Chapter 48: A Good Day is Needed

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Evan's POV
I was over at raven's when I got a call from Scotty. Him and Chrissy are being hostages to some small gang, About 15 people, in a grocery store. I gathered everyone. Even mini came. He drove with his left foot...he somehow figured it out and drove normally. I went delirious and luke. Marcel went with Brian. Lui and droid. Mini and Raven. We came up and the gang came out to kill us. We fought while mini got scotty and Chrissy away from them. We cuffed them because they were younger than 18.
"sucks for them." Brian said to me while the cops took them into their cars.
"It's their choice. They have to pay the price." I sighed. What's wrong with kids? Raven was walking when a dog jumped in front of her. We all had our hands on our guns. The dog fell to its stomach. Raven checked it.
"She's pregnant!" Raven yelled rubbing the dog. We all ran to them.
"She's having problems." Lui said.
"I'm calling for help." Brian said on the phone.
"Alright." Raven said trying to calm down the dog. It was a golden retriever. I gave her some water. The police were already gone. A vet came in a truck to get the dog. They soon left then we did. Luke, myself, delirious and Raven rode to raven's. Mini took Chrissy and Scotty to their house. A friend was with them but..he didn't make it.

A few hours later

Brian hasn't talked to anyone in a while. Even lanai. Scotty and Marcel went to his hotel room: it was trashed. I told everyone to gather at my place. Chrissy, lanai, Jaclyn and Simone got involved. We could use the help and this isn't the first time they got involved.
"Brian is missing. Lanai, any idea where he'd go?" I asked.
"He said he going to take a nap after getting Scotty and Chrissy then when he woke up, he was gonna go to see Brock." She said looking at the text between her and Brian.
"Alright. Anyone tell Brock?" I asked. Just then: Brock walked in.
"Raven called me. I'm helping." He said sternly. "Brian told me he going to come see me but after he went to the store to pick up some stuff for me."
"Alright. Lanai, is there a tracker on Brian or his phone?" I asked lanai.
"There is on his phone." She said checking. "It says he just got out of north west Houston and he's on the move." She sounded confused.
"Alright. Let's move." I said and everyone left. Raven with me. Lanai and mini. Panda, smutty and john. Nogla and Jaclyn. Chrissy and Scotty. Simone and Marcel. Lui and droid. Ohm and Bryce. Luke and Delirious. We speeded to Brian.

Brian's POV
I woke up in the back of a van. Ankles, knees and hands tied. A black bag over my head but I could see threw it. Two guys next to me. I was on the floor. The bag got pulled off and I acted like I was still asleep.
"He's still out." The guy to my left said. He sounded like he had a bit of a lisp. There was a stop. Probably a light. The sounds of multiple engines roaring could be heard behind us.
'My family.'
I smirked in my head. The driver started to speed and I started to slide. The two idiots didn't pay attention and kicked the doors open.
'This is gonna hurt..'
I braced for impact to hit ground  it I landed on the hood of a car. Evan and Raven!
"Hold on Brian!" Raven said GETTING OUT AND CLIMBING TO ME.
"Be careful!!" I yelled as we hit a bump. Mini and lanai, Nogla and Jaclyn, to my left. Marcel and Simone, Delirious and luke to my right. Raven was cutting me out of the ropes...they were tied on tight. We were about to get in the car when Raven was lassoed into the van.
"Shit!" I jumped for Raven. I started to beat up the two assholes in the back. The doors were still open. Snotty, John and panda drove up to the right side of the van. Ohm and Bryce to left side. Droid and lui to the front. Raven knocked one guy out as she got out of the rope. One guy wounded give up so I just kept of punching him.
"BRIAN! WE GOTTA GO!" Raven grabbed me and we hoped onto the hood of Evan's car again. Everyone moved back/slowed down. Raven and I held onto the hood while laying down. I had one arm on the car and the other around Raven so she wouldn't fly off. The van infront flipped to my right.
"YOU OK?" Raven asked me.
"YEAH! YOU?" I asked. She nodded and held her hand up. The back of her left hand got cut. Everyone slowed to a stop and we got off. I ran to lanai and hugged her. I kissed her beautiful face.
"How'd you find me?" I asked. I was going to sleep in my hotel room but I was takin away soon after.
"Tracker on your phone." Lanai smiled.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

Raven's POV
"Proud of you." Mini said hugging me. He had a boot on his leg.
"They're awake!" Panda yelled to us. We all ran...well Brian carried mini and ran.
"What the fuck was your intention?!" Evan yelled.
"Sex trafficking! Pretty boy was good enough. So is the girl." The driver laughed. Evan knocked him out in one punch...
"Lets go." Evan said hugging me after cops came and we talked. Mini road with Evan. Panda rode with me and drove while in mini's car. We all went back home.

Mini's POV
"Evan, I need a favor." I said.
"Anything." Evan said.
"When we get home, can you take Raven out? She needs to have a good day." Raven really needs one. I can see she's stressed.
"Of course." Evan smiled. He already had something in mind. I asked delirious and luke to help me while Raven and Evan were out. They didn't mind.
"Any idea?" I asked.
"I was thinking of taking her to the mall first then the book store. She's been wanting some more books."
When we got home, Raven and Evan went out. Luke, delirious and I stayed home and played video games.

Evan's POV
"So, where are we going?" Raven asked.
"The mall. I know your hungry and don't deny it." I smirked.
"You know me too well." Raven smiled. I held her left hand.
"I try to." I said parking. We walked in and went to her favorite food place in here. It was cheap but we didn't mind. Food was good. When we got our food, we sat in a two person booth and talked. When we finished: we went to game stop. I heard about a new game coming out and wanted to see it. The Impatient. It's a vr horror game and it looked interesting. Raven looked around. I bought my game and another Xbox controller for Raven. She only had two for her Xbox. I paid then left to a few other stores. The last one was hot topic. We went in for some Harry Potter merch. (If you don't like Harry Potter, you can change it. I'm a big Harry Potter fan...TeamRavenclaw) we got wands and our house jackets. We paid them left.
"Want to check the book store on chess street?" I asked.
"If it's ok with you." She smiled.
"I don't mind. I love spending time with my bird." I smiled back at her. When I did, I ran into a pillar...smooth.
"You ok?" Raven laughed but concern was in her voice.
"Yeah..I'm ok." I sighed rubbing the left side of my face. We walked to the car and drove to the bookstore jamming to music. We got out and met with Mrs.Delacore. The Liberian and she's become our friend. She was a tall skinny woman about early to mid 50's. Big blue glasses. Short bouncy gravy hair, green and purple hippy beads dangling around her neck, always wearing long flowing cool colored dresses with went right about the floor. She worse combat boots with them.
"Aww! My favorite couple!" She smiled at us. "What can I do for y'all today?"
"Were here to just browse." I smiled at her.
"Alrighty! Well, if you need anythin, I'll be putting up books." She smiled and turned around to sort out a pile of mixed books. We walked around for a bit. About 6 other people were here. 3 on computers and 3 reading. Raven walked off into the section about the human body. I followed her.
"I keep seeing the future in my dreams. I want to see if there's any answers." She sighed. She's been having dreams about the future. Every fight we've been in: she's seen. Not the fool fight in a dream. Only small scenes. Like from a short video playing but in her head. (I have the same thing. It sucks but it's also helpful. If you have the same thing or don't but want to know more, don't be afraid to talk to me about this. I don't mind!) I don't know how or why she has this ability but it's good that she hasn't. I write down every detail when she tells me about them. I have a journal about them in my office. I called over Mrs.Delacore for help. She has the same ability too. It's not common but does happen. Raven and I bought 10 books on this. Mrs.Delacore is going to put off a few more books for us when she finds them. We thanked her and left. Mini asked me to stay with Raven for tonight. I didn't mind. I loved being around her. When we got home, Raven and I started to do research. Raven read the books while I searched the internet. A few hours passed and Raven fell asleep on her bed. I turned off the computer, put the books up, set her correctly in bed and fell asleep next to her after I kissed her cheek.

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