Hate mondays

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It's Monday again. The only reason I'm excited to go to school is to see Star. I hadn't had a chance to see her Sunday, don't get me wrong we texted the whole day but it wasn't the same. It was a pain to be away from her for even a second, the constant pressure on my chest made me weep in private. 

Today would be the first day that guards would be posted around her house. I would have two surrounding her house and they would rotate their shifts every four hours where they would get free time. I made it clear that they were to keep their distance and watch from afar. If they are to be seen they will be severely punished. 

Waking up early before everyone, I headed directly to my office. The pack chefs were cooking breakfast for the pack. It smelled delicious like omelets. Knowing the pack cooks, they stuffed the omelets with lots of meat.

"Morning alpha Matthews." Greeted the head chef. I smiled warmly at them stealing a piece of bacon. I'm not always an ass, only when I have to be. I do really enjoy the company of my pack.

   "Alpha! Shouldn't you be in your office and not stealing our bacon!" An older women scolded playfully. I grinned at her. I absolutely adore my pack and they love me just as much.

   They don't deserve to be mistreated so I would do anything to protect them. I may joke around with them but I can turn serious just as quick. I bid my pack goodbye and headed to my office. Inside I sat at my desk and finished working on the schedule for the guards.

     Warren, Alex -Monday 4-8

    Daniel, Johnny- Tuesday 4-8

  Warren, Alex will switch with Daniel and Johnny for the Tuesday and Monday shifts.

A knock sounded at my door pulling me from her schedule. "Alpha, I brought you breakfast."

  "Come in Elise."

The petite women came in shyly placing the plate of food on my desk. It was blueberry pancakes with a side of bacon and eggs and an strangely fat omelet. Yum.  "Thank you Elise, it smells delicious." I smile warmly at her and her face flushes.

  "Your welcome alpha." She rushes out with a flushed face. I chuckled taking a bite of this delicious bacon. I almost moaned at the taste. I finished eating breakfast quickly then finished the schedule.

    After I made copies of the sheet to give to the ten warriors who will guard her. I also posted one in the meeting room in case they lost their copy. Back in the dining room the pack was eating breakfast. I had put my empty plate in the sink and sat at the table waiting for them to finish. While I was waiting I got a text from Star. 

  A grin spread on my face. I texted her back still staring at my phone screen. Not even a minute later I got another text. It was a picture of her and Royal eating together. Is it possible to fall in love so fast. My heart beats a mile a minute when I think about her. Don't tell my pack though, they'd shamelessly tease me and happily accept their punishment. 

   Chuckling I sent a reply. What is this girl doing to me. She already has me wrapped around her little finger. It is as if the world around me has disappeared and it's only me and my Star.


  A text would come in and I'd reply immediately. Yes I'm definitely whipped.

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