A new job

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         Star's work outfit



This job is amazing! I'm not very fond of the outfit but overall it's been a great first day. My coworkers are nice and working with two of my friends is even better. Darla and Eric are hilarious. They are always arguing with each other but it always ends with me laughing. I think this is the start of a new friendship.

    "Star, a table of boys just walked in. Why don't you take them." That's my boss Andrew, he's not much older than me only about 22, he a cool boss. He made orientation and training fun. Not one that's crabby and rude and constantly on you about being a perfect server.

  "Sure." He hands me a notepad and gives me a light shove towards the table. I walk to the table with my head down ready to take their order.

  "Welcome to Sniper's bar and grill, my name is Starlet and I'll be your server for today. What can I get for ya?" I lift my head seeing the familiar boys at the table. I grin at them pecking Xavier on the lips. His eyes darken as they take in my attire. Yes I know the skirt doesn't cover much but this job pays a lot and I need it to keep up with my house. I do still have a plan that needs to be pushed.

    "I don't like you wearing that, it doesn't cover anything." I frown jutting out my lips.

  "I don't either but I really need the money, I promise I'll hand anyone their ass who tries to touch me ok." He nods doubtfully.

   "Now what can I get for you boys?"

   They began to give me their order. I leave to give their order to Eric who does the cooking and go to my next table. 

   "Careful girlie that table over there are some feisty ones, I just broke one of the boys fingers." Darla said casually flipping her hair over her shoulder.

  I chuckled at my friend taking long strides to them. Andrew handed me the tray of food and followed me with the other tray.

   "Here you are. Three grilled chicken salads, two double decker burgers, and a basket of onion rings. Anything else I can get for ya?" I put all the food on the table.

I looked up at them expectantly. One boy from the bunch smirked at me, his hand grabbing my arm sliding up towards my chest.

  I attempt to pull away but his grip tightens. "Actually you can help me with something." I yank my hand away but whimper at the searing pain from my skin. If it weren't for prying eyes, I'd use my tiger strength and rip his arm off. 

   "I suggest you let her go, she works for me and if you mess with her you mess with me!" Andrew bites out. He makes a sound that is almost like a growl and slam the tray down with an loud bang. 

   The boy lets go of me only to grab Andrew by the neck lifting him up of the ground. "What was that pup!" What the f-! Are werewolves suppose to be this strong? 

  No one messes with my boss. "Let him go!" I kicked the boy in his special place and stomped his fat foot. He crumbled to the ground. I picked him back up and slammed his head on the table successfully break his nose. Blood spilled on the once white floors.

  The boy was no longer conscious. I looked at his friends expectantly. "Anybody else wanna fuck with my boss!"

  They all shook their heads with terror clear on their faces. "Good now scram!" They all three money on the table, dragging their unconscious friend out the door. Before they can get far, Xavier is in front of them with a dangerous look on his face. I shuddered in both lust and fear. I would not want to be on the end of my mates wrath.

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