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Star POV

"Star would you care to introduce yourself?" Mr. Bo asked, he is my economics teacher. He's an old balding man but still nice. Shyly I walked to the front of the class, they all watched my every move as if I was an alien. I'm not stupid I know this is werewolf territory but it was my last chance.

This is the last place he would expect me to go, me in werewolf territory yeah that's a no. I figured they would try to sniff me out so I hid my tiger scent. I've been doing it for years so I've grown accustomed to it. I could not risk his life, I need to be prepared before I take him back with me. I become sad as I think about who I left behind. Nonetheless I force a smile on my face.

"Hi. I'm Starlet but everyone calls me Star and I live alone with my dog royal." I say in a quiet voice though I know everyone can hear me. My tiger is in the corner of my mind, I can feel her on edge as I carefully watch every wolf in the room take in my scent. I smelled of human but there will always be a faint trace of my tiger that I cannot hide, I am not a witch of course. 

A few people smiled at me while others weren't so friendly, they were either sending me glares or nasty looks. Can't say I blame them, I mean I'm not ugly but I don't go around flaunting myself like many of the young ladies here seem to do. 

"Thank you Starlet take your seat." As I walked back to my seat a few boys sent me flirty smiles and winks. Wrinkling my nose in disgust I roll my eyes.

I'm not here to socialize with any boys I am actually waiting for my mate. I've waited for my whole life for him hoping I could finally be happy. The door opened making a creaking sound, three boys walked like they owned the place. They reeked of power suggesting they are the alpha, beta, and the delta.

The tallest of the three caught my attention, he had to be six feet at least with the most mesmerizing eyes. They were a royal blue with a rim of silver. He had raven black hair much like mine, and a tribal tattoo with the name Moonlight in the mix of the swirls. He is definitely Alpha, all alphas must claim their pack on their arms for those packs outside of North America. 

My eyes caught his and I could swear my heart reached out to his. 'Mate! Mate! I want mate!'

"Pipe down sunny, his wolf will hear us."

She whimpered crawling in a ball in the corner of my mind. Sighing I turn away from him, he's an alpha so I have to keep my distance. I began to draw the wolf I saw yesterday in my notebook. He had black fur dark as night with yellow glowing eyes. He was as tall as my tiger maybe even taller. Still, normal tigers are relatively large so my tiger is pretty huge.

The bell ringing brought me out of the trance. Picking my book sack up I exited the class walking towards my new locker. I tried my combination a few times but I failed to unlock my lock. After a few minutes the bell rang again and I still hadn't got my locker open. I growled in frustration, when I was sure the hall was empty I slammed my fist into the lock, succesfully breaking the lock. 

My eyes glowing a gold color letting me know, my powers are surfaced. A growl is what me jump into a defensive stand. The beta I'm assuming growled pinning me to the lockers. "What are you!" His arm pressed against my throat cutting off any air that I was getting. "Please...I..no harm." He loosened his arm dropping me to the ground.

"Explain now." He demanded. I faked submission showing him my neck. I am a werecat so I am more powerful than a alpha there fore there orders don't work on me. I cannot forget why I am here, my mission is just beginning therefore I need to abide by their rules. A feeling tugs at my core telling me I can trust this wolf. 

Spare me alpha [COMPLETED][REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now