Chapter 28: Wild Ride of Emotions

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Lui: NOGLA!!
Nogla: WHAT?!
Lui: son of a bitch..
Raven's POV
it's been a week and a half of training. I've gettin so much better with driving and shooting. Today, I'm lifting weights with the guys but Luke, Bryce, Evan and Mini are gonna help me mostly. We got to the warehouse and went straight to working out. Evan has been keeping his distance.. I hope I didn't do anything wrong...
"Raven, you ok?" Bryce asked.
"Yeah! Sorry, day dreaming." I shyly laughed and walked with him to the weights. Luke and mini were already there.
"Where's Evan?" Bryce asked. I looked around.
"He's working out with Brian and Nogla." Mini shrugged. Every time I'm around.. Evan goes somewhere else.
"Oh ok! So Raven, what do you want to do? Arms or legs?" Bryce asked. I looked at mini and luke. There were workin on arms so..
"Arms I guess." I shrugged. Bryce and I grabbed different weights, sat in front of mini and luke then started to work out.

Evan's POV
"Hey Brian! Mind if I workout with you and Nogla?" I asked.
"Sure man, were on the treadmill." Brian smiled. We walked over to where Nogla was. Panda and marcel were already here. Where's Tyler and Scotty?
"SHIT!!" Tyler screamed.
"AAAAHHHH!" Scotty screeched. We heard them fall. Sounded like they slipped. Everyone stopped what they were doing and ran to Tyler and Scotty.
"What happened?" I asked. Mini and Brian got up Tyler. Marcel and Panda got up Scotty.
"The sink is busted." Raven pointed out.
"Ok, I'll fix it. You two ok?" I asked.
"Yeah." Scotty sighed.
"Yup." Tyler nodded.
"Where's ohm?" I asked.
"He's on the phone and Delirious is in the bathroom." Bryce replied.
"For like 10 minutes." Luke checked his phone.
"You good man?!" Nogla banged on the bathroom door.
"I'm takin a shit!" Delirious yelled.
"Damn it stinks!" Raven laughed.
"I ate Taco's for breakfast!" He laughed his Delirious laugh.
"Alright! Everyone back to working out! I'll fix the sink.
"I can help you." Panda suggested.
"Thanks panda." I smiled. Everyone left to go back to working out.
"You ok Evan?" Panda asked.
"Not really.." I trailed off looking for the tool box.
"Evan, you can tell me anything man."
"I can't find the toolbox." I laughed.
"Oh! I think it's in one of these shelves." Panda laughed. (Their in a kitchen) Close one.. I laughed with him and looked around. Delirious came out when panda passed.
"GOD DAMN IT STINKS!" Panda laughed covering his mouth and nose with his shirt.
"I had Taco's for breakfast.." Delirious laughed. Ohm came in.
"Told you that was gonna happen!" Ohm laughed with the rest of us.
"I feel sorry for anyone who goes in there after me." Delirious laughed.
"Delirious!! How bad!?" Luke yelled.
"Give it like 20 minutes!" Delirious yelled back.
"Fuck it. I'll go take a piss out back." Luke said getting up. Mini, Bryce and Raven were laughing.
"Delirious, wanna go wrestle?" Ohm asked.
"Let's do it!" Delirious yelled running to the ring. Ohm followed. Panda and I fixed the sink then we sprayed down the bathroom.
'How the fuck does his shit smell so badly!?'
"That should do it." Panda laughed.
"Thanks man and I hope so." I laughed. We walked to the treadmills and worked out for bit.

Raven's POV
I got up to fill my water bottle. As I was filing it up, I heard someone behind me but I didn't do anything thinking it was one of the guys. Something told me other wise. My shoulders were grabbed by two very strong hands and I flipped the guy over to his back. I didn't recognize him and for a second, he kicked me. Makin me land on my back. He got on top and tried to punch me but I blocked and tried to break his wrist.
"HELP!!" I screamed. This guy was way too heavy for me to fight. I heard the guys coming and when he wasn't looking, I flipped him off and onto his stomach. I jumped to him and held his arms and legs down. Evan ran to me and looked at the guy.
"Michael. The hell are you doing here?!" Evan yelled.
"You know him?" I asked.
"Yes but stay put. Brian mini, help Raven." Evan ordered. They did as told and held him down.
"I came to visit. Heard you guys were back in town but got distracted by the girl." He smirked. Mini punched his back. Hard. It sounded like he broker somethin. I smiled at mini.
"What do you want?" Tyler asked walking over.
"Well hello piggy. I was coming by to see my old friends." He laughed.
"Everyone get off of him." Tyler ordered. We did as told and tyler grabbed the guy and slammed him on the table.
"Don't you EVER TOUCH OR TRY TO HARM MY DAUGHTER AGAIN!" Tyler screamed. The guy smirked.
"You have my word Tyler. I won't go near her without supervision." He said defensively. "I'm just here to see you guys. That's all."
"Bullshit. Last time you came, we had to deal with Lester." Evan spat out.
"I did visit Lester earlier. He said you guys were in town. I just want to talk." He said pointing at me.
"The fuck you pointin at me for?" I said rudely.
"It's about you. Lester doesn't think she should be involved but if you guys have a plan that involves her, tell him." He said looking at Evan.
"I did tell him. Yesterday." Evan said crossing he's arms.
"Well, I'm gonna talk to him. Get out." Evan said walking away. Tyler, Luke and Delirious 'escorted' the guy out. I looked at mini.
"He has a record of umm.. taking young girls in his past. Lester set him straight." Mini sighed scratchin his head.
"We won't let him around you." The guys said coming back in. Delirious hugged me.
"Proud that you took him down. Most people can't take him down except us." Delirious smiled.
"Well, I am being trained by y'all. Do y'all think I can take on Evan?" I asked.
"Wanna try?" Evan asked sitting in front of the ring with boxing gloves on his hands.
"Let's do it!" I yelled running to the ring.

After Training

Evan's POV
She beat me.. 4 out of 10 times!!
'How could you have let this happen!?'
We walked to our cars to go to the house. Couldn't find Raven.
"RAVEN!?" Tyler and Mini shouted.
"EVERYONE SCATER!!" I yelled. We looked everywhere for her. Couldn't find her. I ran to my office. Nope. Delirious, Luke and ohm ran outside. Followed by Nogla and Brian. Scotty and marcel searched in the kitchen and bathrooms. Tyler and Mini looked around in the workout place. Panda and I ran into the medic area...we use it for more of a sleep place or if anyone kinda fucks up, they rest here. SHE WAS ASLEEP. We walked out and I turned to Mini and Tyler. Panda laughed his ass off.
"She's asleep." I face palmed.
"At least she's safe." Mini laughed. Scotty called Luke to tell them we found her passed out. Tyler picked up Raven and carried her out. We got to the house and Tyler put her in her room while Mini followed.
"Damn I'm hungry.." Delirious said going to the kitchen.
"Want me order food?" I asked walked to the couch.
"PLEASE!" Everyone said. We agreed to Chinese food and I ordered. Luckily they deliver. Tyler and Mini came down to sit on the couch next to me.
"I swear she can hide anywhere." Mini sighed.
"I'll tell her to at least tell someone where shes going." Tyler replied.
"At least she was close and not stolen." I defended.
"True but she has to let us know where she is." Mini replied. DING DONG!
"I'll get it." Ohm said walking to the door. We always had Delirious or Ohm get the door because the rest of us are known..
Panda slammed on the couch face down.
"You good panda?" Scotty asked.
"I worked out with Nogla and Brian.." He mumbled.
"SORRY ANTHONY!" Nogla yelled from the kitchen. Brian was laughing.

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