Chapter 87: Baby Things

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Brian's POV
It's been a week after lanai and I found out about the gender of the baby, we decided on a a baby shower but first: Gotta fix this goddamn room for my boy! Lanai was in the living room with Simone and Chrissy. I was in my boys room with Marcel, Scotty, Brock, Mini and Tyler. Raven came over after she woke up. It was 11 am.
"So, we gotta build a crib, a changer, swing and bouncer?" I asked.
"Crib to sleep. changer to change shits. Trust me, it comes in handy. Swing for when he can hold his head up. Bouncer to rock him asleep. Worked in Brianna." Brock said.
"Good to know.." I said. This room was pretty big. It was down the hallway from mine and lanai's room. Scotty built the swing. Marcel and Mini built the changer. Brock built the bouncer. Tyler and I built the crib. Raven came over.
"Hey guys!" She smiled from the door way. Everything was built.
"Lanai wanted me to paint the room." Raven shrugged.
"Did you ask her what she wanted?" I asked.
"She wants a bunch of game references so he can learn early on." Raven smiled.
"Oh thank god.. I think it was just gonna be a bunch of number and letters." I sighed with relief.
"I know that's important but I want him to know  video games early on too. They help with creativity and memory." Lanai smiled at the door way with Simone and Chrissy.
"Couldn't agree with you more." I smiled.
"Just start wherever with whatever. Do you think you could do most of the walls?" Lanai asked Raven.
"Yup! Just gonna have to keep his stuff in the middle so no paint gets on to it." Raven suggested.
"Do you need paint?" Lanai asked.
"Nope! I already have my own paint. It's in my car." Raven said.
"Where's your keys? We'll go get it." Mini said but pointed to him and Tyler.
"I'll help too." I said walking out with them.
"You sure Raven can do this?" I asked tyler.
"We've seen her drawings. She's pretty good and has applied to some of the art schools around here but she's gonna do them alone so she can stay close." Tyler shrugged.
"She'd rather get college out of the way." Mini shrugged. We got the paint out and into my boys room plus some paper plates for a paint pallet. Raven was showing lanai and me some ideas as to where everything might go. She had some drawings done and showed us. When we picked out what we wanted, Raven got to work. At the very end, she was gonna put the babies name on the door..once we decide on his name.

Raven's POV
'So, I'm gonna start with mostly Nintendo. Super smash bros, Mario and Pokémon.'
I was deciding where to start first. This is gonna be hard but fun! Brian and lanai wanted to pay me but I told them no. I wanted to do this for the baby! This was gonna be my biggest piece to date..

Simone's POV
I just got off the phone with my friend's mum, Emilia. She said that violet has gone into the hospital to have her baby girl but..violet didn't make it. We've been friends for years.. I started to cry hard when I got off the phone with her. Marcel came in the living room.
"Simone, what's wrong?" He asked as he hugged me and sat next to me.
"Violet had her baby.." I choked up.
"That's great!" Marcel said happily.
"Violet...didn't make it." I looked at him."
"I'm so sorry.." Marcel hugged me tightly. "We can leave if you'd like to visit."
"Please.." I begged.

Mini's POV
I've been looking for a couples hours at dogs with tyler. We didn't know where to go. He was calling a shelter about adopting.
"Well, we're certified. We can go whenever." Tyler shrugged.
"Awesome! We can do it for raven's birthday." I smiled.
"True! But does she want a dog?" Tyler questioned.
"You saw how she was with Hailey! Plus there's river, Anthony's dog, Brian and lanai's dog, Nogla's dogs and Luke's cats." I said thinking.
"Well, we shall see." Tyler shrugged.

Raven's POV
I was done out lining one wall plus I did the door. Put everyone's youtube name and Mini cartoon versions of them. I left after I was done. I was driving home when I got a call from nick.

Phone call:
R: Hey nick! What's up?
N: Not much. What are you doing?
R: Driving home. What's wrong?
N: Well, I need a small favor. My truck won't start and I need a jump. I'm at the McDonald's by flippity park.
R: I'll be there in about 10 minutes.
N: Thank yoooouuuuu!
R: No problem

It's a 20 minute drive but I can fix that to 10.
When I got to nick, I helped him get a jump.
"Thanks Raven." He hugged me.
"No problem! Should probably get Julian's dad to look at that." I shrugged.
"True. I'll ask him tomorrow mornin. Be careful Raven." Nick smiled then left. I decided to go threw the drive threw of McDonald's for dinner. It was 10pm and I haven't eaten since 3pm. Mini and tyler were asleep but knew I was coming home.
I got in, locked up the house and went to my room. I set up Netflix and watched until I done eating. Tossed out my trash and heard a familiar laugh. I looked outside through my window. It was delirious and luke outside talking.
"I SEE YOU SPYIN IN US!" Luke yelled towards me. I moved back and texted luke.

Me: Don't know what your yellin about.

"DONT KNOW WHAT IM YELLIN ABOUT MY ASS!" Luke laughed. I looked outside again but to see delirious sitting on the fence!
"Since when did you become a cat?!" I asked.
"Forever!" Delirious laughed.
"The hell yall yellin for?!" Tyler yelled from the backdoor of his room. Mini came stumbling out.
"THE HELLS GOIN ON?!" Scotty yelled from rooms balcony.
"RAVEN DID IT!" Delirious laughed.
"SHE WAS SPYIN ON US!" Luke said climbing up on his side on the fence.
"RAVEN! WHAT DID I TEACH YOU?!" Scotty asked.
"THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN TEACHIN MY KID?!" Mini asked with sarcasm.
"THINGS!" Delirious yelled.
"NOOOOTHIIINNNG." Scotty, Chrissy, delirious, luke and me yelled back.
"YALL SOME GUILTY BITCHES !" Mini snapped his fingers and went inside.
"GET IT GIRL!" Chrissy yelled back.
"OH YOU KNOW IT HUNNY!" Mini said in a feminine voice. We all laughed and went back to our rooms and I fell asleep.

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As always, I hoped he enjoyed!

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