Chapter 14: Learning But With Fist ..And Mind

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Mini's POV

I was making breakfast with Tyler. Delirious and Evan were across the bar talking to us.
"Hey delirious! Can you take this up to Raven..? I want to make sure she eats." I asked delirious as he was looking at his phone. It's 1pm and Raven hasn't came out of her room.. since yesterday..
"I'm sure she's ok. Just a little frightened." Tyler said hugging me.

Delirious' POV

Mini handed me a tray with a (favorite sandwich), some (favorite soda or drink) and (favorite fruit). I hope she's ok and awake. I heard tape being un-raveled. Her door was, thankfully, a little open. I kicked it open with my foot.
"SUP RAVEN!" I yelled with a big smile on my face.
"CUNT NUGGETS!!" Raven screamed and fell off her chair. I laughed and put the food on her bed.
"Delirious..WHY'D YOU SCARE ME!?"
"Wanted to make sure your awake and ok." I smiled and hugged her.
"You're the only person I know so far that I'd forgive if you hugged me." She sighed.
"Are these..drawings? Of us?" I asked looking at her wall above her bed.
"Yeah..I couldn't really sleep last night so I've been drawing.." she laughed nervously. There was about 5 of them.
"There really cool! You should show these off!" I said as I looked at the one with us playing gta 5 and doing somethin funny like always.
"I'll think about it. I'm still working at on one. Just takin a break." She shrugged.
"May I see?" Mini asked. Tyler, sipping a cup of coffee and even eating an apple right behind mini. She smiled and pulled a long piece off of her desk and showed us.
"It's just the outline. I'm gonna color it in later and then work on the back ground." She held it up so we could see. It's was the group next to Raven smiling and posing.


Raven's POV
I was just finishing drawing in mini when delirious walked in.
"Hey! Everyone left. Evan went to a friends across town. Mini and Tyler went on a date.. may I come in..?" He asked shyly.
"Sure!" I laughed. He smiled and plopped on my bed.
"So what's up?" He said staring at the ceiling.
"Hello!" A voice echoed in my head.. there it is again.. it was a females voice but she sounded mean. I held my head.
"Nothin much just been drawing and umm.. do you mind gettin some pills out of my bathroom please..? My head hurts.." he quickly got up, ran to the bathroom then ran back out. I downed a pill.
"You ok?" Delirious asked sitting next to my on the edge of my bed.
"I'm ok.. well umm.. if I tell you somethin.. can you keep it between us?" I asked looking up at him.
"Of course." He smiled.
"Ever since I got out of the hospital..the last time.. I've been hearin this voice in my head.. it doesn't sound friendly." I said looking down.

Delirious' POV
'Not her too!!'
'Oh shut up. Atleast were not alone in this!'
I sighed.
"I know exactly what you're going through. I have the exact same thing. I call him delirious."
"Really? But..but..why would you want to be called delirious?" She asked confused.
"Well, I know I'm crazy but he helps. I call him delirious because he's the actual definition of the word. I liked to be called 'Delirious' because it's sounds ironic.. in a way.." I kinda laughed. "I will help you control this.. thing. I don't know exactly what it's called. Haven't gone to a doctor for it. I don't suggest it."
"Why not?" She asked.
"Because they'll just say anything to get your money." I laughed.


Brian's POV
Brock, Evan, delirious, Luke, ohm, Tyler and I were hiding in the back yard. Well..Brock and I were. Behind some bushes waiting for Raven. We were here to well, see her and help her fight. I don't like violence but I'd rather her know how to defend her self if she needed to.

Raven's POV
I walked out with mini into the backyard. I see Tyler grilling and some music playing. I guess Evan and Delirious is either hiding or in the bathroom. Mini walked out first and went to Tyler with some plates to put hot dogs and burgers on once done. I walked past them both and:
"HI RAVEN!!" Luke, Brian, Brock, delirious, ohm and Evan jumped out and scared me!!
"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" I flinched and fell to the grass. Brock helped me up.
"Sorry.. you ok?" He asked concerned.
"Yeah. -hugs- good to see y'all!" I smiled and hugged everyone.
"ALRIGHT! Time for some LESSONS!" Evan said...loudly.
"Ow.." I held my right ear. He was right next to me. "Lessons for what?"
"Fightin lessons! You need to know to protect yourself." Luke said holding boxing gloves. My eyes went big.
"This should be fun.." I said nervously.
"First, Luke and I will show you how to box a bit. Then you will pick which one to go first against you. So, pay attention." Ohm said.
"MARCEL AND SCOTTY ARE ON THEIR WAY!!" Mini said from the grill. There were lawn chairs in a half circle to watch others fight. Everyone picked a seat. I was in between Delirious and Brian. We watched ohm and Luke box. Giving pointers and what not to do.
"Ok. Now, who do you want to go up against? We'll go easy on you." Luke smiled.
"I challenge Luke!" I pointed.
"Aw shit! Luke, good luck!" Scotty came up to us. Marcel next to him laughing. They took seats next to Brock. I got up and Ryan took my seat and helped me out the gloves on. I looked up at Luke.
"Alright, get into this position." Luke said gettin into a fighter stance.
"Now, throw a punch at me. Doesn't matter where but remember: put your whole body into it. Move with the punch." He said. I did as told and went for his side.
"Good one! -rubs side- alright, try again put with your other hand." He pointed with his glove. I did as told.
"Ok.. your pretty good at punching..damn." Luke said rubbing his side.
"THATS MY GIRL!!" Tyler said from the grill. I laughed. Luke swung at me but I ducked. He smiled.
"Yup. Your good for now. Brock! Your up." Luke motioned Brock to get up. Luke helped me take the gloves off.
"I'm gonna teach you how to block." Brock smiled.
" know how to fight?" I asked.
"My dad had me take classes.." He nervously smiled.
This went on for a good while. I even wrestled Brock, Brian and Ohm. But they went a little easy on me. Mini and Tyler taught me how to use my legs in a fight. Tyler taught me how to tackle....Scotty was the only one I could really tackle.. he didn't care honestly. Marcel gave me a Bowie knife and baseball bat to keep in my room.
"The knife is for only emergencies !" Was Marcel's words exactly. We then ate and talked about whatever. Delirious did give me a machete and a taser.
"The machete is to look scary and hopefully the person will leave if not, use the taser." Was delirious' words exactly. He gave me a pocket sized one and a big one to keep in my room. The one was also kinda heavy and a flashlight! Once it got late, everyone did start to leave. Except for delirious. He was the last one to leave and on the phone with someone. I walked into the house from the backyard because I was playing with keno.
"Just leave...........I SAID JUST LEAVE BITCH! I DONT WANT A CHEATER IN MY LIFE!" He hung up. He started to sniffle and cry by putting his head in his hands. I sat next to him and hugged him.
"I'm sorry you had to see me like that..this girl I was with..she cheated on me.." He said in between sobs. "Also, my flight is in about 2 hours..I don't want to go back home.."
"Go back home, get you things and move here. We have enough rooms for 3 more people." Tyler said. Mini was next to him. Delirious looked up.
"Luke called also. He beat up the guy she was with and the cops called. He said you can move in with him also." Mini smiled. Delirious stood up and thanked the guys then freaked out because he needs to get to the airport soon. Mini took him. Tyler stayed downstairs and watched tv. I went into my room and watched some YouTube videos before falling asleep.

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