Chapter 27: Training

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Can we just notice that his hat says MINI DADD?!
If he's worn it before...sorry..

Panda's POV
I woke up to my phone going off. Something about the news. After I went to the bathroom and changed, I went down stairs to see Mini, Evan and Tyler up. Bryce was here...?
"Hey panda!" Bryce said in excitement as he hugged me.
"Hey Bryce! Haven't seen you in a while." I smiled. I sat next to mini. He was on his phone. So was everyone else. Except Evan. He was looking at some papers. Last time anyone saw Bryce, he went to visit Lester but got hurt. It wasn't really mentioned.
"I'm here to help you guys. I know about Raven and I know you guys can use the help." Bryce sighed.
"Thanks Bryce. We have Raven with us and you can help her train today." Evan said without looking up.
"As long as it's ok with mini and tyler." Bryce shrugged.
"Go easy on her. She's still learning." Tyler sighed.
"Bryce!" Raven said happily.
"Raven!" He ran and hugged her. Evan looked sharply at them. I didn't look but I could feel the anger. I wonder why?

Raven's POV
"So, I was called by Evan and I'm here to help!" Bryce said smiling.
"Wanna go mess with delirious? He's still asleep! We can get luke and ohm involved too!" I laughed.
"I like the way you think!" We both ran for the stairs and ran to Luke's room. He was up and just out of the shower. I knocked.
"Come in!" Luke called out. Bryce opened the door.
"Bryce!" They both hugged.
"I have a plan." I said with a smirk. Ohm walked in. Ohm picked up Bryce and hugged him.
"What's this idea you have?" Luke said putting on a shirt.
"We mess with delirious by scaring him awake." I smirked.
"How? Pillows?" Scotty said walkin by. Bryce and him hugged along with marcel.
"I'm down. We all hit him at once." Luke smirked. We all split to grab pillows then met up again to get delirious. His back was towards the door. Perfect! We all went around his bed, held up the pillows above us and as soon as luke said 3: we wailed on him!! We all hit him with pillows.
"AAAAAHHHHHH! YOU MOTHER FUCKERS!!!" Delirious yelled. He got up and hit us back with the two pillows in his hands. We were all fighting. Panda, Evan, Tyler and Mini all came up. Nogla and Brian woke up. They laughed and joined in. We all stopped when we saw feathers flying and Evan's phone rang.

Evan's POV
phone call:
"Evan, you guys need to get to training. I don't want any mistakes."
"Lester, we don't make mistakes."

God damn it. I punched a hole in the wall.
"Evan." Raven saw me.
"Just Lester. He thinks we're gonna mess up.." I trailed off.
"Because I'm involved. It's ok. We won't mess up." She calmly said and hugged me. Everyone was surprised.
"I can be sensitive too.." I defended.
"Yeah. Only to Raven and Delirious." Tyler laughed.
"What did Lester say?" Raven asked.
"Wants us to train." I sighed.
"We will go after lunch." I sighed.

-after lunch-

Raven's POV
We ate lunch then headed to the gym. New work out equipment and shooting range with guns ready. The basement was were all the guys gear was. All polished and ready to be used. I even had my own Camaro that was (favorite color) and black. With guns and protection to match. There was a race track outside. It was a circle and there was a figure 8 style in the middle.
"First thing, Raven needs to learn how to drive." Evan stated as we looked at the cars.
"We can teach Raven." Mini stated.
"Alright! Let's roll out." The guys got in their cars but mini. He said he was gonna teach me first.
"It's not that hard. Right foot on brake, put her in drive an- want me to go first?" Mini smiled.
"Yes please." I shyly said. We changed seats and he showed me how he drove. Hell, mini and tyler even raced. It was my turn. I carefully watched mini and I knew what to do. I started off slow then caught up speed. Went a couple laps on the circle.
"Your doing really good! Now, whenever your ready, go to the figure 8. The guys will know your ready to race." Mini smiled. I could see he's really proud of me. I went to the middle then tyler came up.
"My turn but imma show you how to do this ok?" Tyler smiled. Mini got out, I hoped over seats and tyler got in.
"Ok...first thing you need to remember: back up the seat. I'm a bit taller and my nipples could drive the steering wheel right now!" Tyler laughed. So did everyone else. Mini got into Tyler's car. Tyler adjusted the chair and mirrors.
"I'm gonna teach you how to drift!" Tyler laughed.
'Oh shit..'
He drove fine first then went went faster and started to drift! I looked to my right and saw the track. In front of me was the view of the whole track.
"Your gonna learn how to drift! I just wanna show you now because why not!" Tyler yelled excitedly. I laughed. Once he was done, I got in the driver side and I drove. Started kind slowly then gradually started to go fast.
"WOOOOOO!!!" Tyler yelled with hands kinda up...because you know, he's a giant.
"This is awesome!" I yelled.
"Yeah! Your doing great Raven!!" Tyler yelled while smiling. He put on some music and we drove around for a bit. The guys set up a drive in test when I got back to the start. Evan motioned us to pull over. I did as told and got out with tyler.
"This is a driving test made out of cones. Nogla, Marcel, luke, Bryce, Ohm, Brian, Scotty and panda are at the other side. You, mini, me, delirious and tyler are gonna drive threw. You will be driving. We will guid you but you pick the passenger." Evan smiled.
"I would like delirious to ride shot gun!" I pointed to delirious. We took his blue camero. It was black on the inside. It was Me and delirious in the front. Evan, Mini and Tyler in the back. Backed up and started to drive. Delirious was telling me to go left or right or when a sharp turn was. I didn't hit a cone. Everyone was telling me that I was doin good or if I was too close. I could feel Evan watching my every move. I didn't mind. I got to the end with no cones knocked over.
"Your gone learn more driving skills and get your license soon." Evan smiled and we all got out. Everyone congratulated me on my drive.
"ALRIGHT! everyone pick someone to get back to their cars and get back to the gym!" Evan shouted. I picked luke. Tyler and mini went with Scotty. Delirious and Evan went with panda. We all drove back.
"So, anything you want me to teach you?" Luke asked.
"Can you teach me how to shoot more guns? Like automatic guns?" I asked. The smile on his face was priceless!
"Of course my young protege!" Luke laughed. We got to our cars and drove to the warehouse. Once we got in, luke immediately took me down to the gun range.

Mini's POV
We all got in and I see luke take Raven down to the gun range almost immediately.
"Raven must have asked luke for some type of gun lesson." Delirious laughed. Him and Evan went to the ring. The rest of us went to the equipment. I was on the treadmill with panda and marcel. Tyler was on weights along with Brian, Scotty and ohm. Nogla went to the bathroom but once he came back he went to the leg lifts with Bryce.

Evan's POV
"Hey john, I'm kinda pissed so.. I may not take it easy on you.." I sighed.
"That's fine man. I need to get some anger out too. So, kick boxing or wrestling?" John smirked.
"Kick boxing." I smirked back. We put on safety gear but before we started, delirious looked at with the most serious look and asked:
"What's wrong?"
"Don't tell anyone..please." I sighed.
"Of course." He nodded.
"I'm having..feelings...for Raven. As in falling for her. I know there's a bit of an age difference and I know tyler and mini would kill me on the spot if anyone found out. What do I do?" I asked.
"Honestly, your gonna have to not think about those feelings. Yes, there is a age difference and they probably would..well mostly tyler but still. I'd try not to be near here or be alone with her. That's what I'd do if I were you." He shrugged.
"Your right...but what if I have those feelings and she's 18..?" I asked. He facepalmed.
"Confront her about those feelings you have for her. I mean, she would be 18 and legally be able to date if she chooses to. You just got to talk to her first then talk to tyler and mini." He said with so much seriousness, it was hard to not listen.
"Alright. Thanks man. Ready?" I asked getting into the ring. He tackled me. Yup. He's ready.

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