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     "His name is Derek. He's a psychokinetic, a genius one at that. The main source of his energy is fear from others, he feeds on the fear of supernatural. Derek is very different from other psychokinetics, he finds one person to pray on and he takes everything you have. I was his prey."

Growing up, my father had a friend who was constantly around who made my mother uncomfortable. My father told us to call him uncle Derek but my mother said he is no uncle to us and never to trust him. When I got my powers, I started seeing him in my dreams where he took my biggest fears and played them against me. I'd wake up with scars from fighting him in my sleep and when my mom asked me what it was from, I'd tell her they were from a bully at school." 

   At my revelation a loud growl rumbles through the room, I was yanked into a warm pair of arms. Xavier stared down at me, a certain protectiveness evident in his face. "Mine." Growling low in his throat he pulled me impossibly closer to him. So close I could smell his musky cologne, the scent of pine and chocolate which oddly worked together. The  slight stubble on his chin making him look even more sexy.  The way his jaw clenched as his muscles flex due to the tight hold on me. I decide to tell him everything at this moment and get the anger out of the way.

"One day he left and never came back. For a while everything was good, my father was never home so it was just my mom, brother, and I. The nightmares stopped and we were all happy. Then one day my father came home drunk and crazed, he and my mom got into an argument and it turned violent fast. "

Tears well in my eyes as I prepare to fully open up to my mate. What will he think of me after this, will he hate me?  As I look into the eyes of my mate, I know that whatever happens, he will love me no matter what he learns. 

"He hurt I hurt him."


"You little b***h!  How dare you, you are going to pay for that!" Spit flying in my face, his rotten teeth seething in my rage at me. The cold look in his eyes says all... this was the last straw.  Scared for him, I ran to his side ready to attack the heartless bastard if it came down to it. Standing protectively in front of him, I snarl at him daring him to take another step. Before he could advance further a body launched in front of us shielding us from his sight.

"Russ leave the children be they are innocent. Do what you want with me but leave them out of it. I beg of you." Hearing the desperation in her voice has me in tears, the heartbreak seeing her in debt to a man who spared us a sad life being abused everyday. Both mentally and physically. 

"My dear Aqua you cant protect them forever. You and I both know werecats aren't forever. Especially weak ones like you." With those final words he launched himself at her fiercely attacking her. Unfortunately for him, she is a weretiger and we have the strength of ten wolves. 

"Star! take him now hurry baby girl!" She screams at me trying her best to fight him off.  Not a second went by when I was grabbing my little brother in my arms carrying him up to his room hiding him in the secret hatch I had built to protect us.

     "Stay here sweetie don't come out until you know it is clear."  His little doe brown eyes look up at me not seeming to understand. Tears sprung to my eyes as I realized this may be the last time I may see him.  I needed to protect our mom even if it killed me. Reaching out to kiss his head, unclasping my necklace from around my neck placing it around his tiny one.  

"If I do not return, wait for the noise to quiet then reveal yourself. Cry as much as you can and you will be safe." He did not respond and only cries for me. 

  "I love you my baby brother." Tears leaked out of my eyes but before I could have time to let them out, I heard a painful scream. Looking at him one more time I close the hatch then swiftly running to help my mother.

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