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    "So let's tell him so he can help us B."

He shook his head his eyes darting to him then back to me. Growling in frustration, I storm into the lunchroom with a play to tell Xavier. As soon as I spotted Xavier my whole attitude changed, his eyes landed on me and he grinned.

   "Star!" Hands grabbed me roughly. I was met with the cold eyes of my brother. The angry look in his eyes making a shiver run down my spine. His muscles tightened as his jaw clenched. "I said don't do it."

  My face hardened. Who did he think was ordering me like that. "Watch how you talk to me pup." My eyes darken as a I watch him cringe, his hard exterior depleting.  "You dare disrespect me." My tiger reeking of power, not liking the way he spoke to us.

    I stared him down until he bowed his head in submission baring his neck to me.   "No disrespect Starlet, my apologies." Nodding I grabbed his arm bringing him to the table where my mate was.

   "Is everything okay?" Xavier asked, referring to the little showdown Brandy and I just got in. My hard gaze set on Brandy, daring him to say something. He simply lowered his gaze.

   He nods. "We're fine." Not saying a word to anyone I start to eat my lunch only talking when someone ask me a question. My mood now sour, I get up emptying my tray.

   "We need to talk after school." I whisper in Xavier ear kissing his cheek. His eyebrows furrow in the sexy way it does before he nods. He gets up to walk me to class.

   "What's going on mate?" Stopping I throw myself In his arms hugging him tightly. He doesn't ask questions but  only wrap his arms around me holding me close to his body. Tears began to pool in my eyes at the thought of my kid brother getting hurt.

    I pulled away sniffling. Xavier notices wiping my eyes with the pads of this thumbs. He smiles softly at me pulling me in his arms. "Mate tell me what's making such a beautiful girl cry." Giggling through my tears, I kiss my mate.

   The taste of my mate invading my senses instantly making me feel better. Smiling I pulled away. "It's B-Brandy.. he's in t-trouble." Hiccupping through words, I struggled to talk as my tears dried up.

   Xavier's expression turned serious. "What is it mate? what kind of trouble?" Taking a deep breath I prepared to tell him the situation Brandy has gotten himself into.

     "B-Brandy killed him. He killed our father when he shifted for the first time. His wolf couldn't stand the beatings so he lashed out and lost control mauling him." Pausing I closed my eyes trying not to relive those horrible memories. "My father had very powerful friends. Hunters to be exact, my father was only half werewolf so he can't shift into a wolf. He's always been jealous of my mom and I because we were able to shift into tigers but couldn't so he took his jealousy out on us. He would beat us until our tigers where exhausted and couldn't heal us. That is why she didn't want him to find out what I was. When my mom died, I fled attacking him but now he's dead after attacking Brandy. His friends will come for him...I promise I would always protect him he's all I have left."

    By now fresh tears were ready to sprout. Xavier gathered me in his arms telling me it will all be alright. "Don't worry mate I'll take care of it. Don't you worry about it at all." Nodding feeling much better I thanked the goddess for my mate.

Leaning up I placed a light kiss on his lips smiling at him. A wide grin spread on his face. Capturing my lips with his in a searing kiss I savored the taste of my mate before pulling away. I'm so lucky to have such a mate like my Xavier.


"So Brandy where was the last place you saw him?" Soothingly rubbing my brothers back as I encouraged him to tell my mate. He took a deep breath preparing to telling him everything he needed to know.

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