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"You son of a bitc-" I heard followed followed by the sounds of am angry wolf's growls. Swiftly I ran towards the sound only to be shocked at what I saw. My blood boil at seeing my pack members fighting. Fighting is not tolerated, they will all be severely punished. 

Eric was on top of Warren repeatedly punching him in the face. His eyes the brightest red ever seen, his fist covered in blood and bruises. No doubt his wolf was at surface. Darla was no better there was blood was on her clothes, it smelled like warrens blood.

"What the hell is going on!" Grabbing Eric I attempted to pull him off but this boy was strong. Dad ran in seeing the commotion and helped me pull Eric away from my third in command.

I held back a struggling Eric and dad kept an angry Darla at bay. "Now someone tell me what is going on before you all go in the cells!" I demanded. These two disrespected their superior and I would like to know why.

"You bastard I can't believe you would do that to her!" Eric snarled launching for Warren again but I held him back tighter. Warren looked horrible. He had cuts and bruises all over his body. He looked like a busted pimple.

"I didn't mean to, I had no control. I would never hurt my Luna!" Warren shouted right back. At the mention of Luna my head snapped to his.

"Luna? What did you do Warren?" He stayed silent with his head down. His eyes getting teary as I took threatening steps towards him. A growl rumbles from my chest, rage bubbles and my claws come out full force.

"I-I'm sorry wasn't my fault. H-her uniform it was just so..." he stuttered unable to finish before I grabbed him by his throat slamming him to the wall. My claws dig into his throat causing blood to pool into my claws from the punctured holes. 

"Warren goddamit! What did you do to Star!" He let out a gurgling sound, blood falling from his lips. I roar throwing him through the window. Taking a shard of glass, I hold it to this throat as the rage takes over me. How dare he hurt my mate!

I turn to Darla hoping for some answers. Her black eyes filled with rage as she looked at him. "He almost raped her! He almost raped my best friend!" At this revelation my whole expression changes.  My vision clouds and soon I am no longer in control. I watch as my wolf goes ballistic, swinging wildly at this pathetic bastard. 

It took ten of my men to get me off Warren. "You bastard that's my mate! I'm going to fucking kill you."

I stopped fighting so they can release their restraints on me. "Is my mate okay? Darla where is she? Please!" I all but begged, the thought of my mate being alone after that happened worries me. How could she not call me..

"She's okay Aiden saved her just in time, he took her home. She really needs you alpha, she's pretty shaken up." Darla said bowing her head at me. I smiled sincerely racing out the door shifting into my wolf mid-step.

My black and grey fur being coated by the mud being kicked up by my paws. My legs throbbed from the long run to my mates house but the thought of my mate crying and hurt only spikes up my speed. Once outside her home, I shift back and grab a set of clothes that is stowed away in the trees, for times like these. 

I bust through my mates door to see it already open. I growl sniffing for her but there is no sign of her. There is Aiden and Star's scent, it's faint telling me that they just left. As alpha it would be an easy track but before I can shift back, I hear a noise downstairs. I slowly creep down careful not to make the stairs squeak. I perk my head over the banister almost gasping at the sight of my mate in my hoodie and a pair of shorts and Aiden only wearing shorts.

"I just miss him so much Aiden." My Star was crying. I suppressed the urge to go to her and comfort her. Aiden sighed wrapping his arms in a brotherly way around my way. The growl threatening to leave my lips.

"Star why don't you just tell him that you and Xavier can be together."

"I can't I've spent my whole life trying to keep this secret, I've been abused by him just to get my secret out. But maybe your right, I love him and  he deserves to know."

"Thank you Aiden. If you hadn't been there..." she trailed sniffing the area like...a wolf?

Aiden eyed my mate touching her thigh to get her attention. HER BARE THIGH! That bastard, this time unable to hold back my growl, I showed my hiding spot. A loud roar ripping through my chest. I stepped in front of Star protectively. Aiden stepped back bowing his head to me. "Xavier, Star was attacked and I was just helping her."

Instead of hurting him for touching her I pulled him in a hug. "Thank you Aiden I really owe you one. Darla told me what happened, I am just relieved that you was there.

My wolf wept for our mate who went through so much today. I'm such a jerk, I wasn't there protect her. What kind of Alpha am I? 

'You are a great alpha! You were taking care of pack business, she is not marked so there is no way we could've known. Don't beat yourself up over this Xay." My wolf-Dom-says. 

Resisting the urge to growl I crouched beside my mate. Aiden's sleepy eyes opened, bowing his head at me. His hold on her releases as I cradled my mate in my arms. Her eyes are fluttering sleepily, once in the safety of my arms she falls asleep. 

"Aiden." His eyes opened once more, waiting for further instructions. "Thank you. I wish for you to stay with her as much as possible. I can trust you around her."

He nods offering a smile. "Yes alpha. I see the Luna as a sister and nothing more."

I nod carrying my mate upstairs. Her tiny frame being easy to carry. I carefully put her in bed taking off the hoodie and placing my shirt over her turning away as I do. She's asleep I would never take advantage of her while she's at her weakest.

My shirt going a little past her butt. My eyes darkened instantly. Don't look Xavier, don't look.

Able to calm my arousal I climb into bed with her making sure to leave some space between us. Almost instantly her little body curled into mine. Her arms wrapping around my waist. Sighing in content at my mate I thought about how should I kill Warren.

Stomp his skull in with paws or rip his spine out of his back. Deciding to throw it out of my head until tomorrow I fall asleep to the sound of my mates soft snores.


original date: Feb 11, 2018

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