Chapter 18: Just a Few Mini Day's

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Mini's POV
It's been a few days since the incident with Raven. Tyler is going to his mom's in Tennessee for a family reunion for a couple of days. HELP.
"You sure your going to be ok? With me gone?" Tyler asked.
"Of course! Just keep in contact..please." I joked.
"Babe. Your got this! You know Raven. Maybe let her play with you in one of your videos! Like a Reddit or somethin she'd like to do. It's gonna be ok." Tyler smiled.
"I know.. just nervous.." I said lookin down.
"Nervous about what?" Raven asked. I may have flipped...a little. She laughed.
"Tyler is leaving.." I said.
"Dad. It's gonna be ok." Raven patted my back.

~few hours later~

I was sitting in my office about to do a video but then I thought of what Tyler said. I got up and ran down the hall to raven's room. She was watching (insert favorite tv show on Netflix). I knocked.
"Come in!" Raven said. I opened the door.
"Wanna do a video?" I asked. She got up so quickly. She was in front of me in the blink of an eye.
"I wouldn't mind. Any idea?" She asked.
"Ummm... I was thinking about doing another Reddit or see what the guys are doing.." I scratched my head.
"Lets see what the guys are doing!" She smiled. I started to look what the guys are doing. Raven sat in the blue chair next to me.
"Hey dad, why did you and dad want a girl?" She asked. I knew this would come at someday..
"We talked about having kids. We both wanted to be dads but since we aren't women, we decided to adopt. Then we thought of "do we want to adopt a boy or a girl?" We talked it over for weeks after we got married. Turned into a year then 3 years later we got you! We have never been happier! Your so much like Tyler and I! We both love art and video games. You have more of Tyler's music taste. We Know we've had you for a little time but you make us very proud." I smiled. I looked over at Raven. She was crying! I immediately got up and held her.
"I can't ..thank you.. and enough ...for in!" She gasped between sobs. I started to cry too. I held her. As long as she wanted. I'm just happy she's in a better life.

-Few Moments Later-

She calmed down. We started to play gta 5 with Marcel, Scotty, Brock and Brian. A few races. We all won one but Raven won 3. I did my outro with Raven and started to edit.
"I'll be right back!" She smiled and hoped off of her chair. Ran down the hall and to the stairs but without hitting the door frame to get out of the hallway first... I turned on some music and started to edit. As I was working, I could hear Raven making something.. I finished up and sent the video to upload. I went down stairs to see what she was doing.
"I'm gonna make us dinner! Homemade pizza!" She smiled.
"Need some help?" I asked.
"...can't reach the mixing bowls.." She said trying to reach. I laughed and walked over to realize Tyler put them up against the wall.. ON THE TOP SHELF.
"Hunny, get on my back.." I leaned down and she jumped on my back.
"Why did dad do this!? I'm an inch away from the bowls!!" She yelled frustrated. I was laughing as hard that I had to let go. I went to go get a chair but she climbed on the counter to get 2 bowls. I laughed harder and fell to the floor.
"Not funny father." She said in a British accent.

~after dinner~

I got the pizza's out and we waited for them to cool down a bit.
"They smell amazing!!" I a took a picture and posted them on all my social medias.
"Thanks! Why do you want to drink dad?" She asked looking in the fridge.
"Coke please." I replied looking at the comments on the twitter. "Hey, do you want to take a picture with me?" I asked as she was getting sodas.
"Sure! But how should it look?"
"How about were eating!" She laughed. I cut up some slices and we both grabbed one each. She took a bite of hers and I just showed mine off.
"I'll be right back!" I ran to the bathroom. After I got out she was looking on her phone. As I was taking a bite, she busted out laughing.
"What's so funny?" I said with a mouth full.
"I'm reading some of the comments on Instagram and some people's are pissed I'm your kid!" She laughed.
"Well you are my crazy daughter which I love." I smiled. She hugged me.
"I love you too dad!" She smiled. Me I was looking at us.
"" She pointed to keno. I grabbed some dog food and put food in his bowl. He scarfed it down.
"If you don't finish, wrap it up in foil and put it in the fridge. I'm gonna put mine up." I only ate half but the pizza was pretty big. Raven did the same. It was 10pm and I was getting tired.
"I'm gonna go to bed. Good night hun. I love you." I hugged and kissed her forehead.
"G'night dad! I love you too." She hugged me.
"Lets go keno." I motioned for keno to go to the room.

How was the chapter? Kinda short...sorry.....
more to come later!
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As always, I hoped ye enjoyed!

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