This means war

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There lay my brother wrapped in bandages. His head bandaged to where only his nose can be seen and his left arm is in a bulky cast as well as his right leg that was held up in a sling. His bare chest wrapped tightly with more bandages no doubt covering more bruises. He looked awful.

"B...I'm so sorry." I sobbed collapsing hear his bed clutching his hand tightly. "I should have got there sooner I'm sorry I left you here alone. I thought you would be safe. Don't worry baby brother I'll find them and I'll kill them. If it's the last thing I do I will." The determination set. This means war!

Those poor hunters. Oh well they're gonna feel the wrath of me. Let the war begin.


"I found this note attached to Brandy." I handed the note to them as their eyes scanned over it. Anger took over both their faces. They look like they wanted to kill. You don't mess with the Moonlight pack!

"We'll protect him mate you have my word." Burying my face in my mates side I let my eyes close for a moment, soaking up the scent of my mate. My thirst for blood needs to be quenched, the thought of excusing myself to kill an innocent creature sounds appealing to me. My tiger can be feral when she is angry and I'd hate to be on the other end of her wrath.

   "We'll double the guards around your house. I will assign a guard to stick with Brandy everywhere he goes." I nod gathering what he said and cringe when I realized I'll always have someone watching what I do.

    "Sounds like a plan. I'm going to go home to shower and get this blood off of me." The putrid smell of these rotten humans blood makes me want to puke but only makes my tigers craving increases. "Settle down Sunny."

'But I'm thirsty!'

"Then drink some water."

  Sunny stays quiet as I focus my attention back on my mate. Xavier just realizing I am now covered in blood pulls away from me wrinkling his nose. He crinkles his nose, his eyes filled with mischief. "Your right you do stink." He taunts.

Growling I was my arms around him rubbing the scent all over him. He shrieks like a little girl pushing me away. "Oh look who stinks now." He growls playfully sending me the stink eye.

   "Still you." Aiden pipes up. Growling I chased after him as he took off through the house. Having enough of this cat and mouse chase I scream, "until next time."

I hear him chuckle as he sprints away from me. Laughing, I head to my house to shower. Stepping into my room I notice an unfamiliar scent, the rotten smell of a human lingered in the air. Growling lowly I shift quietly. My bones popped as they rearranged, white fur sprouted on my skin as my teeth elongated into large canines.

Dropping to all fours I shook my fur, fluffing it up. My large body standing tall. (Pic on side)

   Snarling I follow the rotten scent to my backyard

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Snarling I follow the rotten scent to my backyard. The sight I saw broke my heart. Royal lied on the grass covered in blood. His tiny body bleeding out on the ground from the open wounds on his back. Letting out the loudest roar that displayed the hollowness I felt, I whined picking my puppy up in my mouth.

Carefully securing him In my mouth I took off to The pack house. The metallic taste of blood dripping on my tongue but that didn't stop me from pushing my body as fast as it can go to get royal help. My heavy paws thudding against the ground as mud coated my fur.

Finally breaking through the trees I whine and roar until people flood outside. They all take in the sight of royal in my mouth bleeding out and my giant tiger and things instantly went south.

"Alpha!" People started shifting but before anyone could attack me Xavier rushes out towards me growling at everyone. His eyes catch the blood dripping from my mouth and immediately becomes on edge.

"Don't touch her. Everyone shift now!" They all shift back bowing their heads to their alpha. He takes royal from me and hands him off to the pack doctor.

"Help him now!" They all rush off to help my puppy, I go to follow when an unknown force throws me off balance. My large body flies across the open field. Everyone else to shocked by what happens look at their alpha astonished. It has started...

"Everyone in the pack house!" They don't have to be told twice before they are all rushing inside. I shift back as more whines leave my mouth. I put on the shirt extended towards me. 

"Star what happened?" Unable to speak from the strong blow my body took I resorted to hand signals.

"I'm sorry mate I don't understand. Let's get you checked out then you can tell me what happened." Still heaving and puffing for breath he lifts me up taking me to the infirmary.

There the doctors are tending to royal, but when they saw us coming in half rushed to us ushering us to a room. A nurse checked me but there were no serious injuries so I was able to go. Xavier being the overprotective mate he is scooped me up in his arms carrying me up the flight of the stairs to his room.

Gently putting me on the bed, he leaves without a word. Not even five minutes later he comes back with tub ice cream and a spoon. He hands me both lying down next to me, draping a blanket over both of us. I look at him then back to the ice cream and a light giggle escapes.

I lean into him smiling. "Thank you." Pecking his lip with a light kiss I dig into the ice cream. Moaning at the sweet taste of the strawberry Ice cream, I lick the spoon clean digging into the tub. I offer him some which he smirks mischievously, and sensually licks the Ice cream off my spoon. My pupils dilate when as he teases me. I growl lowly and do my best to calm down before I tell him the truth.

A comfortable silence passes as we both dig into the ice cream, sponge bob playing in the background. "Xavier I have to tell you why that happened to me." he perked up, shifting his body so he was facing me he edged me on patiently.

Taking a deep breath, my thoughts swam around in my head trapping me in my own mind and almost drowning me. The powerful feeling of me being alone when it happened to me cascaded me in a pool of darkness. My fist clenched at the thought of bastard coming back. For me. He doesn't deserve to live after what he did.

He's a heartless monster. He used his powers for vengeance and his own selfish reasons. Turning to my mate and his curious gaze, my face remained stoic as my next words froze the both of us.


Original date: June 8, 2018

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