Secrets out

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I awoke engulfed in warmth. My mates to be specific, his bare chest arousing my tiger and I. His beautiful pink lips just calling out to me. Blushing at the dirty thoughts that race through my mind, I wiggle out of his tight hold. Pressing a soft kiss to his lips. I stood up stretched and soon realized it was still dark.

  Checking my phone it said 2 am. Geez why am I awake?!

  I crept out of my room and downstairs noticing Aiden sleeping  on my couch. Sighing I pulled a blanket over my friend and kissed his forehead.

  In the kitchen I find Royal passed out with a empty bag of dog treats next to him. Giggling quietly at my puppy I pick him up and fixed me a late night snack. Which was really me stuffing my face with chocolate chip cookies and chugging some milk.

   I put my empty glass in the sink and head back upstairs with Royal putting him in his dog bed. I snuggle back up to my half awake mate. "Star?"

  "Yes baby?"

    He opens his eyes sleeping looking at me through his long lashes. "Where did you go?" I giggled letting out a little burp.

   "I got hungry." He chuckled snuggling his head in my neck. "Figures."

   Soon his soft snores can be heard as I drifted off to sleep.


I woke up and cuddled into the warmth of my mate. His warm body encircling my tiny frame in warmth. His long lashes brushing against his soft skin. His light breathing tickling my skin. The fire that laid on my body from his touch was enough to send me into internal happiness. My tiger chuffs at the contact.

He snuggled me more into his bare chest making me purr aloud. My cat instincts nuzzling him more. I cannot resist the urge to mewl lowly. This had him waking up.

His eyes meeting my own instantly, the look in his eyes melting instantly. "Morning baby." I say kissing his nose. I was feeling rather brave today. 'It's time.'  Sunny has been quiet for days, I began to worry about her but she does this all the time. When she goes quiet it's because she is preparing for something big, in this case. It must be time to reveal us. 

The day is getting closer, only weeks left before I must complete my mission. He will be with me if it is the last thing thing I do. If I have to flip the world upside down then so be it.

His smile brightens me up automatically. "Morning beautiful. What are we doing today?"

"Well I  was going grocery shopping. If you guys want to come?"

He smiled softly nodding his head eagerly. "Of course my love." I attempt to sit up but he pulls me back into his arms.

"Baby I have to make my boys breakfast." He pouts, his pink lips Jutting out. Unable to help myself I capture his lips in mine for a heated kiss. Sucking on his bottom lip. He's obviously taken by surprise at my sudden boldness. I pull away with a smirk. "Get up baby and take a shower I think I have some of your clothes here."

I get up and go to my dresser pulling out one of his t-shirts and basketball shorts he lent me. I tossed it to a flushed Xavier giggling as he covered his man parts.

I kiss my mates cheek lingering for a few seconds then skipping down stairs. Aiden was sitting on my couch watching sponge bob with a blanket wrapped around his bare chest. I licked my lips, my thoughts suddenly going to food. Bacon. That's what I'm going to make.


His head shoots up, his cheeks flushing as he scratched his neck nervously. He maintains eye contact with me as I motion him towards the kitchen. "Help with breakfast, yeah?" He nods with a small smile and follows me into the kitchen.

   Ten minutes later, we've made a total of 8 pancakes. Three for the boys and two for me since they have big appetites. Aiden is busy making the scrambled eggs which he is doing unsuccessfully. A light giggle escaping. I slap his hand when he tries to steal the uncooked bacon I was about to cook. 

"Aiden it's raw that's gross!"

"I like it raw." He winks with a teasing smirk.

"Ugh I did not need to know that." I make a pretend gagging sound at him. We each take a pan to cook the bacon.

"Don't tigers eat raw meat." Aiden ask. He jumps back with a girly shriek when the grease pops at him. What a baby! Why do people assume werecats eat raw meat. 

"Actually that's a misconception, only rogue werecats eat raw meat and that's only if they are savage. I'm sure you are aware of what savages shifters are." Aiden looks confused and this confuses me as well. Do rogue wolves not go savage? Well, savages have no sense of who they are. Once go are rogue for a extended period of time, they turn full animal and forget their are a shifter. They rely solely on their prey." 

Aiden looks surprised but a grin spreads on his face. "Wow. I didn't know that. Thank you for teaching me something new Luna, and I'm also sorry for assuming." His cheeks heat up in what I can guess is embarrassment.

"That's okay Aiden. You didn't know." We turn our attention back to making breakfast.

  Quickly cooking the bacon and making light conversation makes the time pass by faster. Laughing at Aiden who made walrus tusks from the bacon and making sounds like a seal.

    Arms snaked around my waist bringing me into a warm chest. Xavier's fresh scent wafting through my nose emitting a low growl from my throat. Aiden's eyes widened and he slapped a hand on my mouth.

  Xavier looked at him with a quirked eyebrow. Aiden removed his hand and we both gave him a uneasy smile. I silently gave Aiden a I'm going to tell him today look.

   He smirks grabbing the plate of bacon and pancakes and heading to the dining room.

  I looked down suddenly feeling nervous, biting my lip is a bad habit of mine. "That habit of yours is going to get you in trouble one day." Xavier whispered in my ear, his husky voice sending chills down my spine.

   Moaning softly as his teeth grazed my earlobe. "X-Xavier...Aiden is in the-" a loud roar escapes his mouth as he pulls me farther into his chest.

  I jumped back with wide eyes. "Mine!" He roars. I fake a whimper, pretending that he's hurting me. His arms around me loosen, he kisses my forehead resting his chin on my head. Taking a deep breath I decide to just blurt it out.

"Xavier I'm a tiger shifter!"


Ok did some major rewriting in this chapter but I did leave majority of the chapter the way it was before. Enjoy

Original Date: Feb 18, 2018

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