Chapter 68: On The Run

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Tyler's POV
So, Raven has knocked herself out by running full speed into her bedroom door because a roach flew onto her forehead. Scotty and marcel have asked to do a collabe video but were worried about Raven.
"Hey john! Are you and Smitty doing anything?" Mini called john. "Raven knocked herself out and we were wondering if you guys can keep an eye on her. She's in her room.........I'll explain when you guys get here...............thanks man! -turns to me- john and Smitty are on the way." Mini laughed.
"Still don't get how Raven knocked herself out.." I was confused as I sipped my coffee. John and Smitty came over.
"Sup bitches." Smitty smiled.
"So, how did Raven knock herself out?" John asked.
"A she woke up to a roach landing on her forehead. She ran full speed into her door thinking it was open. She basically bounced off and knocked herself out when she hit the floor." I explained. Smitty was laughing his ass off. So was john but he could speak.
"She ok atleast?" John asked laughing.
"Yeah! She's passed out on her bed. But Scotty and marcel asked if we could do a video with them. We'll be back soon." Mini smiled.
"Call if you need anything. Delirious and luke will be back soon. They went to Evan's real quick." I said. Mini and I then left to Scotty's.

John's POV
Smitty got off the floor and we went up to raven's room to check on her. We opened the door slightly, by we I mean me, to see if she was awake. She literally just woke up. I guess Smitty saw because he swung open the door.
"FUCKIN SHIT SMITTY!" She yelled back and jumped a little.
"Mornin Raven." I snickered a little.
"Ello john." She smiled and gave a small wave.
"There's a bandage on your head.." Smitty pointed.
"I bounced off that door.." she sighed.
"Mini and tyler are at Scotty's-" I was cut off by Smitty.
"Fucking." He smiled.
"So normal shit? Ok." She shrugged and laughed.
"You ok though?" We both asked.
"Yeah! Just my head slightly hurts but I'll be ok." She shrugged. We went downstairs while Raven changed clothes. When she came down, we played video games in the living room for a while.

Tyler's POV
We just got down shooting the video when Evan called. I went into the backyard to answer.

Phone call:
T: Where are you?!
T: On our way!
-gun shots and laughing heard in the background. Delirious and luke yelling close by-
T: Evan! EVAN!!

I ran inside and told everyone to get to Evan's.
"Can one of you call Raven?" I asked. Mini's phone died to Scotty called Raven.

Scotty's POV
I called Raven as tyler was speeding to Lester's.

Phone call:
R: Hey Scotty!
S: Hey, get to Lester's now. Evan, Delirious and Luke are in trouble!

"Raven, Smitty and John is on the way." I told everyone.

Raven's POV
John rode with me. Smitty drove his car behind me. John turned on the walkin talkie thingy.
"Mini, what's going on?" John asked.
"Evan called Tyler saying he needed help. Luke and delirious were shooting in the background." Mini replied.
"We gotta go fuck shit up!" Scotty laughed.
"We? You mean me?" Marcel laughed.
"Well shit." I sighed. "And they're at Lester's? Any idea why they're there?" I asked.
"Could be Lester got into trou-" tyler was cut off.
"IS THAT TREVOR?!" Smitty, mini, john, marcel and Scotty yelled. We parked out front and saw a drunk trevor chocking Lester.
"IM GONNA KILL YOU BASTARD!" Trevor yelled at Lester.
"Trevor!" Tyler yelled. We held onto our guns. Evan, delirious and luke were no where to be found. Smitty motioned for john and me to go around back. We did. Smitty lead us to the side. We walked into one of the random offices and looked around.
"Evan!" I called out to him. Nothing. My heart started to pound and I started to randomly open doors. So did john and Smitty.
"EVAN!!" I screamed.
"DELIRIOUS!!" John yelled.
"LUKE!!" Smitty yelled out. Nothing. We ran to the main lobby. Two bodies were laying on the ground. Delirious and luke. We ran to them. They were knocked out.
"Get them out of here. I'm gonna go find Evan." I said a ran off. To Lester's office. The room was a wreck and I heard faint breathing and straining. It was Evan! He was trapped under Lester's desk!
"Evan! Hold on! I'm gonna get you out of there!" I called out to him.

John's POV
Smitty and I got them out of the building. Tyler had Trevor in handcuffs and was being put in the back of a police car. Scotty and Mini were next to Lester. Talking to him. Marcel ran to us.
"Y'all ok?" He asked.
"Yeah. Raven is in there trying to find Evan." I told him.
"I'm gonna go find her and Evan." He said running into the building.
"MEDIC!" Smitty yelled. Luke's head was bleeding and delirious was bruised. Paramedics came to help us.

Marcel's POV
'Now, if I was Evan and Raven..where wo-'
"HOLY SHIT!!" I screamed. I walked closer to Lester's office. It was completely trashed. Raven was helping Evan up.
"Hey marcel." Evan tried to put on a smile. He was leaning up against a wall.
"Sup guys....umm, just out of curiosity, who flung the desk out the door?" I asked.
"I did." Raven put on an innocent smile.
"Jesus Christ Raven. -looks at the now fucked up and dented desk then back at Evan and Raven- I'm very proud." I complimented. I carried Evan on my back while Raven ran to the front for help.
"You are one lucky man Evan." I said to Evan.
"Thanks man. Don't tell Raven but she also kinda scares me. She can go from concern to complete rage to an angel within seconds." He tried to laugh. I was laughing my ass off when he said that.
"You have a point there." I laughed. When we walked outside, a paramedic truck pulled up and I set Evan on the edge and walked to Raven.
"I hope he's ok.." she sighed. I hugged her.
"He's gonna be ok." I comforted her. Trevor was takin away. Lester was takin in for questioning. Delirious, Evan and luke were gonna be ok. We soon drove home after thanking the officers.

Raven's POV
I drove us home. Evan wanted to come over with us. I didn't mind. When we got home, tyler got a phone call. Mini, me, Evan and keno stayed in the living room talking.
"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!....HOW!?" Tyler screamed. What's wrong now? Tyler came out.
"What's wrong?" Mini asked.
"Marcel, Smitty, john and Scotty just got captured." Tyler sighed.
"How do you know?" I asked.
"Anthony was driving and saw Smitty's car on the side of the road pretty much totaled and no one in the car. He said there were two white trucks speeding off headed north." Tyler explained.
"Well shit. Call in the others." Evan said. He called droid and lui. I called Anthony and ohm. Tyler called Brian and chilled. Mini called Nogla and Brock them delirious and luke. Everyone came over. Even Brock. Brian said Chrissy, Jaclyn and Simone were gonna stay with Lanai. Brock said Lauren and Brianna are gonna stay over there too. Mini called in officer Lambeth. He said him and his team will be on the look out for an suspicion. We could use all the help we could get. 
'Why would they get kidnapped?'

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