Chapter 15: We Help Each Other

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Scotty's POV
"WHAT!?" She asked from the kitchen.
"WHERE. IS. MY. BLACK. WATCH!?" I yelled from the bedroom.
"YOU DONT HAVE A BLACK WATCH!" She face palmed.
"Oh yeah.. MY BAD!" I said scratching the back of my bed. She laughed her ass off.

Mini's POV
I hung up the from with my mum. My brother James was in a car accident and is in kinda bad condition.. I took my glasses off and put my head in my hands. I felt a hug from someone.
"It'll be ok." Tyler said hugging me.
"We can book a flight to see you're brother." Tyler said.
"You sure?"
"What about Raven? She's highly afraid of heights..."
"I'll go talk to her. Tell your parents we're gonna book a flight as your booking a flight. I don't care when or how long it is. I'm goin with you." Tyler said with his hands on my shoulders then kissed me before he went up to Raven's room. I'm so damn lucky to have that man in my life.

Tyler's POV
I walked up to Raven's room. I knocked on it as I heard her play Mario Kart.
"COME IN!" She kinda yelled. I walked in.
"What's up dad." She looked up at me and smiled pausing the game. She was in rainbow road as Link.
"Somethin I need to talk to you about." I said as I sat next to her. She put the controller next to her and looked at me concerned.
"Did I do somethin wrong?" She asked.
"Of course not. You're uncle James, Craig's brother, was in a car accident recently and Craig wants to go and see him. I'm going with him because I know he's gonna need me there. Would you want to come with? Their in London and we will be gone for maybe a few days. We won't force you if you don't want to but if you don't, we will have someone come and watch over you while we're gone."
"I'm not a big fan of flying.. I'd rather stay here and guard the fort. Plus who's gonna take care of keno while we're gone?" She questioned. I laughed.
"Well, if that's what you want, that's fine. But who do you want to watch over you? It can be anyone if the guys."
"I could ask." She shrugged.
"Ok, you do that. I'm gonna check on Craig." I then left and went to go check on Craig. He was in his office.

Raven's POV
after Tyler left I immediately went to delirious. It's been a few days since he's been here. He moved in with Luke in North Carolina. Well, according to him they lived close by anyway but still. He did need to get away from that chick. Stupid chick. Doesn't know what she did!

"Hey!" I was interrupted by a loud delirious.
"Hey! Whatcha doin?"
"With Luke and ohm driving to your place. Why?"
"Wait, WHAT!?"
"OW! ...surprise..." he laughed.
"Luke hit ya?" I laughed.
"We are almost to your house. Like down the street close!" Ohm said... I ran down stairs and yelling to mini and Tyler.
"OOOOOWWWW!!!" The three said at the same time.
"You scream like delirious!"
"And apparently like you too Luke!"
"GET ME OUT OF THIS CAR!!" Ohm sighed. Delirious laughed.
"YOUR SUPPOSED TO WAIT UNTIL THE CAR STOPS YOU FUCK!" Luke yelled. I hung up laughing. Ohm came inside swinging the door open.
"Finally away from those t- AAAAAHHHHHH!!" Ohm shrieked as delirious came up behind him and poked his sides then laughing soon after. Luke shook his head is disappointment.
"Nice to see you guys too." Mini smiled. Tyler and I were laughing so hard I was on the flood while Tyler was leaning up against the was.
"Tyler and I need a favor.." mini said scratching the back of his head.
"What's up?" Delirious asked getting serious. Luke and ohm straightened up.
"My brother James was in an accident. Tyler and I are goin to London to visit. Raven wants to stay behind...can you guys watch her while we're gone..?"
"And make sure she doesn't get hurt or destroy the house."
"Don't worry! We don't mind." Delirious smiled.
"Thank you." Mini smiled.
"That's what friends are for. We help each other." Luke smiled and hugged me.
"Brian and daithi are on their way h-" Ohm was interrupted you the two Irish men yelling at each other.
"WELL THATS HOW I REMEMBER IT NOGLA! Hey guys!" They both said at the same time.
"Sup." Mini and Tyler laughed.

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