I'm Sorry Star

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"I'm sorry Star, I can't go against his orders."

  "But you have to help me please! What about Royal he's going to be by himself."

  "I'll take care of him for you until your free. But I really must go before Xavier finds out."

  "No please Aide-"

I walk in the dungeon with furrowed brows to be greeted by Aiden and the tiger casually sitting.    As my presence has been known to Aiden he stands up bowing his head to me. Anger boils in the pit of my stomach when I see him disobeying my direct orders. Guard the tiger. That's all he had to do.

  "Morning alpha."

I nod eyeing him skeptically. He avoids eye contact heading out with another word. "Where are you going, beta?"

   "I have some business to attend to alpha. I will be back in time for lunch." I simply nod at my suspicious friend. He is not getting away that easily. 

   'Warren follow him.'

Ever since Star arrived he's been acting strange. As if he's hiding the worlds biggest secret. I trust my beta but lately he's been giving me reasons not to. I know I'm not just being paranoid, nothing happens in my pack without me knowing about it. This tiger is and will be the very last secret in my pack. I will get to the bottom of this if its the last thing I do.

    'Yes alpha.'

 I walk towards the cell with the tiger that is bound to the wall with determination. The alpha in me coming forward as I feel my emotions slip away. 

  "Release the restraints."

For some reason I feel drawn to this tiger and the need to protect it rather than hurt it is high. Unfortunately for the tiger, I am a leader and I need to keep my pack safe even if it means doing whatever it takes. 

I eye it skeptically. It makes no move to hurt me or threaten me in any kind of way. It only stares at me curiously, it's eyes watching me for my next move.

Instead of hurting it like I would do for the other prisoners, I sit on the opposite side of the tiny cell. They look   at me curiously wondering  why I'm not torturing it. "Leave us." The guards do as told and shut the door on their way out.

After a minute the tiger realizes I am not going to hurt it then it lays down. "Are you male or female?"  It doesn't respond only roll on it's back. I slowly Inch closer trying to identify the 'parts', yup it's a female.

  "You have the presence of another, you are a shifter." She rolls back on her stomach laying out like a tired puppy.

  "Shift so we may speak." She merely shakes her head licking at her paws. I growl growing tired of being nice at the puny cat.

  Angrily I grabbed the tiger by its neck slamming it against the wall. Not a single whimper escaped the tiger. Perhaps it's used to this. Could such a beautiful tiger have been tortured In it's past life.

  "Shift now!" The tiger looked behind me then back at me. That's when I felt something hit the back of my head.

  Everything went dark as the tiger leaped over my limp form.


I didn't want to but I had no choice but to knock my mate out. I have to get out of here. Licking my mates face I leap over him sprinting down the halls to find a way out.

No one was in sight, good for me. You'd think being in one of the strongest pack in the country, the Packhouse would be guarded much more.  That was until a brunette came into view. I ran towards him jumping on his back. My large tiger toppling him over.

Aiden collapsed on the ground with me lying on top of him. I lick his face with an animalistic grin.

His eyes widened in fear. He grabs me by my scruff and runs down the hall to his room while dragging my large form. Okay carpet burn hurt. Not cool Aiden. He locks the door and throws me on the bed with a huff. "Your heavy." He huffs under his breath. I swipe my paw at him.

"Are you insane? How did you get in here?" I shifted back covering my lady parts. His cheeked flushed the brightest red.

"I escaped Aiden."

"Uh star...your um..." he points to my naked body, I'm not really all that shy about my body but I don't like to embarrass anyone. Though it did make me feel weird because I am mated to his best friend. 

 "Sorry Aiden...do you have any clothes?" He grins shyly turning towards a drawer rummaging through his shirts. He hands me one of his hoodies and a pair of his boxers.

He turns so I can change which I quickly do. I feel deflated when I smell Xavier scent be covered by Aiden's. I miss my mate. They barely covered anything but I won't be going anywhere.


His head lifts at the sound of my voice. He had his eyes tightly shut. "You can open them Aiden." I chuckled going to my now best friend and wrapping my arms around his torso. 

His eyes opened giving me a heart stopping smile. "Your dressed." I smile at my best friend enjoying the comfort of him.

Being near Aiden reminds me of Xavier. Xavier makes me feel safe and loved for the first time in my life. Ever since I lost her, it has been only him and I. I cannot forget why I am here. I must save him. He's the best mate a girl can ask for. I miss my mate so much but I must distance myself.

I whimper thinking about him. "Oh star you'll be able to tell him soon. I promise." Aiden hugged me in a comforting way wiping any stray tears that may have fallen.

"Thank you Aiden."

"For what?"

"For jut being there for me. You've showed me that not every boy in this world is a jerk." I lean up and kiss his cheek. "You are like the big brother I never wanted."

He chuckles, a grin staying on both of our faces. He leads me to his really comfortable looking bed then goes to his connected bathroom. The door opens to reveal Royal hyper as ever.

He jumps on my lap licking my face. "Stop it Royal it tickles." I managed to say through giggles. I push him off but Aiden takes his place. Aiden hovers over me tickling the daylight out of me. Soon I'm not able to breathe and lately my asthma has been easily triggered. It could be the smallest things I do and I can't breathe.

Even being tickled I can barely breathe. Royal notices before Aiden does and is back with my asthma pump in a second.

Aiden gets off of me worried and hands me the pump with shaking hands. I take a few puffs sitting up. "Calm Down Aiden I'm ok, your worst than Xavier was when I caught an attack." I chuckle but Aiden looks shaken up.

His hands are shaking, his face looks panicked and his muscles are tensed. Too tensed. I frown pushing him In a laying down position and sitting next to him. 


"Yes Star?"

"Thanks for being such a great best friend." He lifted my chin to look up at his eyes. He smiled softly kissing my forehead.

"Your welcome Star. Sleep Luna even tigers need to sleep." I closed my eyes falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat imagining that he was my Xavier.


Original date: Nov 6, 2017

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