Chapter 78: Graduation!

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Tyler's POV
I was watching my little girl graduate. I couldn't have been more proud. She was so beautiful. I was sitting next to Evan and mini. All eyes on Raven. Mini was recording Raven walking up to the stage.
"Raven (middle name if you want) Wine-Thompson." The assistant principle said. Everyone of us stood up and shouted happily for Raven. You could see pride, joy and scared all in once on raven's face but joy showed more. She was smiling so happily and carefully but quickly walked off the stage after her picture with her head principle as the shook hands. She walked back to her seat with her diploma. I kept my eyes on Raven. She was across from me and I could see her clap for her friends. When they were done, Raven softly threw her cap atleast a foot above her so it wouldn't go flying away. We then basically ran down the stairs to find her again. Mini got on my back to keep a birds eye view on her. We found her and headed home.
The next morning, the group came over and set up a graduation party for Raven while she was asleep.

Raven's POV
I woke up to Evan coming in my room.
"Morning babe!" He hugged me and handed me a (2nd favorite stuffed animal) that looked like it graduated. It was so cute!
"Thank you." I smiled. "What's going on downstairs? Is tyler grilling?"
"Come see." He smiled. I got up but changed clothes. (Some type of shirt and shorts) I walked out to the living room and was greeted by the group!
"SURPRISE!" They all shouted. Chrissy, Lanai, Lauren, Brianna and Jacqueline greeted me with hugs. I held Brianna after I hugged everyone. Bryce and ohm were last.
"Thanks for com- who's this little guy?" I asked as I saw a little boy. Blonde hair and bright hazel eyes wearing a ohmwrecker onesie. He had it custom made. IT WAS SO CUTE!!
"This is Nicholas! Our son." Bryce and own said smiling.
"Your what now?!" I was shocked.
"We will explain later but he's ours now." Bryce smiled. Nick was a new born and cute as can be! I held him. He was so tiny but kept looking around. Bryce took a picture while I had Brianna and Nick is my arms.
While we were eating outside, luke turned down the music and delirious stood up.
"Id like to make a toast to Raven for graduating early." He held his soda can up while smiling at me. We all did the same with our various drinks. Tyler and mini stood up. Tyler started.
"Raven, we couldn't be more prouder of you. When we first got you, we knew you were gonna be the right kid to help our dumbasses out."
"We know it hasn't really been that long but we wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. You've helped us grow stronger as a family. Showed us what it's like to be parents. We're thankfully you did your best in school and never really got in trouble. We couldn't have asked for a better kid." Mini smiled. Delirious stood up.
"When I first met you, I was scared. Literally because I thought you were gonna be scared of my loud laugh. Surprisingly, I haven't scared any of the babies.. I was also scared because I thought I wouldn't be a good uncle to you. I don't have any niece or nephews and I don't really plan on having any kids of my own but I'm honestly proud to say that you've helped me over come my fear. I couldn't have asked for a better niece." He smiled and hugged me. Luke stood up.
"I'm not a man of many words but Craig Tyler: thank you for savin this girl from the depths of hell!" Luke hugged me while everyone laughed at his joke. Anthony stood up.
"I wanna keep this short like me and I just wanna say, I'm proud to see you grow into an amazing young woman. Hopefully, I can help guide you threw like because being an adult sucks ass." Anthony hugged me while laughing along with everyone else. Brian and Lanai stood up.
"We couldn't have asked for a better 'niece' and we hope our kid isn't as crazy." They both said.
"As Brian." Lanai said at the end. We laughed a bit and hugged. David and Jacqueline stood up.
"We just want to say thank you and your welcome to come to us for any advise you may need in the future." Jacqueline smiled. David was crying. I hugged him first.
"I...I'm s-sorry for c-crying.." Nogla spoke up.
"It's ok nogla." I smiled as I hugged him. Then I hugged Jacqueline. Scotty and Chrissy stood up.
"I can't wait to see what kind of woman you become." Chrissy smiled and hugged me. Scotty started to cry.
"Me too!" Was all he could say as he hugged me tightly. Marcel and Simone stood up.
"Your welcome to ask us for any advise you might need and we are so proud of you Raven. Even if you want to come over, don't be afraid to ask." She smiled with tears in her eyes as she hugged me. Marcel came up to me.
"I know you know we're all proud of you and we couldn't of asked for a better niece. I feel more like you my little sister and if you need some help kickin some ass, you know who to call right? Tyler." Everyone laughed and Marcel hugged me tightly. Smitty and john stood up.
"Like marcel said. Couldn't be prouder of you and seriously, call tyler if you need help kickin some ass but call us -points at him and john- if you need help hacking into any system." Smitty smiled and hugged. Smitty sat down and john walked closer.
"I'm proud of you and I know you will need help gettin threw life. Proud to have met you." John smiled and hugged me. Bryce and ohm stood up.
"We wanna keep this short but thank you for coming into our lives." Bryce hugged me first then ohm and Kyle. Brock and Lauren stood up.
"We're proud of what a young woman you've become and we honestly see you as one of our own." Lauren hugged me. Brock was crying.
"I'm not are." Brock handed Brianna to Lauren and he hugged me tightly. When we let go, I looked towards Evan because I knew he was last. He was standing next to me.
"I couldn't be prouder of you. You've done something we couldn't do and never thought of doing. I'm proud to be your boyfriend. It's surprised me as to how you've stayed with me even though my life is all over the place. I want to be there for you whenever you need me to be." He hugged and kissed me. I walked to stand behind mini and tyler and turned to everyone.
"Thank you for being there and holding out a hand to help me when needed. I know sometimes I should have came to you but sometimes you gotta learn to start doing things on your own. I couldn't have asked for better parents. I was stuck in a pretty bad situation but I was pretty much saved by these two. I can't thank them enough for what they've done. My life hasn't been perfect and not easy but thanks to this family, it's been mostly a smooth ride. I can't wait to see what's gonna happen later in life. Thank you." I smiled with tears coming to my eyes but I pushed them back. Everyone clapped and cheered for me.
Since we were outside, we all fun. Playing games and swimming. I finally pushed tyler in the pool! ....With luke, Brian and mini's help.. everyone else pretty much was laughing their asses off when they saw it.
"Nice one." Tyler laughed when he surfaced. Everyone was in the pool except Evan. His phone went off. I was playing chicken with mini, Marcel and Simone. I got pushed over.. I tried atleast! When I surfaced: Evan was at the end of the shallow end.
"Lester just called. He said congratulations on graduating and he has a job for us.." Evan sighed. I could only imagine what's in store for us.

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