New girl

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"Alpha there has been a trespassing sighting on the north border." My beta Aiden rushed out. His clothes were tattered and ripped meaning he was recently shifted. I feel myself become angry at the thought of someone on my territory. No wolf in their right mind would dare to cross my borders.

"Is it a rouge?"

After a minute of silence from him I looked up from my paper work raising a brow at him. He fiddled with his thumb nervously, sweat beading his forehead.

"No alpha it is a girl, a human girl."

A loud growl ripped through my chest. Flipping my chair over and sprinting out towards the forest shifting mid air. Aiden following behind me along with my Delta Warren. I sniffed the tracks while still running full speed. Surprisingly the scent didn't reek like most human scents, instead it smelled of strawberries and pine trees.

'Alpha up ahead.'

I snap my head towards the road where a girl was unloading her things into a two story house. A dog biting at her feet. I crawled closer to the edge of the forest so I can hear her. Biting back a growl at the puppy who jumped on her. I strangely felt attracted to this girl, not just her beauty but her scent had me completed mesmerizing. I found myself walking out of the safety of the trees until I feel a nip on my tail. 

Growling at Warren for biting my tail, he whimpers and tucks his tail in between his legs. Snarling, I feel myself foaming at the mouth as I bring my large paw to push him to the ground. I extended my claws and swipe it across his belly ferociously. He lets out a loud cry. Blood oozes from the wound. 'Do not question my motives pup.'

'Yes alpha.'

'Visit Martin at the infirmary.'

He nodded in gratitude and limped back to the pack house. I will not take disobedience in my pack, any sign of weakness will giving an opening for someone to overthrow me. I turn my attention back to the human girl when I hear a yelp.

 The puppy had tripped her sending a box flying in the air and her tumbling to the ground. "Royal cut it out!" Her angelic voice shouted as she jumped up. Before my mind can even register what happened she had the box in hand in the blink of an eye.

'Woah alpha did you see that!'

Aiden, whom quietly sat in my flank afraid of my wrath, said in excitement. But I noticed something off about her. Her scent wasn't like the other humans it was mixed with something.

'That's odd her's different.'

Aiden hummed in agreement. I shook my head focusing back on the girl. She's so beautiful with raven black hair and caramel skin, light freckles dotted under eyes with a tiny birthmark on the corner of her left eye. She looked to be about 18 with the most unique eyes violet eyes.

I took another step towards her until I was out of the woods. 'Alpha I wouldn't do that.'  Aiden warned. Growling at him I walked closer to her only to be tackled. I was at the edge of her driveway with a puppy on top of me. The husky stood over me growling snarling his teeth.

How did such a tiny thing manage to tackle a large wolf like me. "Down royal, get off it." The girl picked up the puppy freeing me. She smiled down at me showing pearly white teeth.

I felt my heart leap at her. The wall I had build around my heart cracked as I feel myself already crumbling at the petite girl. 'Mate! Mate! Talk to mate!'

Spare me alpha [COMPLETED][REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now