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"Welcome to snipers bar and grill, how may I help you -." My gaze cast up towards my mate who stared lustfully down at me.

Leaning up to her ear I whispered, "Your going to get yourself in a whole lot of trouble with that look." Her cheeks flames the brightest red. Her eyes fluttering in the slightest. Smirking I looked across the table at Aiden and Brandy.

"Thank you for showing Brandy around, I already enrolled him in school so he won't be stuck in the house." She smiled adoringly at me, her deep dimples on full display. "You are going to be the cutest freshman there." Brandy swatted his sisters hand when they pinch his cheeks like a grandma. 

"Anything for you princess." I pecked her lips handing her my jacket. She looked at me curiously her brows furrowing. "Cover up."

"But Andrew said I-" At the mention of another males name a loud growl erupted from my throat. My eyes darkening as my wolf tried to surface.

"Mine!" I pulled star in my lap holding her tightly. Aiden tried to calm down telling me that I was causing a scene. "I am alpha, he bows to me remember that my love. You are the Luna so you can bend the rules." 

Star rubbed my arms up and down making me shiver in the slightest. Claws threatened to come out and a constant growl rumbles from my throat. Goosebumps covering my arm. "Calm down mate I'll cover up."

She stood up putting on the jacket smiling my way. "Star table 7." Eric called, ringing the bell. She kissed my cheek then Brandy's telling us to be safe.

After having our lunch we headed into town. Brandy seemed amazed by everything. "You don't get out much do you?" Aiden started. Brandy's eyes snapped to Aiden.

He shrugged although it looked like it hurt him to do so. "My Pops didn't really let me out much." He mumbled quietly. Brandy may be big in size but he was really quiet and shy. He doesn't know that Star told us everything, the topic itself seem to make him really uncomfortable.

"It's okay your with us now you can do whatever you want now, as long as Star doesn't know about it. Goddess knows she'll kill us all." Aiden chuckled along with Brandy.

His eyes lit up. "You mean anything?" I smirked I think I'm gonna like this kid.

"Brandy." I gripped his shoulder as I talked. "Have you ever been paint balling?"


"Get back here you coward!" Brandy and I are hiding now as we shoved ice down Aiden's pants and fled. Now we both held one end of a rope as we stood on opposite walls waiting for Aiden to run bye.

Brandy covered his mouth to stop the laughs from seeping through his mouth. I grinned widely, the kids not so bad. He is actually a really sweet guy who just had a hard life. Introducing him to paintballing was the ultimate highlight of my day. He loves pulling pranks almost as much as I do.

"Guys where did you go." Right as Aiden walked by we both pulled the rope and he tripped, face planting smack dab in paint.

I couldn't hold it anymore we both burst into fits of laughter, pains burst from my stomach and an intense jolt in my diaphragm. Aiden stood up and smirked wiping his face then taking the rest of the paint in the bucket and dumping it on our already paint covered bodies.

Aiden took off as we chased after him slipping on the already slippery floor as we darted out of the building. Being that we are all werewolves we blurred through the city at in human speed. Aiden was heading towards my mates house so I sped up with Brandy not far behind. How this kid is so fast when he hasn't shifted yet is beyond me.

Spare me alpha [COMPLETED][REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now