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Star spoke in hushed whispers in her phone. Her tiny fist clutching at her sides. The whole table watched as her eyes began to change between violet and gold.

But the strange part was when our lunches started floating. Star told me she has the power of telekinesis. Which is beyond cool, every tiger shifter gets a special power and since she is the only one left a lot of people would kill for her power. I will protect her though, she is safest with me in my territory. 

Aiden tried to get closer to her to calm her down but it was like an invisible force pushed him back. Breathing deeply I inched closer to her as she heatedly spoke to the person on the other end of the phone, carefully I wrapped my arms around her.  

"My love what's got you so angry?" She took deep breaths before wrapping her arms around me. Her breathing steady as all our lunches not so softly dropped on the table. This catches the attention of everyone in the cafeteria. Then increases quickly and murmurs circulate.

"I don't want to talk about it." She mumbled. Respecting her wishes I nodded keeping her close as we ate our lunch. Be patient she will tell you when she is ready. Still, I cannot resist the urge to ask her what is bothering her.

"Um...Xavier I have an sort of old relative coming to visit me is it okay if you come with me to greet them?" Star nervously asked me, her brows pulled together in a cute frown. Is this what has been troubling her? She has been distant for weeks now, being away from my mate becomes painful even more so now that our bond has strengthened. 

We have become emotionally and mentally attached and every bit of pain she feels, I feel and I know this is not the bond's doing. It pleased me that my mate wanted me here for this personal experience. "Well of course princess anything for you." She grinned at me eating her lunch.

After school

  "Star I've missed you!" A blonde haired boy around our age pulled Star in a hug. She hugged him back equally as tight. She pulled away eyeing his body up and down as if searching for something. 

   "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" The strange boy shook his head with a uncertain smile. They embraced each other for what felt like an eternity for me. I gave the all clear for him to come onto my territory but that did not make me any less protective of my people. 

I did not know this boy but he smelled of wolf. Much like Star, his scent was off. His aura was very powerful almost making me bow to him. How? A question that will have to wait until later. I coughed uncomfortably pulling them away from their family moment.

   "Brandy this is my mate Xavier." Brandy sizes me up and down before crossing his arms over his chest, stepping in front star protectively.

   "Alpha Xavier." Star tensed noticing the tension. I took the same stance at him ready to defend Star if I have to. I stare at him emotionless as I pull Star behind me.

   "Brandy." Star grips my shirt, her tiny hands massaging my tense muscles. "Baby it's ok he's not going to hurt me." Her soft voice soothes.

   She stands on her tippy toes to reach my ear. "Please play nice he's been through a lot." She whispers. I look down at her and my body relaxes at her puppy eyes. I will play nice for now but I will question him later. Something is not right here and it is time I get my answers.

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