Not now

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  "What!" Growling both Xavier and I pounced up, me weakly wobbling due me recently being marked. Xavier's arms wound around my waist protectively. I almost whimper at the intense heat that spreads through my body.

He gave me a look which I returned with my own. "Don't even think about telling me to stay and hide." He shook his head in deep thought. You can try but...NOT HAPPENING. A Luna must stand with her pack no matter how much she hurts.

   "I'm not you are equal to me in every way you have as much right to check it out as I do, but are you sure you're okay to go out there. It may end up in a fight."

I frowned not expecting him to respond that way. Needing to know what's the real reason they're here I nodded. "Yes I'm okay." He nods and we all shift taking our clothes in our mouth and leaving to the border with our best warriors.

  We all sprint to the border to find roughly ten hunters with guns and Spears hanging off their backs. They are dressed in black tactical gear with a mixture of modern and ancient weapons.

   "Ah if it isn't the alpha." One tauntingly stepped up. He looked to be the leader of the ten, his eyes held amusement as he stared at us all. His dark hair turning a grey with the most soulless eyes I've ever seen. He was built I give him that but he was nothing compare to my Xavier. The hunters stared us down with blank stares but this did not sway me. I have seen worse things than these wannabe GI Joes.

  "Ahh there she is the famous white tiger we've been searching for. So tell me how's your brother?" He taunts with a smirk. The look in his eye hinted at something. The ground quakes from the loud growl that comes from my core when he mentions my brother. How dare he!

  My eyes widen before I sprinted back in the direction of the pack house. I heard the thud of paws, glancing back I saw two warriors come to my side. " I will take care of the hunters just find Brandy." My mates voice rang in my head.

    Not taking another thought about it I bust through the door shifting not caring that I was naked. A warrior threw a t-shirt at me which I gratefully put it on. "Find Brandy now!"

  They all scurried off to find my brother. Searching every single room in the pack house I came across one room that smelled awful. As if a rogue died in here. My curiosity peaked and I walked in covering my nose. As soon as I did I collapsed as a scream burst from my lips. My weakness.

  "Nooo!" My kid brother lay collapsed on the ground in a pile of his own blood. His pulse barely there as his chest failed to rise. On his bleeding face was a note. Reading it quickly my blood boiled.

   "Young shifter surrender yourself or more will get hurt. You have two days to release yourself to our custody or there will be war. Blood will be shed and it'll be on you. You wouldn't want death on your pretty little conscious now would you? Then be a good little kitty and find your way to us.

Light burns under my veins and a heat burns my fingertips. Roaring a ground shaking sound that echoes through the deathly quiet forest. As if one, cue warriors enter taking in the state of Brandy and quickly rushing to his aid. "Take him to the pack doctor now." My voice wasn't the soft, caring voice anymore.

   No it was the voice of the demon they awoke--the demon that frightens even me. They hurt my brother and now they are going to pay. After making sure Brandy was safe in the hospital I sprinted to the border where my heart shattered. 

    There was blood. Everywhere.

Hunters and wolves fought but the hunters were losing dramatically. My eyes zeroed in on Xavier. The leader was just about to jab a knife in my mates neck when a sudden burst of energy hit me.

   The next thing I know I have the hunters neck in my hands and a powerful roar ripped through me causing everyone to stop the fighting and bow...even Xavier. The power radiating through my body makes the light in my veins glow brighter and the heat becomes an electrifying bolt. 

     "All hunters sit down and shut up!" I roared. The wolves whimpered as my voice rang so powerful their wolves had no choice but to obey. Selensia.

  The hunter quivered in my grip. "Who sent you here?" I questioned calmly.

  He look crazed as he laughed spitting on the ground. I lifted his body up to show I could easily end his life. "Your pathetic you won't kill me kitten." Growling as did Xavier I tightened my grip. His filthy claws drip onto my extended claws and my blood lust increases. Just a taste won't hurt. Much.

   "Who is trying to kill my brother? Tell me now!" He spat in my face laughing crazily. I extend my fangs and bring his neck closer to my mouth when I suddenly pull back at the horrible smell of his blood. He's a drunk bastard. 

  Calmly wiping the saliva off I stared him down. "Go to hell." He said with a grin that showed he was to smug.

     "Wrong answer." Within a blink of an eye I snapped his neck. All the hunters stared wide eyed now scared for their lives and appalled at how easily I killed their leader.

       I turn to face the pack and I knew my eyes were gold from the gasp they all made. "Warriors gather them and take them to cells until I'm ready to get my answers." No one questioned me only doing as I said and hurriedly dragging the weak hunters to the cells.

  A warm hand wound around my waist calming my bloodthirsty tiger. Staring into the eyes of my mate I could feel my powers diminishing. Collapsing with a sudden burst of exhaustion, I land in the arms of of my mate and welcome the feeling he gives me.


"What she did was incredible she saved your life Xavier. The only question is why were her eyes glowing like that. She made us all bow like- Do you think she's..." a familiar voice spoke.

   "No." A stern voice spoke. "Quiet she's waking up we will speak of this later until then mention it to no one not even her." 

  Groaning I groggily sat up, my body physically exhausted while my brain felt like it was going to explode. Xavier and Aiden crowded our me with worry clear in their faces. "Thank the goddess your okay." Xavier gently squeezed me in a hug.

I sighed contently in the warmth of my mates arms. "Water." I croaked. My voice hoarse and raspy, I mentally cringed. Aiden rushed to me handing me a glass of water.

   Taking a sip I hand it back to him with a thank you. Suddenly it's as if a switch went off in my brain. "Brandy!"

   Taking off like a bolt, I ignore the pain that courses through my body and sprinted to my brothers hospital room while bursting through the door. What I saw made my heart crash down in a million pieces.



Original date: May 24, 2018

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