The date

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The chapters are going to be in Xavier's POV for a while. Enjoy!

It's time. Should I pick her up now or should I be fashionably late? My wolf was getting antsy just being away from her. Separation anxiety has never been an issue for me but it is very common among werewolves and shifters. The Moon goddess creates a bond so strong, it is nearly impossible to reject each other and must be treated like equals. She created it this way because the first werewolves, her birth children, attempted to rule their own mates. But that is a story for another time.

'Go to Mate!"

Deciding to just listen to my wolf for once I hop in my car. 'You got it.'

My wolf let out a surprising gasp. 'You actually listened to me for once, mate is changing you.' He joked. I rolled my eyes blocking him out. "Good luck on your date sweetie, don't use protection I want grandkids!" Mom shouted which in pretty sure the whole pack heard.

"Mom you are impossible!" I shout back. That woman I tell you, sometimes I think her head isn't screwed on right. Silence greeted me after that. Quickly walking to my BMW I start the drive to star.

My heart thumped erratically in my chest. Why am I so nervous? I've never been nervous about a girl before. The thought of screwing this up seemed to haunt me, a chill ran down my body at all the possibilities of this date going wrong.

'Star isn't just a girl. She's our mate dumbass."

'I thought I blocked you!" He growled at me retreating in the corner of my mind.

Nervously knocking on the door star answered looking and smelling amazing. Star was wearing a white dress that faded into pink and a jean jacket with white converse. She had a star necklace around her neck. Her hair was in beautiful black curls. She looked amazing.

   My breathing hitched as I took in her scent

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   My breathing hitched as I took in her scent. It was amazing. "Hi." She shyly whispered.

    I grinned at her taking her into my arms. "Hello my love." She sighed burying her face in my chest, her tiny arms wrapping around my waist. I buried my face in her neck inhaling her intoxicating scent. Hopefully she didn't think I was weird but I needed this. "Star." My voice was strained as I fought the urge to mark her.

  She pulled away with a grin. "Xavier..." She entwined our hands pulling me towards the car. "Where are we going?"

  I smirked at her opening the passenger door for her. "Nice try star but I'm not telling you."

  She pouted jutting out her lips. Her really kissable lips. This time unable to restrain myself I grabbed her head smashing my lips to hers. The kiss rough with lust and greed. She whimpered when I kissed down her neck leaving a known mark. I pulled away looking into her lust clouded eyes. Her face registered shock and hesitation. She gasp gently touching my face sending sparks in the path.

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