Chapter 43: BIG PROBLEM part 2

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Mini's POV
I woke in a dark room and the smell of weed in the air. My left leg was chained to the wall next to me. Tyler was on the other side of the room once I found my glasses. We were on thin mattress' in what looked like a basement. Wooden ceiling, metal ground and stone walls. I looked at the chain. I couldn't reach tyler. Great.
"Tyler!" I yelled to him. He woke up instantly.
"Wha...what the fuck." I sat up and looked around. Rubbed his face then looked over at me.
"Your chained to a wall." He pointed out.
"So are you." I pointed to him. He looked over.
"Well shit.  Have you seen anyone?" He asked.
"No. Any marks or any pains on you?" I asked.
"No. You?" He asked.
"Only the spot from the surgery." I was referring to the microchip we had implanted in us. Damn was that painful. Hopefully Raven can find us. We heard some people come down. Bald dude was here.
"Morning men." I smiled and sat in a rolling chair backwards. He was wearing a black and dark blue stripped suit with black shiny shoes.
"Now. I couldn't find Lester but I did background check on you two. You have daughter?" He asked us.
"Yes we do. She's adopted." Tyler sighed facing bald dude.
"Proud of you! Had to raise children. I will not harm her. I don't harm children. I promise on motherland." He placed his fist on his chest. "Now, do you two know of her real parent?"
"We know nothing of her real parents except they're names. Why?" I asked.
"Well, her real parents are out to kill Lester and he owe me money. I didn't want to say anything in front of little girl." He sighed.
"Why does Lester owe you money?" Tyler asked.
"Why does raven's parents want to kill Lester?" I asked.
"He owe me money to keep watch after killers. He did not pay last month. Raven parents want to kill Lester because they are hunter." He sighed.
"Bounty hunters?" Tyler questioned.
"Yes. Raven was born by accident. They gave her up for adopt."
"Raven wasn't born by accident!" I was pissed. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me and tyler. Hell, even the group!
"Yes she was." A woman came out.
"Oh shit." Baldy sighed and shook his head.
"She wasn't supposed to be born. Now that she's in your custody and see she's been turned into a killer. She's now on my list." She pointed a gun at me.
"She's not a killer! We take out rotten gang members!" Tyler yelled. It's true. That's our side job.
"Gangs are gangs. That's why there's bounty hunters that can do that legally." She sighed and pointed a gun at tyler. A guy snuck around and got me out of the chains. I jumped up and tackled the bitch.
"You have no idea what Raven has turned out to be!" I held her down.

Tyler's POV
"You have no idea what Raven has turned out to be!" Mini yelled. I've seen him pissed once and it scared everyone in the group. It was when we were just friends and didn't tell anyone we were gay. It was when we had to work with a dumb gang called 'Dragon Scales".
"Listen you dumb fucks. We call the shots!" They're leader, Red, yelled at vanoss. He just straight up punched him in the face.
"We have been doing this a lot longer than any of you. Now shut up and listen." Vanoss leaned over then looked at the rest. They scattered into chairs. Vanoss was going over the plan to take out a group that was putting illegal drugs into the Florida ports from Costa Rica. The leader got up to shoot vanoss but I got in the way. Mini jumped in between me and red.
"Don't you dare shoot anyone." Mini growled.
"What are you gonna do about it?" He laughed. Mini grabbed his hand, gave the gun to me and broke his hand, his wrist, then his face and chest all in one swift move. The guy didn't have a chance. Mini got off the guy and looked at me.
"You ok?" Mini asked.
" ok?" I asked. I was scared.
"Yeah. No one fucks with this family." He smiled.

"Get off of me!" The chic screamed.
"No. You are not going to hurt my daughter!" Mini knocked her out then looked up at baldy. "Want me to take her out?" Mini asked.
"Sure." Baldy shrugged.
"If you don't want any trouble. We need to call our leader." Mini said getting up. A guy got me out of the chains.
"No problem." He motioned one of his guys to give us our phones.
"I'll call vanoss." Mini said to me.
"I'll call Raven." I said. We then called them.

Phone call:
T: Yes. Now listen to me. Any idea where Lester would be?
R: We have him.
T: Where are you?
R: Going to you
T: Make sure to bring him in.
R: Yes sir
T: If he so much pokes you, i'll crush him.
R: So would everyone else
T: Just make sure he comes in too. Ok?
R: Yes sir. Love you dad!
T: I love you too hun.

"Everything ok Mr.Wine?" Baldy asked.
"Yes sir." I smiled.
"Vanoss is gonna bring in Lester. He asleep at the moment. I told him to get someone to knock him out." Mini said.

Raven's POV
"Knock out Lester?!" Brian said.
"Your the terminator. You do it." I laughed.
"Well I kinda need some motivation." Brian sighed. Evan, Marcel and Scotty were asleep. Lui and I backed up the Lester's arms. Lui picked up one arm and slapped me with it in the face. I acted like I was know, fake crying and Brian knocked out Lester.
"Raven you ok?!" Brian picked me up like a baby.
"Yes.. can you put me down please?" I asked. He did as told.
"Do I want to know?" Evan asked.
"Nope!" Brian, Lui and I both said. Evan chuckled and walked off. We were in a jet and someone in a cargo-bomb was carrying our cars next to us.

-Skipping to getting tyler and mini-

We got to this building that was at least 10 stories high. We ran in and saw mini and tyler! I tackled the ground.
"DADS!!!" I yelled and hugged them.
"AAAAHHHHHH!" Low setting.
"AAAAAAHHHHH!" High setting.

Evan's POV
While Raven tackled mini and Tyler I turned to the bald dude. Brian and I handed over Lester to some of his guys... they had to drag him.
"I promise they not hurt." Baldy smiled...his voice was very deep and kinda startled us.
"Thank you." I smiled to him. Raven, mini and Tyler stood up.
"Now. I have-" baldy began to speak but Raven was turned so her back was towards baldy by mini.
"Your real mom...i-i-is....he-e-ere....I-I...Kno-o-ocked out..." mini began to speak but got chocked up.
"She's not my mom. She's not my parent. You two are my parents." Raven hugged mini.
"Would you want to see?" Baldy asked.
"Yes." Raven turned around and held onto mini and Tyler's hands. Baldy motioned for two guys to show this woman.
"Bounty hunter." Baldy said pointing.
"Am I on her list?" She asked baldy.
"We all are." He sighed. He spoke softly to Raven.
"Good. Hope she can catch my ass." She smirked. "May we leave?" Raven looked up at baldy.
"Yes. Good luck with life." He smiled then turned to his men with a frown. "Get rid of woman." He waved his hand and walked further into the building. We all walked out. Raven was holding mini and Tyler's hand like a child.
"Let's go home fuckers!" Nogla cheered with his hands in the air. We all laughed and headed for the jet to go home.

I've been sick with the flu and ..this medicine keeps knocking me out.
Would y'all want this to be the end of this book and start a new book or keep goin with this one?

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