Chapter 47: I'm Not Ok

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Raven's POV
Mini woke me up by calling me. He was crying so I booked it to his room. Tyler is awake but he doesn't remember a thing. His parents are at the hospital trying to jog his memory. After calming down, I called Evan and told him what going on. He said he'd call in the rest of the crew. I went back to mini and cried. We hope this doesn't last long and he remembers us. Granny sammy said she will call whenever she can. I hope I get my dad back. My over protective, funny, game raging, loud mouthed and bear hugging dad back. I miss him so much. I wish I could hear his crazy laughing wheeze again. I wish I could hear him rage again. I wish I could hug him again. I love him very much and I'd do anything to go back and save mini and tyler from those crashes. I hope he doesn't have this forever. Mini was crying harder than me and I completely understand. They are soul mates. You can see it when their around each other. I just held mini. Not tight but tight enough so I didn't hurt him.
Granny sammy said he's coming home today. He was shocked when they said he had a daughter ...and a husband. When tyler came home, he walked around trying to remember the house. Any memory he could possibly have. When we talked in his office, he kept apologizing for his memory loss. He understands that he has it and how he got it. We talked about pictures and memories. He cried when I told his what happened with me turning ages so quickly and about the pool incident. He felt like he wasn't careful enough. He cried harder about my childhood. He was shocked about the heist and the bodyguard job. He started to remember stuff about himself. Favorites and dislikes. When I talked about mini, he didn't understand how he could marry his best friend. I showed him pictures they shared. He smiled at them. I didn't bring up...her. His last ex-girlfriend. I don't give a damn for her. I'd rather tyler not know about her.
When he talked to mini: they were there for hours. I was in the living room with my grandparents and uncle James. Talking about other things and them mentioning me starting the night with them. I didn't mind but I wasn't ready just yet. I'm afraid while I'm gone, something may happen to mini and tyler.
They left when the crew came over. Every single one came. Tyler said their names and youtube names back to them so we know he knows who is who. We all talked for a while.
"I'm sorry I have memory loss. I'm trying to remember but I'm remember small details. Thank you for helping me as much as possible. I couldn't have asked for a better family." Tyler said to all of us as he held mini's hand. We all nodded.
"Were a family. Helping no matter what. No matter the time or place: were a family and we don't leave anyone behind." Evan stated. We talked more about memories. Good and bad.
"Wow. We did a lot of messed up stuff." He chuckled a bit. "And some good. Thank you for the memories." Tyler smiled.
After everyone left, Tyler talked to mini and I directly.
"I'm sorry my memory is lost still and I don't really remember being apart of this family. I'm not use to being a father and husband. I'd like to be with my parents for a few days." Tyler sighed.
"We understand. Take as long as you'd like." Mini didn't even look at tyler. He left to pack his things then he left after he hugged us. I looked at mini after I looked up.
"Call over luke and delirious to stay over. Please." He asked and I did without question. They came over and they helped Mini to bed. Keno stayed with him. They were in my room on my bed with me in a circle talking.
"How are you with all of this?" Luke asked taking a sip of his tea.
"I'm split. Tyler is being off about this. I know his memory is fucked but didn't think it was this bad. He told me he's not to sure with sleeping with mini.." I sighed. "So he's staying with his parents."
"Does mini know that?" Delirious asked.
"No. Tyler lied to mini but to protect him. I'll be posting onto Tyler's channel for the time being. With however long, I'm gonna need help with mini."
"We will be by your sides. We will be taking turns to check on the cats but other than that, we will be here." Luke said.
"Luke most likely will. I don't want to leave your side and you know Evan will be here to help." Delirious smiled. I started to really think about tyler while delirious and Luke talked. The memories kept playing in my head as if on repeat. I looked at my hands because I could feel warm tears gliding on my face.
'I miss my wild-dad.'
Delirious and luke noticed and hugged me.
"Raven, it's gonna be ok." Luke said calmly.
"I'm not ok.." I really wasn't. I missed the old Tyler so much and I'd do anything to get him back. He was my wall made of the toughest metal. I just want my tyler back. Delirious was holding me now as luke went to the bathroom.
"Your so strong Raven. I know you can't be every time but I know you'll be ok. It's ok to cry. This family will be ok. This is just a bump in the road. I want you to know we all have your back. Yours and mini's. Tyler is stubborn but he'll pull threw soon. You can cry as much as you'd like. I promise my crazy teddy. I love you." Delirious kissed the top of my head softly.
"i-i lov-ve y-ou t-too.." I stuttered so badly but I had to get it out. I didn't want to leave him hanging. "Can y-you and luke p-play video g-games please." I asked. Luke came out and put on call of duty zombies. I laid on delirious and luke sat next to us. I drifted off to sleep hearing them play.

Cold as hell. Dark as night with a full moon. Rain covers my body like a big blanket. I just ran behind a big rock. My lung are gasping for air. My legs feel like they are burning. My mind is racing. Blood runs out of my left leg from a bullet barely missed but it cut threw skin and pants. I have two black pistols on me. One in my dominant hand and the other in the holster. I start to run again but to a street. A black hummer pulls up. Evan and chance are in the front. Julian, delirious, nick, Cody and me are in the car now. Evan is speeding away. I'm trying to catch my breath.
"Are you alright?" Julian asked as he bandages my leg.
"Yes. How far until the destination?" I asked looking at chance.
"10 miles." Chance sighed. We were almost there.
"We got company." Delirious said looking in the back along with Nick and Cody.
"Well shit." Julian and I said at the same time looking back.
"Light them up!" Evan ordered. Chance flipped a switch and the back door opened. We began shooting. The car swerved to our left and hit a few trees. Another car was coming and it swerved to our right and landed in a ditch.
"Everyone alright?" Evan asked.
"I've been shot. Left shoulder." I showed Julian and began to fix. Didn't even notice.

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This chapter was very hard to wright.. I cried making this one.

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