Chapter 10: who..?

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Ravens POV

It's been a few days since I've been home. I got to hang with my grandparents for a bit before they left. Plenty of pictures and some clothes I got from my grandmas. They took me to do some shopping. I was laying on my bed watching (favorite movie). My phone vibrated next to me. It was from Simone! Marcel's wife.
Simone!: hey raven! Chrissy, lanai and I were wondering if you wanted to go shopping! We know you need clothes.
Me: sup! And true..I wouldn't mind! Plus it'll let the guys have some guy time!
Simone!: awesome! We'll be there in an hour. Traffic sucks.
Me: Be careful!

I hoped up and went to the stairs. I seen mini and Tyler talking in the living room.
"DAD!" I yelled. They both looked up. "Do y'all know that marcel, Simone, Scotty, Chrissy, Brian and lanai are coming?"
"Yes. We also know the girls are taking you out." Tyler said.
"You should probably take a shower. Scotty said they'll be here in about an hour." Mini said.
"WILL DOOOOOO!" I said running off. I went to my closet and picked out a pair of blue shorts and (favorite band) tank top. I hoped in the shower after blasting some music. After my shower, I put my clothes on. (Favorite shoes) on and dried my hair. (You can put make up on if you'd like. I don't Because I don't like make up!) I turned off my music and started to head out but I hit my face on the door. I'm assuming everyone heard me. As I was walking to the stairs, everyone looked up to me.
"Ye ok?" Nogla asked.
"NOGLA!!" I ran down stairs and hugged him.
"I'm sorry I haven't been able to see ya. My brother was in the hospital." Nogla said hugging me. ....I feel tiny compared to him.
"I understand! How is he?" I asked.
"He's good! Just had a couple of broken ribs. He should be out today." He smiled. I hugged the woman. We then said our goodbyes and left. Simone was driving. Chrissy was in the front seat. Lanai and I were in the back. Apparently we took marcel's car.
"Ok, we know you don't really know but we're going to get your chest measured correctly so we know what bra size is. Also, do you know what you'd like to have?" Chrissy said looking back at me.
"That's fine and I'd say pants and shorts. I'm not really a dress person.." I replied. (If you are a dress person, you can buy dresses..I'm just not)
"Do you want some work out clothes too?" Lanai asked.
"Yes but I can get that with mini-dad. I heard him talkin to wild-dad." I shrugged.
"Mini-dad and wild-dad?" Simone asked.
"That's what I call them because if I just say dad, everyone gets confused." I shrugged.
"Good idea!" Lanai laughed.

-time skip to checking out-

We get a few things for me. Shirts, shorts, pants, 5 bras, some underwear and a bathing suit because Chrissy heard Scotty talkin about goin to a water park soon with the guys. As we were checking out, we all see a blonde woman glaring at us from a distance. I start to feel uncomfortable..
"Who's she?" I asked Chrissy.
"That's Tyler's ex-girlfriend. Don't worry about her." Chrissy said softly. We checkout and quickly get to the car. After we put the stuff in, we all go home quickly. We see the guys outside talking and sitting in chairs.
"Go run to Tyler and tell him everyone needs to help us and that you him and Craig need to get inside." Chrissy said in a very serious voice. I bolted out of the car.
"Dads! We need to get inside. The rest help the women!" I said pointing. I was getting scared for some reason. I could feel my heart racing. As the others were getting the stuff in the house. Tyler and mini had their phones in hand.
"What's happening..?" I asked Tyler.
"My ex Kelly is someone I don't want you around. She was really nice at first but cheated on me pretty badly a while back." Tyler said pacing. We hear a loud car rush by. We all look towards the window above the kitchen sink. I see Tyler make a fist with both hands. I back up to mini.
"It's ok." Mini said putting an arm around my shoulder. I just nodded and didn't say a word. Kino started barking. Brian and Scotty were playing with him. I looked over at nogla. He was looking down at his phone. He looked up at me, put his phone in his pocket and opened his arms with a smile. I got out of mini's grip and hugged nogla. I assume he knew I was feeling un-easy because he was rubbing my back softly.
"It's gonna be ok. We're gonna make sure nothin happens to ye." Nogla softly said. What could happen when you have a bunch of guys in your life that'll save you when needed..?

I'm really sorry for the wait on this chapter!!
I've been kinda busy.. birthday parties that I had to attend and family gatherings..

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