Chapter 82: Two Murders

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Raven's POV
I woke up to the sound of 6 cops busting down my bedroom door. What a lovely way to wake up!
"PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!" One yelled at me. I couldn't see their faces. They had helmets on. I did as told. One pulled my blanket off my legs. One stood by me as I get out of bed.
"Do you have any weapons on you?" One asked.
"Two pocket knives. They're in my pockets. You should be able to see the clips." I said calmly. The one that helped out out of bed looked and took them out. I was handcuffed and taken downstairs. Mini and tyler were handcuffed to the bar chairs.
"What's going on?" I asked. The chief came forward. I didn't recognize him. He was about 6 feet tall, buff, Latin descendent and had a tattoo of the Mexico flag on his upper left arm with a blue rosary around it.
"She's part of a murder. Your friends Chance and Joseph was murdered yesterday afternoon. We need to take you in for questioning." The chief said. I could feel tears on my eyes.
"Chance and joe are gone.." I was shocked. "I'll go with you but I'm tellin you now. I didn't know they were killed." I told the chief.
"Understood." He motioned for me to be taken away.

When we got to the interrogation room, I was still handcuffed and sitting infront of the second in command. Officer lancer. Kinda bulky, 5feet 10inches, blonde buzz cut and out of the marines. Been about 6 months since he's been released.
"When did they pass?" He asked.
"I don't know sir. I didn't know until this mornin when your men busted into my house sir." I spoke clearly.
"They were murdered. Chance was in a fatal car accident by his car stalling on the side of the high way coming to town. Joe was shit at point blank in the back of his head." He pointed to his head.
"With joe I'm not sure. I know he had started dating a girl and she has had some problems with a previous ex still gettin over their break up. He may be a suspect. Chance..he took car of his car. He always had some help with the guys or his step dad. I'm not too sure about his step dad. Always had a bad feeling when I went over to his place." I shrugged.
"Do you know the name of the ex or girlfriend?" Lancer asked handing me a piece of paper and pen.
"Yes sir. The girl is Katie Owens. She goes to flippity college for marine biology. The ex is Maxwell Morris. He works at the mechanic shop off of bells street and 13th street. Across from Walmart and flippity elementary." I wrote as I spoke. I slide the paper to him.
"Thank you for your corporation miss Raven. Yours fathers should be here shortly." He smiled and removed the handcuffs. I walked out behind him but another cop was behind me to make sure I didn't do anything. I saw the guys. Julian and Michael were crying. Nick and zac were holding back tears. Dillon was tryin to calm the crying. Jeremy and khris were being interrogated. Julian saw me and stood up. I ran to Julian and hugged him.
"You ok man?" I asked.
"Yeah.. except for.." He tried to speak but I just held him. After he calmed down a bit, Michael stood up. I did the same to him. Officer lancer and Chief Lambeth came in the waiting room with Jeremy and khris.
"Thank you all for your corroboration. You are released." Chief said. I went up to lancer.
"Sir, where are joe and Chance..?" I asked.
"They are being transferred to be in a autopsy." He tried to smile but failed. I didn't say anything.
"Thank you sir. If you and your men need help, we don't mind." I smiled. I could see tyler and mini walk in with Evan in the reflection off of the clock to my left.
"Thank you miss Raven." Lancer smiled. I turned to Evan, mini and tyler.
"You ok?" Mini asked as he hugged me.
"I'm ok dad." I smiled.
"I'll see you guys later." I waved to the guys. We were all brought in the same way. Only because we were suspects of two murders. I hope they catch whoever did this!

Nicks POV
When my mom and zac's mom showed up, we all piled into their trucks and headed to my house. Me, Julian and khris with my mom. Zac, Michael, Dillon and Jeremy with zac's mom. When we got home, we stayed in the garage. Our moms tried to comfort us and it kinda helped.. We all had tears in our eyes but fought them back when we heard a certain car pull up. Raven. She ran into the garage.
"Guys! I know who killed joe!" We all looked up immediately.
"Who?" Julian asked pissed.
"Maxwell and Katie." She smiled and handed Julian her phone. It was a picture of them at the park making out.
"How does this pro-" Julian was cut off.
"Katie would tell me that max always wanted her for himself and would do anything to get her back. Katie did say she didn't want him because she was too crazy but they way she would talk about him ..the vibe I'd get would be she wanted to be with him again.." I said.
"Well shit. Gotta go talk to Katie." Julian said standing up. "Which park were they at?"

We headed to flippity river park. There's a big river that goes threw the middle. We found Katie but no max. I walked to her alone. The guys scattered for max.
"Hey katie!" I fake smiled. She turned towards me as she sat on a bench that faced the river. 
"Hey Raven! How are you?" She smiled. I sat down next to her.
"I'm ok. I heard about joe.." I sighed.
"I know.. I can't believe he did it." She sighed.
"Do you know what happened?" I asked like I didn't know.
"You don't know?" She asked confused.
"On the way over here I saw cops around joes place. I talked to his mom..kinda. She was crying but could only tell me he died." I sighed.
" was suicide. He shot himself in the face.." She said looking down.
"Why would he do that? He was doin great at his job, no issues with his family, loyal girlfriend ..shit, his car had a few problems but not enough to where he'd kill himself." I said fake confused.
"I know but I'm not sure why he would either.." she was still looking down.
"Katie. I talked to the cops. Joe was shot in the back of the head at point blank by a 9mm pistol. Like the one max has." I said coldly looking at her.
"You can't prove anything that max did it!" She started to run and I ran after her. Max was running towards her. They both pulled out the same guns and pointed at each other. I tackled her and pride the gun away from her hands. I kicked it away and held her down. Nick and zac were holding down max. Julian got the gun away from max and didn't the same I did.
"Michael, call the police." I said to Michael.
"You can't prove anything!" Max laughed. I pulled out a tape recorder.
"Actually, I can." I smiled as a hanged it over their faces. We stayed until police came. Lancer and his men came, got max and katie and lancer took mine and Julian's prints to know we were the ones pulling the guns away from them. We didn't mind.

When the police left, I turned to the guys.
"Gotta find out how Chance passed." I sighed.

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