Truth is revealed

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  "Brandy was adopted when I was 6, he was 3 at the time. When my mom...died, she made me promise to never tell my father what I was. I am a werecat, the last one after my mother died. My father was power hungry, he would do anything to have my abilities. When I reached the age of ten my father found out I was different, he started running test on me through the lab In the basement. 

   When he wasn't running tests  on me he would use me as a personal servant to him. If I messed up in the slightest or if I didn't do what he want he would beat me. One day I had enough which forced my early shift and attacked him then I fled. Leaving Brandy behind to fend for himself. It was just months later I returned but they were gone, my father had packed up everything and fled with my little brother. I was able to track them down but now Brandy had taken the beatings. I wanted to get him out of there but I couldn't."

   "I promised when I got on my feet and was able to care for both of us I would return for him. Before my mother died she gave me Royal for when I started shifting, she had asthma attacks and seizures when she first shifted as well. It happens to every female werecat when they shift into their werecat for the first few years. But I had to hide him away when my father found royal wandering around the house. When they fled, they left Royal behind and when I went back to get them both, only Royal was there."

They both stared wide eyed as I talked about my crappy life. "I can't let Brandy go back there if my father finds out Brandy was with me, he'll kill him. He's all the family I have left I can't lose him." I broke into sobs. Warm arms pull me into a embrace, followed by those sparks I love so much.

I buried my face in my mates chest enjoying the way my body reacted to his. "Star we'll help you make Brandy as comfortable as possible. We'll protect you both mate I promise." As soon as he said that I pulled his face down for a heart stopping kiss.

He reacted immediately his arms tightening around my waist. I pulled away remembering Aiden who stared at me with a small smile. I pulled him in a hug to clutching tightly on to him. A low growl made me pull away from Aiden and back into Xavier's arms.

"Thank you both I can't see myself without you guys." I wiped my eyes putting on a brave face. With my heightened senses I felt Brandy stirring in his sleep.

"Aiden..." he looked at me almost as if he knew what I was going to ask. "Will you stay with Brandy while I go get some things for him. Please I trust you with him." He smiled nodding his head.

  "Thank you Aiden I'm entrusting my little brother into your hands. If you need anything call me." He chuckles with a wide smile, showing his pearly white teeth.

  "I got it Star, we'll be fine." Sighing I hug Aiden and hand him my keys. He looks at them as if he was just entrusted with the key to the city.

   "Woah your keys to your baby, this is a great honor ma'am. I'll take good care of her." His eyes wide. Xavier and I couldn't help the laugh that came out. Aiden is so childlike it's hilarious.

   "Oh Aiden, my poor beta." Xavier laughs slapping his best friends back. Squeezing Aiden's cheek I grab my wallet and bid Aiden goodbye.

  "Bring me back some starburst!" He yelled as the door was closing. I yelled out a response as we got in Xavier's car. Yes Aiden wake him up and the entire planet why don't you!

   "My princess were finally alone." He smirks pulling out the driveway. His hands finding my mine, clutching his hand tightly as he drove to Walmart. I brought his hands to my lips kissing the back and up his arms. His grip on the wheel tighten, his eyes turning dark. I brush my thumb over the spot where my tiger would claim him.

   He shivered. He growled pulling over to the side of the road snatching me out of my seat. Xavier positioned me on his lap where there was a slight bulge in his pants.

   "Mate don't tease me." He growl smashing his lips to mine. His tongue plunging into my mouth. Arching my back a low moan erupted from my throat. My hips slowly moving with his.

   "Aw fuck." Xavier cussed, the bulge in his jeans growing. My hands find themselves to the bulge, his eyes turn completely black. All senses of the human gone and his wolf in full control.

    "Can I have Xavier back please?" His wolf growled, reluctantly giving Xavier back control. I bury myself in his lap with my head on his chest.

   "Mate let's finish this when we get back to my house." My lip jutted out in a pout, he smirked pecking my lips.

  "Princess pouting those lips of yours won't work." He pulled back on the road, he winks at me to which I childishly stuck my tongue at you. We'll see about that dear alpha of mine.

   "Oh we're here! We're here! Come on let's go!" I was already half across the parking lot by the time he had got out of the car. I'm kind of a shopaholic if you haven't noticed.

   "Princess wait up." He used his wolf speed running to me and scooping me up. I laughed as we sped throughout the whole store in a blur. We stopped by the arts and craft section to get paint for Brandy to paint his room and a new comforter for him.  Next we went to the mall to get him a few things to wear. We kind of had to guess his size but with Xavier being here, it was easier to shop.

   "Xavier no!" He was tickling me because I told him I don't watch football. "Baby s-stop."

   He grinned at me. All could be heard was the sound of my laughter and Brandy and Aiden upstairs moving his room around.

  I push Xavier off so I could breathe. "Can't breathe." I dramatically faint in his arms, he immediately gets worried. Xavier starts checking to see if I'm alright.

  I giggle nuzzling my head into his lap. "I'm okay love, I'm okay." I look into his eyes giving him a reassuring smile. He returns it with a smile of his own.

   I nuzzle closer snuggling into his embrace as my eyes threaten to close for the night. "Goodnight my princess."


two updates in one day. Yay me anyways enjoy 😉

Original date: March 18, 2018

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