Back to work

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Coughing for the third time today, I cover my mouth with my hand. My eyes widen as I see a slight drop of blood on my palm. Not now! It's too soon, I haven't finished my assignment yet. I feel Sunny shift in my mind as we both have become weak over the past week. 

"Sunny are you there?"

'Yes I'm here. I feel so weak Star,'  My heart feels heavy when I feel the weakened state my tiger is in. The decaying process is taking more of a toll on Sunny than my human body. Whimpering she curls in the back of my mind.

'I'm sorry my precious sunny, after our shift we'll go visit the doctor okay.'

"Thank you Star." I go back to work after washing my hands. After serving a few customers things start to slow down enough for me to take a break.

My lack of energy taking a toll on me. I really need to see Martin again. After my last appointment I was told I wouldn't live very long, but as a precaution I swore not to tell Xavier In fear of him forever worrying about me. I made him promise as well that he wouldn't tell a soul. I would tell Xavier when I was ready but now is not the time with a upcoming war.

Speaking of Xavier, right at the moment my mate waltzed in with Aiden right behind. Approaching the counter he leans forward grinning mischievously.

"What are you specials ma'am?"

Smirking I lean forward also playing along. "Well for starters it comes with this-" pressing my lips to his I was pulled away when Andrew called out to me.

"Starlet stop kissing the customers." He passed by me smirking. Blushing I pulled away glaring at him. He handed me a tray of food with the ticket.

"Table 7 sweetheart." Rolling my eyes at him I pout going around the counter. I peck my mates lips then usher them to a booth and dropping tables 7 food off.

I grabbed my notepad from behind the counter reaching over. Barely able to get it Darla reaches under grabbing it for me. "Thanks sweet cheeks." I call playfully in which she returns to with a playful wink.

Returning to the boys I see them looking at the menu, quite obviously just caught the sight of me struggling. "Hey shorty." Aiden says ruffling my hair.

Growling lowly my fangs coming out. I fix my hair glaring at him. "Down kitty fangs up." I pout at Aiden, my lip jutting my lip out giving him doe eyes. His eyes instantly soften at me a small grin break way onto his face.

"What can I get for you boys?"

They order there drinks then they both get burgers. No clue why they both want the same thing. Shrugging I hand the order to Eric who eyes it then scrunches his nose. "Sorry baby pie it's for my boys." 

Eric absolutely hates making the double decker burgers. According to him the patties are extra greasy and the toppings just don't belong on that burger. It kills him to make these burgers but he is the only cook on the grill today. "Please for me." I widen my eyes jutting my pink lips into a pout.

He sighs glaring at me. "Your lucky I love you." Kissing his cheek he swats my butt making me giggle.

"Make the burgers baby pie." He grins at me and begin on the burgers, all with a look that said he rather eat dead flies out of a bug zapper. I make them their drinks heading to their table. Before I got there a surge of heat exploded threw my head. My body feeling even more weak and feeble and my nose tingling suddenly. Stumbling a bit, I was caught by Darla who wore a worried look. 

"Sweetie are you okay you look a little pale?" She put the back of her hand on my forehead, creases forming on her face.

"Your burning up. Come sit." She ushers to me a barstool but I push away from her.

"I'm fine Darla I just have to deliver these drinks." The worry never eased off her face as she watched me bring the boys their drinks. They watched as I approached the table smiling feebly.

With shaky hands I put both of their drinks on the table. I reach for my notepad trying to stop my hands from shaking.

"Baby your shaking are you alright? Come let's get to the doctor." Putting my hand on his chest I weakly trying to force him down but it didn't help. I could see the urge to growl baring his chest but I urge him to relax. This is exactly what I was afraid of-being treated like a child.

"I'm fine love, it's just a bit of coffee jitters." I lie. It hurts my heart to lie to him but I can't possibly tell him that I'm slowly dying. He would lose his mind. Mustering up a smile I usher him to sit down before I turn to leave.

"I'll be back with your food." I stumble into Eric, he quickly catches me his eyes wide.

"Are you okay Star?" Nodding with a forced smile I manage to stand up on my own. "I'm fine baby pie."

Not convinced he hands me the tray with the burgers he despised so much. His face the mirror image of disgust as he hands it to me. Giggling, I take it from him heading back to the boys. "Are you sure you don't need to go to the doctor baby you look a little worn out." Glaring at him he immediately shuts up and begins eating.

"Starlet!" Andrew calls. He never calls me starlet unless something is wrong. Smiling at the boys one last time I head into his office where he sat behind his desk.

"Yes sir?"

His eyes soften. "Starlet the other employees are worried for you as am I. They say you have been stumbling and shaking. I advise you to go home and rest. You look exhausted I want you to return when you are better but until then I am releasing you. You will be on a paid vacation until you are better."

"But I'm-" he holds a hand up silencing me. I may be Luna but at this place, he is ahead of me and I must respect his position. "Yes sir." Defeated I hang my head taking off my waist apron and hand him my notepad.

Smiling apologetically he hugs me and softly kisses my forehead. "Star I think of you as the daughter I lost and I only wish for the best for you."

I look at him hugging him back. "Thank you Andrew." I stop in the locker room to grab my coat and drape it over my petite body.

I clock out then walk out hugging Darla and Eric goodbye telling them to stop by when they can. Stopping by the boys table I kiss Xavier goodbye and give Aiden a hug.

"I'm heading home to rest, Andrews orders." Without asking they both stood up placing money on the table. They hadn't even finished their food. I try not to smile. 

"We'll take you home." Xavier snatches my keys out of my hand taking me to my car and shoving me gently in the front. Not having the energy to argue I rest my head against the window drifting off to sleep.

  Something soft comes in contact with my head. Snuggling into the warmth, my depleted energy allows my body to relax completely for a good rest.


Original date: June 30, 2018

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