Chapter 84: This day has gone so downhill..

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Tyler's POV
I was on the couch with mini and Raven. Holding her. While she was crying. My older brothers sent her a letter. Tellin her she's not apart of their family. She never has and never will. Callin her the worst possible things and that she's better off without them. They're right about one thing. This family won't turn their backs on her. I texted delirious. Nearly 2 seconds later, delirious and luke were over with ohm. I got up to tell luke and ohm what happened. Delirious and Mini comforted Raven. She doesn't deserve this. I handed the letter to luke. Him and ohm read it.
"This is fucked up! Why would they do this??" Luke quietly asked.
"She doesn't deserve them at all. She has a much better family and it's this one!" Ohm said frustrated but quietly.
"I know. If I ever see those guys.." I huffed pissed.
"Tyler, just call and we will back you and Mini up." Luke said.
"Including Raven like everyone else." Ohm softly smiled. Delirious and Mini calmed Raven down. Ohm called Evan. Explained while he sped over here. I know he's speeding over here because it's Raven. Not even 10 minutes later, Evan was threw the front door. Mini and delirious moved so Evan can hold Raven. I trust these guys with Raven and Mini. I couldn't have asked for a better group.
Ohm walked off to the backyard for a phone call.
"His mom is callin him. She's wat-" luke was cut off by ohm historically crying. Shit. We all got up and ran to ohm. He came in.
"My son..he's gone.." He tried to say as clear as he could. We all did a group hug and just held ohm. We sped to the hospital with ohm. When we got there, his mom was there covered in cuts and bruises. She told us it was a car crash. Ohms son was killed as soon as he got to the hospital. They tried to get him back but..couldn't. Ohm cried and stayed in the room where nick is along with his mom to say goodbyes. Raven, delirious and luke called the rest of the group.
After we left the hospital to go home, Nogla called. Him and Jacqueline broke up. He sounded ok but still hurt. They both agreed to just separate because they felt it was best. We told him if he needs anything, he's welcome to ask for whatever. When we got home, we found keno on the floor laying down. Usually he runs to the door when someone comes in. I immediately had a bad feeling and ran to him. He wasn't breathing and felt limp..
"KENO!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Mini and Raven ran to me. Raven stopped halfway and called for an ambulance for pets. I sobbed as I held onto keno. My son..WHY DID HE HAVE TO GO?! Mini cried with me. Raven ran outside.

Raven's POV
I was sobbing. Evan, delirious and luke were outside. I ran outside.
"EVAN!!" I screamed loudly and fell to the ground on my knees sobbing. They ran to me in a panic.
"Raven! What's wrong?!" They asked.
"Keno.." It was all I said. Luke called for someone. Delirious and Evan held me. This day has gone so far downhill.. I held onto Evan. Delirious went inside to see what he can do. He quickly came back out.
"Keno chocked on one of his chew toys.." Delirious said to me as he rubbed me back.
"" What else was I suppose to say?
A vet/animal services came to the help. I sat outside with Evan, luke and delirious. They calmed me down and we were talking about somethin else. When they were taking keno away, I looked but didn't know what to do. I just watched but held onto Evan. Tyler and Mini went with.
"We will be right back. Can you guys sta-" mini was cut off by delirious.
"We won't leave her side until y'all come back." Delirious hugged mini.
"Thank you." Mini smiled with a tear coming down his face. He ran off to be with Tyler.. When they left, we went inside. Delirious and luke put up keno's toys. I asked delirious if he could put the stuffed animal keno slept with that I gave him in my room.. I leaned up against on the wall by the front door next to the stairs. Joe, chance, little nick and now keno. Why? WHY?! WHY DOES THE GOOD DIE YOUNG?! I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I called Julian to tell him. He felt bad and didn't know what to do. I asked him if I could hang with them tomorrow. He said it was fine. I sat on the couch next to Evan. He didn't say a word but held me. Delirious and luke put on Netflix and we watched until tyler and Mini needed to come home. When they did, Evan and I went to get them. Evan drove my car. I was in the passenger seat.
When we got home, tyler went to his room to sleep after he thanked delirious and luke. It was 3pm. Mini asked us all to be in the kitchen.
"It's gonna take a while for tyler to get over this.. Keno has passed due to choking on one of his plastic chew toys. Nothing could have been prevented. Raven, are you ok?" Mini asked tryin to stay strong.
"I'm ok now." I softly smiled.
"Alright.. I'm not sure what to do now." Mini sighed.
"Me either but we'll figure somethin out." I hugged mini.
Evan, delirious and luke went home. I told Evan I'd keep him updated. I ordered pizza for dinner. It was somethin to eat. After mini ate, he went to bed. I asked him if I could hang out with some friends, he said it was ok and to be careful. After mini went in his room, I started to think. Over think. Tears started to form in my eyes. Shit. I called Julian.

Phone call:
J: What's up?
R: Hey, what are you doin? (Trying not to cry)
J: Raven, what's wrong?
R: I'm tryin not to cry..
J: I'm at nicks with zac, nick and khris.
R: Can I come over?
N: Yes ! (Sounded kinda far away from the phone)
R: I'll be over soon..
ALL: Be careful!!

I hung up. Put away the pizza and left a note for tyler and mini.

I'll be at nicks. I'll home before 8.
Nicks address: 4224 tweety street
Love, Raven!

I left the address for them. I know they'd want to know exactly where I was. I don't mind.
When I got to nicks, they were in the garage playing rocket league. Nick with beating Zac 6-2. Nicks mom was outside and she opened her arms. She was kinda like a mom to everyone. We all called her mom. She didn't mind. She was 5foot 10, blonde hair, blue eyes with a southern accident. Freckles almost everywhere. Sweet woman but don't piss her off.
"Julian told me.." she softly said.
"I'll be ok.." I tried to say without crying.
"If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask." She smiled and let go. I sat down in between khris and nick. Nick won the game, handed his controller to Julian and turned to me. Nick has the look in his eyes of:
"I know you need to get somethin out."
Whenever you see him. Tears started to run down my face. He opened his arms and I hugged him and cried. I've never really cried so much in one day.
"Julian told all of us. I'm so sorry Raven.. it's gonna be ok. Let it out." Nick quietly said and held onto me. I just cried into his green shirt while my head rested on his chest.
"T-too ma-any d... deaths.." I stuttered.
"I know.. that's how life is.." Nick sighed. I heard Tyler's car roll by and my phone buzzed. I looked at it.

WildDad: Just checkin on you. love you!!

I kinda laughed and looked up. Tyler sped off.

Me: Love you too WildDad

"The hell was that?" Khris and nick said looking out.
"It was my dad's checking on me. Makin sure I'm at where I said I was going to be." I laughed.
"Badass sounded car." Khris said.
"THERES THE SMILE!" Julian dramatically said. I laughed again.
"That honestly scared me but your face was priceless." I laughed.
"Glad I could make you smile." Julian smiled.

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