Luna Ceremony

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"What the hell! Did I give you permission to marry her?"

"Brandy your awake!" I practically sprinted into his arms nearly knocking him off balance. The gauze wrapped tightly around his waist. Squeezing him tightly I sob into his chest allowing my tears to soak us both. Happiness bubbles in my chest at the realization that my family is almost complete. Royal.

"I miss you brother please don't ever scare me like that again." My grip on his waist tighten as I suddenly feel light on my feet. Sighing in content I don't release my hold on him.

"I miss you too...but do you mind setting us on our feet?" Sniffling I lift my head off his chest then look down. Sure enough we were floating a few feet off the ground. Oops. 

"I'm sorry when I get emotional my powers kind of take over." I say with a slight blush on my cheeks. Slowly lowering us to the ground, I allow my mate to pull me into his chest, basking in my scent.

His racing heart calms as he sighs happily. "You scared me my love." I snuggle into his chest when I'm roughly yanked away. What is this--tug of war? Brandy holds me tucked in his side glaring at Xavier.

"Did I say you can marry my sister?"

I find the cold angry look on his face rather adorable. Unable to hold it a giggle escapes. He looks down at me with a teasing grin. "I apologize for not asking her little brother for her hand in marriage. To be fair you were in a coma.." Brandy's jaw clench and I know he hit a nerve.

Gripping Brandy's arm I shake my head at him. "B...please I really love him." Tears blur my eyes but I refuse to let them fall. He sighs nodding his hand. He extended his hand towards Xavier.

A smile made its way onto my face and awaited  Xavier's reaction. He looks at me then back to his hand and finally join hands with Brandy.

"Take care of my sister...or else." With that being said Brandy stalked off in the direction of the pack house. Xavier scoffed but smiled as I was once again in his arms. If only Xavier knew how dangerous Brandy really is when he is angry. 

We headed into his office where a certain someone was waiting for him. "Alpha? Luna? May I have a word with you?"

Xavier sits in his desk chair and I sit on him. Leaning into his chest I usher for Warren to go on. "Yes warren what is it." The hum of Xavier's deep voice rumbles my body with delight.

"I have found my mate."

"That's great Warren I am very happy for you." I grin happily. The Luna in me shines with pride. He should be happy but he sports a frown. The lingering curiosity of how he found her remained a question as I stayed silent. Deep down, I trust him and I trust that he found her the responsible way. 

"Thank you Luna but..." he stops but he seems to be in deep thought. Warren may have done some unforgettable things but he is still apart of the pack and I will be the Luna. I worriedly get off Xavier's lap and usher Warren to the couch while rubbing his back soothingly.

"It's okay you can tell me."

"She's not apart of this pack, she's a beta in the Fire pack which means I have to leave this pack." Confused I look to Xavier who seems to know what I am wondering.

"She is higher rank than him so he has to join her pack if the alpha allows."

Nodding I look to a conflicted Warren. "Is that what you want Warren because I'm sure Xavier wouldn't mind talking to the alpha...right Xavier." I give him a pointed look and almost smile I'm satisfaction as a terrified look crosses his face.

Spare me alpha [COMPLETED][REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now