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"Xavier." Poke

"Xavier." Poke


Grabbing her finger my eyes opened, a smile instantly coming to my face. Star smiled a dazzling smile at me sending chills down my spine, the good kind. "Morning beautiful." Hey eyes shined brightly as she grins as me, seemingly in a better mood than yesterday. 

   "Morning. How did I get in your bed?" She sat up and looked around my room and stared in awe. Her eyes landed on my many game systems where they lit up with excitement. I chuckled when she started to bounce giddily. It didn't seem to register in her head that she was in a strange guys bed that she had only known a week. Instead she was more focused on the video games as she runs to the game cupboard and looks at all the games.

I watch her ogle the games with a grin on my face as she is mumbling to herself. I slide of the bed and put a hand on her shoulder, she jumps and within a second I am pinned on my stomach with my arm one second away from being ripped out of its socket. How is she so strong and why does this hurt so bad? I groan in pain and wince at the predicament I am in. 

I have hurt my mate enough yesterday and I can't bare to do it again. She lets out a guttural sound that almost seems like a growl but it couldn't be. Could it? Just as I think I'm minced meat, a knock sounds on my door then it opens. 

My parents enter the room with disbelief on their face. Then mom breaks into a fit of giggles. I groan, "Help please." Star releases me as she stand with her arms crossed. I stand up and flex my shoulders while squaring my shoulders. I glare at her, she returns that with a sneer of her own. Her little nose wrinkling as the anger on her face becomes well known. 

I don't know how long we had our little stare down but a cough breaks it as I look at my parents who are doing their best to hold in their laughter. "Never touch me again." Stomping my foot rather hard, she stomps out of the room. I growl at the stinging pain in my foot. Quickly she comes back in and opens my game cupboard and steals my call of duty game then runs out again.

"Hey that's my game!" 

"It's mine now." She calls out from outside the room. I huffed in annoyance then grab my aching foot in my cold hands to soothe the throbbing. When she is out of earshot, my mother burst into laughter. 

"She is a character, I love her already." Of course you would, you evil woman. You both are demons in disguise. Dad pats me on the back while he wishes me good luck with my feisty human. 

    "Son she'll make a great Luna, unlike that dam Angela who keeps claiming she's the Luna. I'll show her a Luna." Mom snaps bawling her fist. Chuckling at Mom, I follow my mate's trail down the stairs into the kitchen. She seemed to be confused. 

Once she sees me she gives me an embarrassed smile. "I don't know how to get out of here..." Now it is my turn to smirk as I crossed my arms. Her eyes fail to meet mine even as she takes a seat at the kitchen island.

"Hi since this oaf here failed to introduce us, I will do it myself." Mom said with a pointed glare directed at me. "I'm Alisa and this is my husband Aren. We are this oaf's parents." Star's eyes widen suddenly as she shyly shakes my moms hand with a blush her chubby little cheeks. My heart leaps as I watch my mate turn into this cute mush.

"Star is it?" Mom attempted shrugging at her uneasily. "How about some breakfast?"

Star nodded suddenly excited. She sits back down at the island as we watched my mom and dad make a quick breakfast. I turned to my mate who watched my parents moving in perfect sync with fascination. She clutched the game to her chest as if it would grow legs and walk away. Nah I'll let her keep it.

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