Chapter 75: Ohm.. part two

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Ohms POV
I woke up on an operation table stuck to it. My wrist and ankles were chained to it but I could only move my head. Fuckin great. I looked around. Way too many bright lights. Dr.benvolio came in the room.
"How was your three day nap?" She smirked.
"Fine I gu- THREE DAYS?!" I yelled.
"I presume you don't remember the past three days." She smiled.
"WHAT HAPPENED?!" I was confused.
"Well Ryan, you've been in and out of the three days. We've been drugging you to brain wash you. It worked! This is fantastic results!" She cheered and went to a computer.
"What the hell did you do to me?!" I'm fuckin pissed.
"We broke you down Ryan. Exploited all of your life up to now. Even future plans. Oh, do you know who these are?" She had a sly smile on her dumb face. She hit a button that turned me to stand up and turned me to the right while on the operation table. The wall opened up to the group.. vanoss, Raven, tyler, mini, Brian, nogla, Anthony, Scotty and john. But where's delirious, luke, Bryce, Smitty and Marcel? I didn't say anything just incase.
"GUYS! WAKE UP!" I screamed. Nothing. They were stuck like me.
"They're passed out Ryan. -looks over at them- aww, the little one has woken up. -walks to Raven- good morning!" She calmly sang.
" ok?" She asked.
"Yeah! Are you ok Raven?" Something is wrong..
"Yeah..just my arms hurt.." she groaned.
"Let me see." Dr.b shined a light on her arms. Bruises.
"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO RAVEN?!" I screamed. The guys woke up. Evan and Tyler looked at Raven.
"You know, you were the hardest one to capture." Dr.Bitch said to Raven.
"What do you plan on doing to us?" Raven asked.
"I plan on turning you all into weapons for the military! Ryan is almost there. Just need to do more brain washing." She smirked.
"What do you mean 'almost there'?" Evan asked.
"He's under my control." She lipped a switch and I was on the ground. My whole body felt numb..
"With this controller, I can make Ryan do anything I want! I can make him walk -I started to walk around- I can make him jump -I start jumping-. With just a push of a button!" She smiled.
"How?!" I asked. I was in the floor again..
"In your brain, there's a chip that has you re-wired to my control. You still have thoughts but eh, kinda useless. Next step is to make you robotic! Like a cyborg." She laughed. I got put back on the operation table. The bitch left.
"Ohm, we tried to get you out but we got hit with knock out gas.." mini sighed.
"The bitch knocked me out personally." Raven sighed.

Bryce's POV
So, half the group got caught. Delirious, me, luke, Smitty, marcel, Lui, chilled and droid didn't get caught. We stayed behind. It's all part of the plan! We're just tryin figure out how to get into the place..
"What if we go up top? Like the roof?" Lui pointed out.
"They'll hear a chopper.." Marcel sighed.
"True but we get the police involved, they'll just think it's the police." Smitty said.
"Why didn't we think of a way for us to get in.." Lui sighed.
"Tyler said to just go threw the front door guns blazing." Luke said.
"Raven said it wouldn't be a good idea since they already going to do that so they could get captured." Delirious shrugged.
"How about we go up top?" Chilled suggested.
"I agree with chilled." Marcel said while texting his wife.
"All in favor for chilleds idea?" I asked. Everyone, including me raised their hands. We went on the roof to our helicopters.
"THEY DONT HAVE ANY FUEL!!" Marcel screeched.
"Dambit!!" Smitty yelled.
"Great.." droid and lui sighed.
"Who was supposed to fill it last time?!" Chilled asked.
"Evan was supposed to show Raven how..." I sighed.

Raven's POV
Great. I get put into a different room away from the guys. I was strapped to a chair. Dr.B was with me.
"Now, this may sting a little." She held a syringe with a blue liquid and a needle at the end. Oh crap.
"What is in that?" I asked.
"It's supposed to help you build your eye sight." She smiled and just stabbed me with it in my left arm. Injected me with it. I screamed in pain.
"YOU BITCH! THAT FUCKIN HURT!" Ok, I know I've been shot but that hurt pretty bad too.
"There's more to come child." She shrugged.

Evan's POV
We dr.Bitch took Raven into a room next to us. The rest of us got put into a room strapped to chairs. There were many nurses and other doctors in the room. Two nurses were behind each one of us. ...three behind tyler. We heard Raven scream and all of us started to squirm.
"She's getting a shot. CALM DOWN!" A doctor named Dr.Z, literally, yelled at us.
"Shot of what?" Mini asked.
"SHOT OF SUPER SIGHT!" Raven yelled to us. I guess the walls are thin.
"Anything happening to you Raven?!" Tyler asked.
"IM SEEIN SOME WEIRD SHIT!" Raven yelled back.
"WHAT?!" I yelled back.
"ITS A SIDE EFFECT! SHE'LL BE FINE!" Dr.B yelled. Scotty got a shot of green liquid.
"What was that?!" Scotty asked.
"Building hearing for you. Tyler gets strength building. Craig gets super hearing. Brian and David get super sight. Evan gets turned into half robot like Ryan and john, you get uhhh...super strength." Dr.Z shrugged.
"What kind of Doctor are yo- FUCK THAT HURT!" Mini yelled as he got a shot.
"LEAVE MY DAD ALONE!!" Raven screamed.
"I'm ok!" Mini yelled back. How are we going to make it out of this?

Bryce's POV
We contacted the police. We were in cop cars with cops driving for us to get the rest of the group. I was with a red head named Lieutenant Brown.
"Do you have any intel on this place?" I asked.
"Dr.Benvolio is an Italian doctor who is working on making people into weapons. We were told to not intervene unless otherwise. This is otherwise. She's not supposed to be kidnapping people to make them weapons." Brown sighed.
"Great... I just hope the group gets out alive." I sighed.
"Dr.Benvolio brain washes them to make them into weapons. She works fast and efficiently."
"How do you know that?" I asked.
"My son, Maxwell, went in because he didn't know what to do with his life. He's been workin for the military since he was 18. About 6 years now." Brown sighed again.
"I hope nothing like that has happened.." I said looking down at my phone. The picture of Ryan and me at the park with the guys..

Tyler's POV
"Now is the time to test Ryan!" Dr.benvolio had Ryan on the table again but he was laying down. The bitch was next to a red switch. The rest of us were in a hallway but tied to wheel chairs. She flipped the switch and ohm started to yell in pain. I was next to mini, he reached to hold my hand. We held hands and the nurses behind us either didn't mind or hasn't seen yet. We all looked towards ohm. He broke out of steal straps that held his wrist and ankles.
"Wonderful! Hello 101!" The bitch yelled happily. Ohm turned around and BACK HAND SLAPPED HER. Literally everyone in this hallway laughed so hard. I was wheezing. The nurses cut us out of the rope.
"We think he's out of control.." one of the guys said. We stood up and the nurses took off running. Dr.Z came in.
"This happened to the last 10 guys we created! He's gonna kill us all!!" Dr.Z said running out.
"Raven, john, Anthony and Scotty: find something to tie him down. The rest of us needs to hold him down. If we don't, cops will shoot him." Tyler ordered.
"Get him back on the table!" Raven said running off. Ohm broke through the glass that was atleast 4 inches thick. Fuck. We all took off running together instead. We saw police.
"SPLIT UP!!" Evan yelled. There were three hallways to choose from. Evan, mini, Raven and me went to the left. Smith, john and Scotty went straight. Anthony, Nogla and Brian went to the right. Ohm followed us!

Brian's POV
Me, nogla and Anthony ran into a room. I looked down the hallway. Ohm followed tyler, mini, Raven and Evan. Oh great. I texted Scotty.
"Brian." Nogla said out of breath. He handed me a water bottle. Anthony was sitting at a table catching his breath with a water bottle. Nogla was looking in a cabinet.
"There's rope, fire extinguisher, hair spray for some reason and hand cuffs." Nogla said. I grabbed the three bundles of rope, Nogla grabbed the fire extinguisher and handed Anthony the hair spray and hand cuffs.
"I have a lighter and so would Smitty or Raven." I said and we headed out.

Scotty's POV
We ran into a room. There was barely anything. My phone went off and it scared us. Me, Smitty and john. It was Brian.

Brian: Ohm went after tyler, Raven, Evan and mini.

"Ohm went after Raven, Evan, tyler and mini." I said to the other two.
"Shit." John sighed.
"Probably because Evan is wearing a bright yellow jacket." Smitty jokingly said.
"Sadly, your probably right.." I sighed. "We gotta go find Brian and them to help them get ohm contained." I said looking at my phone.
"Alright.." they both got up and we walked out. Anthony was at the end of the hall waiting for us.
"Brian and nogla went on ahead this way." Anthony pointed infront of us. We started to run that way when we heard Evan scream. Ohm had Evan by his throat and up against the wall. Raven was on ohms back trying to tell him to get off of Evan. Tyler and mini are trying to pull ohm back. Evan wasn't touching the floor... I put the rope around ohms waist and everyone pulled except Raven. She got in between ohm and Evan and pushed ohm back. Smitty came and just knocked ohm out with a fire extinguisher. Evan fell to the ground trying to catch his breath. Raven held him. Police came in with the rest of the group.
"Ohm has been brain washed.." tyler spoke up. The police took ohm to a room following the group. Brian, me and john looked at Raven and Evan.
"I've got him. Go follow them." Raven said. Evan gave a thumbs up.


I'm very sorry I haven't posted/updated in a while. Aloooooot has happened unexpectedly but it's all good now!
I can't reply to comments on here for some reason.. I'm tryin to get that fixed!
I will be posting more soon!!
As always, I hoped ye enjoyed!

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