, luke and Delirious. They were staying at bryce's. So was panda apparently. Minims birthday was a few days ago. Evan called in droid and lui. Brian, Jaclyn and Nogla were staying at Lanai's. I called in smitty and john.

Phone call:
S: what's up?
M: anyway y'all can get to Raven's?
S: yeah! What's wrong?
M: mini and Tyler have been taken by some Russian guys.
S: oh shit. Yeah! We'll be right over! -turns to John- WE GOTTA GO! GET YOUR KEYS!

Well...ok then.
"Smitty and John are on their way." I told the group.
"I called Lester. He said he's gonna go into hiding. Then I think he crunched his phone." Scotty said a bit confused.
"Any idea where he'd hide?" Raven asked Evan.
"There's one place that I can think of. We gotta get to California."

Skip to California

Delirious' POV
We got to the warehouse and suited up. When we got to our cars: BROCK WAS STANDING AT HIS.
"Brock?!" Everyone but Brian yelled.
"I called him." Brian smiled.
"No one takes anyone in this family and gets away with it." Brock spat. Never seen him so pissed... we got into our cars but went in pairs. Me and Luke. Brian and Brock. Nogla and lui. Scotty and Marcel. Panda and Droid. Raven and Evan. Ohm and Bryce. Smitty and john. We sped off to Lester's office. Luke was driving. I looked over at him. Not gonna lie: he was god damn gorgeous. His face and that beard.. his body was just the package! His personality brought me into his life more when we first met. I never thought I'd be falling for my best friend but.. I really do love him.
"Do I have somethin on my face?" Luke asked laughing.
"Your beard." I laughed. He had some fuzzy stuff in it and I was lying.
"Well don't just sit there! Help a brotha out!" He laughed. I reached over and smacked him. Not too hard but playfully.
"Fuckin bitch." He grunted and smacked me back.
"You son of a bitch!"
"Next time, I'll punch you in the nuts!" He was only joking....hopefully.

Bryce's POV
Ohm has been staying at my house a lot. Even asked if he could move in! He said it was to be closer to the group but..I doubt that's what he meant. Last night.. we, me, luke, delirious and ohm, got drunk... ohm and I didn't have sex but we made out.. Along with delirious and luke but in different rooms. Not too sure what those two did. I doubt anyone remembers. I only remember because my phone had the recoding of us. How do I tell him?

Evan's POV
I was driving but at a stop light, I looked at Raven.
"You ok babe?" I asked.
"Yeah. Just worried about them." She looked at her feet.
"Its gonna be ok babe. We will find them." I held her hand up to my face and kissed the back of it then set it down still holding onto it. She was blushing and smiling.
"Awww. My baby is blushing." I chuckled.
"I don't know what your talking about." She tried to hide it.
"Mhmm. I can see you hiding it."
"How would you know? You can't see me and your driving!" She defended but never let go of my hand.
"I have owl eyes." I smirked.
"You mean eagle." She laughed.
"I'm Evan the owl." I corrected.
"I'm Raven the .." she was thinking.
"Owl." I smiled.
"Works for me....... parakeet." She snickered.
"I'm gonna get you." I sighed pulling up to Lester's. We all parked and got out. The front door was kicked in. I looked at the guys. Raven stayed close behind me. We wall went in and saw the place destroyed. Papers flung everywhere. Chairs were flipped at random...whole place was raided.
"Stay in partners." I ordered and everyone scattered. Raven stayed with me and we went to Lester's office. Yup. It was a mess. We went threw the mess of papers and files. The book case we pretty fucked. Raven checked it out and she got shocked.
"What th- -buuuuzzzzzz- SHIT!" She held her hand. I examined it. She was fine. I looked at the bookcase. I lifted the book up and not out: the whole thing moved to my right. Raven yelled for everyone to go to the office. Everyone then came running in and we went down the spiral of stairs that went down. I was first. Then Raven, Brian, Brock, And Panda. The rest stayed on the surface to make sure we could get back up. We went all the way down and saw another office. Looked like his smoke, drink and ....nope.
"Ok. Let's go back up!" I told everyone to get up quickly. We all pretty much ran back up.
"What did you see?" Nogla asked.
"We didn't. Evan saw the room then told us to get back up here quickly.
"Let's just say Lester is into some kinky shit." I shivered. It was basically a sex dungeon. We kept looking around. Nogla, me, Scotty and Marcel were on the computers. Raven was sitting next to me thinking where they could have gone.
"Babe! The microchips!!" She shook my arm.
"What?" I whipped my head to her.
"The microchips! We could find them by the chips!" Raven excitedly said. I went to the website and typed in the numbers. Raven, thankfully, wrote them down. We got them.
"Colorado?" Raven questioned.
"They're in a car." I pointed out. Everyone was behind us looking.
"Well shit, how are we gonna catch up to them?!" Panda asked.
"Let's get to the jet!" I got out of the website and we ran to the cars.

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