Chapter 92: Twins

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Brian's POV
Emma was born before Michael earlier this morning. I was sitting next to lanai who was asleep. I held both of my kids. It's been a couple of hours. Emma was awake and michael was asleep. I put michael down in a small crib infront of my chair and stood up with Emma. It was 5 am. I stood infront of the windows. Perfect view of the full moon.
"I'm so proud to be your father. I hope you look like your mother! Your so cute. I love you so much Emma." I whispered. I moved the pink blanket a little to hold Emma's right hand. She was tiny but awake. Her eyes were open! She had my blue eyes! Yes!! Just like my father! I was so lost in my head, she clstarted to cry. I ran and grabbed her bottle. Thankfully Michael didn't wake up. Surprisingly. I fed Emma and watched her. Damn I love her.
I was sitting in my chair with michael now while Emma slept. I was on my phone while feeding michael. It was around 8am when lanai woke up. I got up and kissed her.
"Good morning." She smiled.
"Good Mornin babe." I smiled. "Emma is asleep and michael is awake! She didn't fall asleep until 6." I whispered.
"Holy shit! Well ok then." Lanai shrugged. She wanted michael so I handed him to her.

Raven's POV
The twins were born last night!! Brian told us this morning. We decided to give them some privacy for a while until they're ready to let us visit. We had ghost stay with us while they were gone. They didn't want her alone at the house. I headed out with Julian to nicks. Nick needed help so, we came over. He and zac were sitting on the back of nicks truck. I parked and we got out.
"What's up fuckers." I smiled up at them.
"Just chillin. What's up with y'all?" Nick asked.
"You said you need help." Julian said.
"No I didn't." Nick said.
"Yes you did." I held up my phone showing proof.
"Whoops! Wrong person." Nick laughed. Zac sighed but laughed.
"What do you need help with?" I asked.
"You don't wanna know." Nick laughed. I looked at Julian confused.
"I meant to send that to a different girl." Nick said tryin to calm down.
"Ohh.. yeah.. I can't help you with that." My face turned red. Nope!
"Anyway, what have y'all been up to?" Zac asked changing the subject.
"Not much. Been playin video games." Julian shrugged. My phone went off because Brian was callin me.
"Brian's callin." I said and walked to the back of my car and sat in the trunk with the door wide open.

Phone call:
R: Hey Brian!
B: Hey Raven, I've got an odd question.
R: what's up?
B: Michael is deaf.. what should we do? We know barely anything about people who are deaf. Mini said you've been learning sign language.. -panicking-
R: Brian, calm down. If you want him to stay deaf, you and lanai will have to learn sign language to communicate. It's a pretty easy language to learn. It's more of your hands moving. If you want him hearing...they'll have to do surgery to have a cochlear implant put in.
B: Can you teach us sign language? I don't want to hurt my son..
R: of course!
B: Thank you!
L: Raven, thank you. We don't want to put our son threw surgery. He's only a baby.
R: I'll help as best as I can.
L/B: Thank you!
B: I'll let you know when it's safe to come over.
R: Alright, y'all be careful!

I walked back over to the guys.
"Everything ok?" They asked.
"Yeah! Lanai had the twins. Emma and Michael." I said.
"Why do I feel a bit coming?" Julian asked.
"Michael is deaf. Lanai and Brian are gonna need to learn sign language. I'm gonna teach them. I took it in high school and I've been teaching myself since then. I also keep in contact with my teacher." I said.
"You got this Raven. You've always helped when needed." Zac smiled.
"Just don't help nick with his problem." Julian and zac laughed.
"I'm not." I laughed. "No offense nick. I'm with Evan and I don't cheat." I defended.
"I understand." He laughed.

I went over to Evan's. He wanted to do a video together! We played Mario tennis. This should be fun.

Brian's POV
Michael is deaf. How do we know? They were asleep when Lanai and I were talking. Lanai's phone goes off right next to him. Emma woke up and Michael didn't. I called my mom about it. She said to stand over him and clap my hands really loud over him. (You can do this. I've done this to my little brother and nephew when they were babies. They will wake up screaming from their naps if they're hearing.) I did and he still didn't wake up....scared the literal shit out of Emma. So, we told our doctor. He did the same thing...he did this while I was changing Emma... she took a piss on me!
"Yup. I'm pretty sure michael is deaf." The doctor said checking his ears.
"Pretty sure too and Emma took a piss on my arm." I said whipping it off.
"That's my girl!" Lanai laughed.
"Mhmm." I gave her a look like 'really?'
"Well, you have 3 options. You don't have to decide now. One: michael stays deaf and you guys learn sign language. Two: hearing aids. Three: cochlear implant. The last two requires some surgery." The doc said.
"Alright.. we will think this over." I said. Lanai agreed.
"That's fine! Just let me know as soon as you guess do." He smiled and went off.
"I don't want him to go threw surgery.. that's gonna cost us a lot also." Lanai sighed as she held michael.
"I agree. But how are we gonna learn si- Raven! She took it in high school and is still teaching herself. We could ask her!" I said excited.
"True! We could ask her!" Lanai smiled.
"I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind. -looks at michael- your gonna be ok son! We got this!" I smiled pulling out my phone.

Lanai's POV
I looked over at Michael and Emma.
"This is how he is. You'll get use to it." I laughed a little. Michael was awake. I was now holding both of my babies while my biggest one was calling Raven. Emma and Michael's eyes opened! Emma has Brian's blue eyes and michael has my soft brown eyes!


Mini's POV
Tyler, Raven, Brock and I were making sure the rooms were ready for the babies. We also had ghost here.
"Welcome to your new homes!" Brian smiled holding Michael. Lanai came in holding Emma. Ghost didn't bark but walked up to them slowly. Brian and lanai sat on the couch for ghost to sniff both of them. She sat and looked happy! Even gave a small woof. Brian grabbed both Michael and Emma and walked to us.
"This is Emma and this is Michael!" Brian smiled at us. I held Emma.
"Nice to meet you little girl! I hope you turn out to be your mom." I laughed.
"Thanks man." Brian gave a 'really' face. I handed Emma to Raven.
"Hello Emma." Raven smiled holding her.
"Sup little man." Tyler said holding Michael. "I'm Tyler. Your badass uncle."
"I'm Craig. Your smartass uncle." I smiled at them both.
"I'm Brock. Your other uncle." Brock smiled.
"and I'm Raven! Your badass cousin." Raven smiled.
"Raven, with sign language.." lanai started.
"I've texted you both a website that'll help you start. It'll help with little things. I suggest practicing and signing to both of them." Raven smiled.
"Wait, who's deaf?" Brock asked.
"Michael is." Brian holding michael.
"Oh! Well.." Brock didn't know what to say.
"Raven is gonna have to teach everyone sign language." I spoke up.
"Brianna knows a little bit of sign language. We taught her because one of Lauren's cousins is deaf and because Lauren wanted to." Brock said.
"It's not that hard. It's still a language but I'm sure everyone will pick it up soon." Raven reassured.
"Exactly! This way we can communicate with michael better." Brian stated.
"And Emma. She will also have to learn sign language but for her, we will need to speak as we sign she she understands speech." Raven stated.
"Gotcha. When do we start?" Brian asked.
"Well, earlier the better." Raven said thinking. Raven showed them the website and how it worked. Even showed them some videos on YouTube for teaching babies sign language. After that, we went home.

Brian's POV
Lanai went to take a bath. I stayed in the living room with ghost and the kids. I'm finally a dad. The kids were asleep and ghost was laying down kinda curved so the kids were right next to her. I took a picture and sent it to Brock and Nogla. Brock is the godfather of Emma. Nogla is Michael. I know, weird right? But I trust him and he's pretty good with kids. I trust them both. I'm the godfather of Brianna and he and Lauren knows lanai and I will take care of Brianna no matter what. I looked at my kids. They were wrapped in a soft blanket. Michael was smiling! Emma was sleeping with her mouth open. It looked so cute! Man, I hope I'm good at this parenting thing. I know you kinda just wing it and hope for the best but still.. I'm really scared.

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