Be afraid kitty

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"Well hello there. Did you miss me kitten?"

  Growling I move from under Xavier, shifting back and covering my myself. Nice of you to make yourself known bastard. Derek smirks allowing his eyes to wander down the length of my body. Xavier backs away behind a tree to grab clothes for us. I have no problem with nudity but the glares Xavier was shooting at the psychopath said that he minded my nudity. Taking the shirt from him I slip it over my body.

     "Now that we are all decent I have come to make a deal with you alpha." Xavier growls pushing me behind him but I only step around him. This my fight not his nor the packs and they should let me handle it as such. 

   I glare at Derek and his smirk only increases. "I do not make deals with hunters." Xavier's voice is cold with a stern tone. If only you knew mate of mine. He is no ordinary hunter, no he is special-dangerous. 

'Xavier there is something I didn't tell you about him.'

He remains in a defensive stand with his claws extended and his arms, ready for a fight. '"What is it mate."

'He's like me...'

    "Now dear alpha don't be rash. We are both adults here I'm sure we can come to civil agreement." I growled lowly. The ground quakes and as I look to my mate, I see him on the verge of transforming into the Alpha everyone fears. His eyes shift to bright red and he looks feral.

  "You are not wanted here nor are your preposterous deals." I snarl. My tiger getting the best of me. I can feel it wanting to come out of my palms. Clenching my fist to stop the light from letting itself be known, I look down.

    "Don't be silly kitten, your dear mate hasn't even heard the deal I am so generously willing to make." He looks down at my clenched fist and grins.

  "You have two minutes to start talking before I rip you limb from limb." Xavier's growls. His grip on me tighten to the point where there would be a bruise later. If I were human my bone would have snapped from the hold he has on me.

   Derek puts his finger to his chin pretending to think. "Ah Alpha Xavier Matthews that's funny, what do they call you. The youngest, and most feared alpha. I hear you are very brutal." He's baiting him, it seems to be working as I see a vein in Xavier's neck tick. Just before he launches himself at Derek I push him back taking the hit Derek was aiming at him.

A silver pulsating light radiates from his hand pushing against me, sending me flying into a tree. The light pushes a heavy weight on my chest knocking the air out of my lungs. With our powers matching, we couldn't kill each other with our powers. Fortunately for me, I have a deranged tiger. Derek got his powers from mine, when he barged into my dreams, he slowly drained me of my powers. When I was strong enough to fight back, I decided it was his turn to see how it felt. 

Breathing harsh breaths I allow it to surface. A light brighter than Derek's glows from my palm. Rage burns in my stomach. My tiger now at the surface as she encourages me to kill him in my head. I hold my hands in front of me letting the force push him back. It's my turn now fucker. I imagine crushing the tiny piece of his heart that he has and slowly close my fits. He clutches his chest as the oxygen is sucked out of him.

He stumbles back from the blinding light and also the heavy force. "Xavier grab him." He stands up from where I knocked him out of the way and tackles Derek. I allow my powers to deplete as Xavier roughly picks him up.

Not surprisingly Derek resists and try's to fight Xavier but with one twist, Derek's arm gets snap like a twig by Xavier. He howled in pain. "That's my arm you asshole."

Spare me alpha [COMPLETED][REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now